Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 524 Blood Soul Fruit

Wang Lu looked at the boundless blue sky. The sky above the tens of thousands of islands seemed to be extremely repulsive to rainbows, or those rainbows were very afraid of this sky and dared not cross it.

The blue sky seemed to be the sea in Guanhai Tower's memory, spotless, so deep and blue.

Under his feet was a colorful beach piled up by countless colorful and nameless sand grains. Being in it made Wang Lu feel so unreal and dreamlike.

Looking at the colorful beach, could it be?

It should be!

Just like the reward he got when he broke out of Tianlin in Tianyun Secret Realm.

During the more than eight hours of deep sleep, it was this colorful beach that made him regain his vitality and steadily improve his strength.

However, such a reward only happened once.

What Wang Lu didn't know was why his physical strength was enhanced again. In fact, this had nothing to do with the colorful beach. This was entirely because he had fought for it under 2,560 times the pressure, and he would rather break than bend, and would rather die than surrender, surpassing his own limits. The colorful beach only played a role in warming and repairing.

The spiritual energy on the island was not particularly strong, but it was extremely pure. For some reason, after taking a breath, he felt comfortable all over, so comfortable. This wonderful feeling was too comfortable.

It's not that he didn't want to hunt down the shopkeeper, but the shopkeeper had disappeared.

The most important thing was that this "magic power that he longed for and expected in his heart" was around him. If he had to find and hunt down the shopkeeper as a second choice, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Moreover, he believed that waiting here was the best choice.

In more than two days, when the secret realm was closed, he might meet him again. If he met him, he would kill him at all costs.

If not, the shopkeeper will be left here forever, turning into a pile of yellow earth.

Because, in the center of the island, there is an extremely majestic and magnificent colorful palace standing proudly, like a huge ancient giant squatting and looking down on everything from ancient times to the present.

His eyes are cold and indifferent to the common people.

Wang Lu took a deep breath, summoned all his magic power and strength, and stomped heavily on the ground with one foot.


Like a cannonball, he rushed straight into the sky, higher and higher...

He wanted to go to the highest point he could reach, overlooking the entire Kujiang River and all the islands that stood unchanged in the Kujiang River from ancient times, and let his mind transform into that tiny dot in the Guanhai Tower, that little fish, and swim again, chasing magical powers and looking for answers.

The scene at that time and the scene at this time overlapped perfectly, as if he was there in person.

This is the real reason why "that magical power" is far away in the sky and close at hand.

As Wang Lu continued to rise through the air, at the bottom of the fake Kujiang River outside the secret realm, in a palace hall that seemed to be dyed green, the Immortal Vine Gourd was like a noble prince, lying comfortably in a rattan chair woven with some green vines, and whispered to Xiaolu: "Sister Xiaolu, the master who built this secret realm has a cultivation level at least above Cangxu. Were we wrong before? We shouldn't have helped him?"

"Go away, don't call me so intimately. Besides, it was you who helped, not me. Hey, don't think I don't know your little thoughts, hehe, but I'm still very happy that you can take the risk of being discovered and help the little master once. So, stay by my side in the future, listen to me, and be a good little brother. When I recover, I will help you get back your other three clones and repeat the glory of billions." Xiaolu's tender and old-fashioned words came out happily from the belly of the gourd.

"Hey, Miss Xiaolu, please don't lie to me. Alas, it's just that in order to help him, almost all the benefits I got here were wasted. I thought I could recover a little bit of my strength. The wood spirit here is really delightful." Hulu sighed.

"Okay, don't complain. As long as the young master doesn't die, sooner or later he will know about your life-threatening help this time. Haha, to be honest, silly Hulu, the young master's tenacity and perseverance are really rare. If it were me, I would have been crushed into a pool of blood."

After a long time, Xiaolu saw that the fairy vine had not replied to her, and knew that it was actually very heavy in its heart.

This time, the super strong man who controlled the three clones might sense the boundary of its existence in advance, and then be captured and become a tool in the hands of others.

Xiaolu also fell silent. In fact, she only had a vague, little, sporadic understanding of Hulu and Zangxu.

As for why Hulu gave in to her everywhere, she was completely confused and knew nothing.

Perhaps, only when she recovers to a certain extent can she unravel this secret.

But, when will this long process end, and how long will it take for that time to come?

It didn't know, she could only devour the hard-won and precious wood spirit in the fairy vine's special space.

It would be good to recover more, because she is still too weak now.

Otherwise, once the gourd is really taken away by others, not only will she be taken away, but even the little master Wang Lu will end up in a miserable way.

The soul is completely destroyed, and the way of life and death disappears.

At this time, the shopkeeper, who was nearly three days earlier than Wang Lu, was protected by the Star Sea Thousand Island Map, landed on the island calmly and entered the Seven Color Palace, and was fighting with four human puppets in the early stage of the Nascent Soul with all his strength.

If Wang Lu was here, he would be surprised.

These four humanoid puppets are very similar to the two interesting puppets in the Yellow Palace, except that they emit a circle of dark black light all over their bodies, while the other two are golden.

The four puppets vaguely formed a kind of battle formation, with a very regular pattern in their advance and retreat, attack and defense. The shopkeeper has been fighting with them for two whole days, but still can't break it.

During the two days of fighting with them, his eyes would occasionally look straight at the short and tall blood soul tree in front of a blood-colored pool.

To be precise, it should be the blood soul fruit on the blood soul tree, which is as big as a longan and bright red, with a deep and entangled spirit and soul aura, and is the first holy fruit unique to the Seventh Netherworld of the Nine Netherworlds: the blood soul fruit.

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