Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 521 Jiang Zhongjiang, Gong Zhonggong

"Hoo", "ho", "ho"...

The river wind howls and rolls in.

Wang Lu and Caiying were not separated by that mysterious force, but the picture in front of them was enough to surprise and shock them.

I see!

Kujiang showed its true face for the first time.

A vast and boundless river lay in front of the two of them, and in the distance there were countless densely packed black spots.

Wang Lu was shocked because he saw it was so similar to the ink painting of mountains and seas that the shopkeeper had hung on the wall for the first time sixty years ago. If that picture were expanded a million times, it would be exactly the same.

One of the black spots with faint colors is more than ten times larger than the others. The palace on the island is the real colorful palace.

The river is surging and rushing, seemingly endless, flowing in four directions: southeast, northwest and northwest.

The sky is blue, but there are countless rainbows visible to the naked eye inlaid on it, which makes people dazzled.

This made Wang Lu couldn't help but marvel at the majesty, magnificence and uncanny craftsmanship of creation.


On the other side of the river, the shopkeeper couldn't help but laugh wildly. He raised one hand, and the picture of sea and mountains suddenly became larger. The shopkeeper jumped lightly, and a black and white light like water enveloped him. Go away at high speed in an instant.

The destination is that unique black spot in the distance.

At the same time, Tan Dongyue and Duanmuqing also appeared on the riverside in the distance.


Seeing the appearance of the two people, something seemed to flash by. Wang Lu wondered in his heart, what's going on?

He couldn't think of a reason, and besides, the shopkeeper left early, and time was urgent, so he didn't think about it deeply.

The two of them looked at the shopkeeper who was like a dot in the distance. Duanmu Qing was very direct. He released a half-step Nascent Soul Flying Demonic Bird Puppet and jumped directly on it. Like an arrow drawn from a bow, it ran as fast as thunder. Go out and chase after the shopkeeper.


When Caiying was about to pursue her, Wang Lu calmly grabbed her and looked at Duanmu Qing who was about to disappear from sight from a distance.

Caiying was forcibly kept by Wang Lu for no apparent reason, but in the blink of an eye, a look of fear flashed through her eyes.



I saw a rainbow in the sky suddenly transformed into a huge colorful fist, slamming Duanmu Qing from the sky and falling into the Bitter River.

Duanmuqing fell into the river without even making a sound. There was no movement, and her life or death was unknown.

This scene happened so suddenly that Tan Dongyue, who was about to fly out, was completely stunned, confused and at a loss.

"No wonder!"

Wang Lu took a deep breath and muttered to himself: "It turns out that the shopkeeper carries a heavy treasure and can only fly off the ground with the protection of the Mountain and Sea Map. Otherwise, any flying object will be mercilessly blasted and shattered by the rainbow." , look, on the boundless river, where are the birds?”

Before she finished speaking, Caiying couldn't help but look towards the sky. Except for the vast blue sky and countless rainbows, she couldn't see any flying objects.

Perhaps, only the invisible river wind can fly freely and survive.

Could it be that the only way to reach those black spots and islands is by riding the waves?

Wang Lu and Caiying thought of going together, but Tan Dongyue had already made his choice.


He shouted forcefully, and a golden bell emitted a golden light that enveloped him. He spread out his body and took a step of nearly a hundred feet, like a reed crossing a river, and quickly escaped without touching the water.

After a few breaths, Tan Dongyue's figure became smaller and smaller. Only when he disappeared did the two of them look away.

"Okay, fairy, if you are willing, let's go to the real Colorful Palace together. If not, you can also feel it. There is no need for a token here. You can leave smoothly in five days. I guess, this A real bitter river is not as simple as it seems. Once you enter, you will definitely die unless you can reach those islands. Take a closer look, is there something strange about that strong man? "

Wang Lu said seriously.

"Yes, this person's movement skills are greatly restricted. No wonder, no matter how slow he is, he can't reach about a hundred feet." Caiying said with some fear.

"Indeed, have you noticed that on the twentieth breath he entered the river, he removed the defensive treasures surrounding his body? Do you know why?" Wang Lu asked as if he was pointing out the country.

"When was it removed? Why didn't you notice it?"

"Could it be?"

Caiying's face suddenly changed and she said.

An extremely terrifying thought suddenly appeared in her mind, and she couldn't help but sweat.

At the same time, she was also surprised by Wang Lu's sharp and precise observation like an hourglass, which made her even more embarrassed and deeply admired.

She was very grateful that she could form an alliance with him instead of becoming an enemy.

This person, regardless of strength, wisdom or composure, has reached an outrageous height.

It seems ordinary, but in fact it is unpredictable.

Wang Lu nodded, Cai Ying indeed had a delicate and ever-changing heart, and was extremely intelligent.

"You guessed it right. First, this person sensed and saw no danger. He removed his defenses. But, more importantly, for some reason, his body, movement and speed were all restricted. , he had to withdraw, because it would consume a small part of his mana, and he couldn't waste it. Even though the mana was relatively small, it must be saved. "

Wang Lu paused and said with a solemn expression: "From this point of view, it can be seen that this person's situation is so dangerous that he has to treat it with caution."

Wang Lu said calmly: "Going here is extremely dangerous. It is very likely that there will be no return, and there will be no life."

He looked deeply into Caiying's eyes and sighed: "Fairy, don't ask me why. Even if I die, I have to go. You just stay here. If I die unfortunately, the two of us will be fine." There is still one alive, right!”

After listening to Wang Lu's words, Caiying lowered her head and remained silent.

After thinking for a long time, she finally agreed to stay and told him to come back alive because there was still an unfinished agreement between the two.

However, what Wang Lu didn't expect was that Cai Ying's only request was that she could give her a hug.

Wang Lu surprisingly did not refuse or agree this time. He just stared at Cai Ying, as if he wanted to carve her into his eyes.


After a few breaths, he smiled casually: "We immortal cultivators can't be pretentious. Since we came here freely, why not go away in a fashionable way? Besides, the fairy must think that I will die in the bitter river."

Without giving Caiying any time to think or react, Wang Lu drifted away like a cloud.

I left as gently as I came, waving my sleeves and not taking away a single cloud.

Caiying watched Wang Lu leave like the wind, and couldn't hold back anymore, her tears fell down like beads...

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