Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 513 Looking for Qingni

Caiying didn't expect Wang Lu to ask this question at all, but she was also a wise person and quickly understood.

As far as they knew, the only owners of the seven tokens were Qingni and the shopkeeper.

In her opinion, the purpose of Wang Lu's question was obvious. Not only was she afraid of the shopkeeper, she was also afraid of the collaborator in front of her.

But now that Qingni appears, they have a choice. In addition, Qingni is the person they must kill, so the result is already obvious.

In addition, she attacked her weakest point at that time, so she knew that she had such a method of spiritual attack, but the shopkeeper had been shrouded in mist, and he was completely ignorant of his true strength and magical powers.

Taking all things into consideration, it is most appropriate to kill Qingni.

She also put forward her thoughts bluntly, and of course she would not talk about it to the shopkeeper.

Of course Wang Lu agreed.

After careful consideration, he did not tell Caiying about the yellow token. He just raised the question: "The secret realm is so big, where can I find Qingni?"

Unexpectedly, Caiying smiled and said: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, this little girl has no other skills, but she is very good at tracking people. Although Qianqi Gu was recovering at that time and the situation took a turn for the worse, I still captured this girl's... A ray of breath, you must have taken action, she can't even think about dying this time."

In order to be sure, the two started a series of detailed discussions on how to attack Qingni.

After burning a stick of incense, Caiying's mana was shaken, and she fired several spells. Her mana suddenly rose layer by layer, and she soon broke through to the realm of false babies. At this time, her eyes were filled with color and were brilliant.

However, her state instantly fell to the Golden Elixir Perfection.

It must be related to her Qianqi Gu. Wang Lu watched this scene silently.

"Her position is constantly changing and she is heading in a certain direction at high speed. Let's go."

Wang Lu nodded. To his surprise, Caiying's speed was very fast, approaching one hundred and eighty feet per breath, which surprised him a little.

You must know that under the restrictions of the Kujiang Secret Realm, he is only about 200 feet. If he completely breaks through, he can barely reach 300 feet, and he must always guard against the unknown weird aura in the rich spiritual energy.

This shouldn't be Caiying's real movement technique. Maybe if it's fully stimulated, it will be even faster.

Similarly, Caiying, who was leading the way, was also surprised that Wang Lu could keep up with her pace. She saw that her whole body was covered with a layer of faint black light, her eyes were clear, affectionate and calm, and most importantly, it was magical, and she didn't seem to use it much. The magic power followed him so casually and leisurely.

Is it possible that this person, who is a master of magic and martial arts, can be so fast and agile with his physical body alone?

"Hmph, I want to see how fast you are."

Caiying became eager to win.

There is a magical power of "jumping away" in the "Gu Jing". After it is mastered, it can be as fast as the wind and fleeting. Especially with the help of Qianqi Gu, even if it is greatly restricted by the secret realm formation, in the golden elixir stage It can also be said to be the top speed.

She secretly mentioned the magic power, and the person was already 220 feet away, and her speed suddenly increased a lot.


Wang Lu secretly laughed in his heart, and silently, strength filled his body, straight like a black arrow, shooting away with great force. This made Caiying's heart tremble, and she once again looked at him with admiration.

This is her fastest speed unless she uses her life Gu.

The royal road was so unfathomable that she extinguished her desire to win and slowed down to two hundred feet.

The two of them drove through mountains and rivers at high speed without talking to each other.

Caiying was always sensing the guidance from her natal Gu. Wang Lu seemed silent, but in fact he was anxious. The direction they were going was almost opposite to the direction indicated by the jade slip, going further and further away.

Wang Lu was worried that if the shopkeeper entered the Red Palace, then he would really have nothing to do with him, and he would also lose the Guantian Tower, which was so mysterious that it terrified him, and what he thought was a very powerful magical power.

He secretly shouted in his heart, could it be faster?

However, the most important reason that drove him to come here was the token in Qingni's hand. He strongly felt that he was bound to win it. This was an extremely important trump card against the shopkeeper.

It can be said that this idea came out of nowhere from the moment he saw Caiying, and it became more and more clear. Although he was not sure, he firmly believed it.

Under the leadership of Qian Qi Gu, the two of them moved forward almost in a straight line, and it took them half a day to catch up with Qing Ni.


Caiying made a "stop" gesture, and Wang Lu was caught off guard and almost bumped into her Xiulun's pink back, which made him feel strangely embarrassed.

They were far away from the Kujiang River and its tributaries, and came to a mountain shrouded in thick mountain fog.

The line of sight is less than fifty feet, the mountain is rich in aura, and the ancient trees are towering, hidden in the fog.

Being blown by the fierce mountain wind, those tall trees looked like monsters with teeth and claws in the hazy sky, letting out waves of silent roars, which was very penetrating.

"Qingni is in a dilapidated temple in front." Caiying said with a ruthless expression.

Wang Lu nodded.

Seeing this, Caiying immediately fired several spells towards Wang Lu, but he did not resist and allowed her to use them.

With less than two breaths left, he shook his body, and an almost invisible colorful dot stuck to his body. If you didn't look carefully, you would never see the slightest trace.

"I'm going."

Wang Lu watched Caiying blend into the thick fog very quickly and silently stood there. After a few breaths, he shouted softly and fled in another direction silently.

That colorful dot had a very great origin. It was a very magical little magical power in the "Gu Jing".

Through the colorful dot, as if possessing Caiying's body, he could clearly see her every move and everything she could see.

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