Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 539 Old Friend

Wang Lu followed the winding passage and put away the formation disks and formation flags one by one. He came to a place where there was only room for one person's height, and punched lightly. "Bang", mud and rocks flew away.

A huge cave entrance appeared, and he flew out without thinking. The bright and warm sunshine fell. Wang Lu stood in mid-air, looking deeply at the cave where he had stayed for eighty-six years. He shed a touch of nostalgia and left quietly.

He was walking as fast as flying, and his strength broke into the realm of the soul. What made him feel excited was that his body skills had been improved again, and his maximum speed of five hundred and ten feet per breath had been increased by one-tenth.

Good guy, he has completely surpassed Fang Tian, ​​the son of the wind, who was at the peak of his battle with Feng Yanzong.

Don't underestimate this short length of more than fifty feet. The amazing speed of five hundred and sixty feet per breath is completely comparable to some mutated seventh-level demon birds, and is more than a star and a half faster than many seventh-level demonic beasts.

You must know that he can only do it after the internal organs state is perfected. At this time, his body is strong enough to withstand the bombardment of some middle-grade magic weapons without leaving many scars.

It is precisely because of a hard body that he can achieve such a fast speed.

However, if he wants to break through the limit of six hundred feet, he must not step into the second page of "Kui Niu Treading the Sky", or there is a next part of "Zong Yuanjian", either of which can be done arrive.

In his opinion, the movement technique he practiced has now reached its limit. He vaguely felt that this technique was probably incomplete, and there should be a second or third part that he didn't know where it was. .

While he was flying as fast as the wind, he was thinking about how to increase his speed.

Soon, I came to the small country of Pilu, felt the bustling atmosphere of hawking on the street, and left far away.

Repeating the teleportation steps from eighty-six years ago, a month later, he returned to the magnificent and domineering City of Four Beasts.

Entering from the south gate, Wang Lu immediately attracted the attention of two strong men in the early stage of Nascent Soul inside the city wall. One of them said: "Senior Brother Lu, this person left more than eighty years ago. When he came back this time, he seemed to be a different person. People are surprised.”

The middle-aged man dressed as a monk cast two pale yellow eyes. Amitabha said: "Junior brother is right. This person majors in strength. He should have received great benefits somewhere over the years. Don't think he is only in the middle stage of Jindan. , but his momentum is enough to fight us both. Perhaps, in a fight, neither of us can be his enemy. His level of strength is very fierce. "

"Senior Brother Lu, I feel the same way. In less than a hundred years, how come so many geniuses suddenly appeared in Northern Xinjiang? This is incredible. Is it true that the great age that the sect mentioned is really coming? "

"Oh, what's the matter? Every hundreds or thousands of years, the world of immortality will be in turmoil. No matter how big or small the world is, as long as we stay close to the sect, there will be no problem at all. No, a battle with the Ice Territory is not enough. They pushed back."

As a core disciple of the Four Beasts Sect's Talisman Tower, Wang Lu naturally knew the layout of the Four Beasts City.

However, if you knew what these two Nascent Soul monks said about him, you would only admire the power of the Four Beasts Sect again. Just two Nascent Soul early stage masters could almost see him through.

This is not only a reflection of personal strength, but also the blessing of the entire sect's deep heritage, which enables him to develop such a sharp vision and broad knowledge.

Merging into the crowd, Wang Lu disappeared.

After walking around in circles, I came to Yinluan Pavilion, a secret room on the second floor. After showing the golden luan order, a handsome male cultivator with perfect golden elixir that I had never seen before came in.

This person's magic formula makes the secret room unbreakable.

He said with some surprise: "I am Silver Fourteen. I became a disciple of Master together with Senior Sister Liu Fen. Forty years ago, Senior Sister passed through the Great Tribulation of Nascent Soul and broke into the Nascent Soul Stage. I have heard about the name of Taoist friend for a long time, and today I meet you. , it’s really extraordinary.”


Wang Lu glanced at him coldly and said calmly.

Seeing this, Silver Fourteen showed a look of astonishment and looked at Wang Lu in disbelief. He had been exposed, but he didn't know where the flaw was exposed.

"Haha," Wang Lu suddenly smiled, stood up, held his four hands tightly, and revealed the answer, "Brother Nineteen, you are fine. In fact, it is not your problem, your transformation It's so magical, I didn't see through you at all."


As Yinjiu lowered his head, he returned to his handsome and handsome appearance.

The two clasped their hands and gave each other a tight hug. Their sincere friendship was beyond words.

After a while, Yinjiu asked curiously: "Since there is no flaw, how did the junior brother detect it?"

Wang Lu slowly picked up a cup of good spiritual tea and took a sip, and said with a smile: "It's actually very simple. Senior sister once mentioned to me that her master, Taoist Mo Yan, only has her as a disciple."

"Ha ha!"

Yinjiu smiled and said: "Oh, it's all my fault for being too impatient. You are ecstatic when you see my junior brother. But there is one more thing. How are you sure that I am Yinjiu?"

"Well, let me think about it, this is a troublesome question. In fact, as long as senior brother thinks about it carefully, apart from revealing my identity to Liu Fen of Guixuan, it is you and Senior Yin Qi. No matter how you change, it will not matter. It is impossible to turn into a senior sister, and you also know the character of Senior Yinqi, and you are completely disdainful of it. Hey, I am not bragging. His gloomy and majestic aura alone is unmatched by anyone. Therefore, the answer is ready to be revealed, and there is only Brother, you are here.”

Wang Lu rubbed his temples and analyzed it meticulously.

"Okay, okay, you are worthy of my admired junior brother, every detail is perfect, every link is connected, it's simply wonderful!"

Silver Nineteen laughed heartily.


The two teacups met in mid-air, making a crisp sound. The two picked up the spiritual tea and drank it all in one gulp.

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