Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 542 Beheading

This Killing City Trade Fair will start in four days.

According to the information provided by Yin Shijiu, since Mi Tianhua won the title of Talisman Master, the seven major sects in the southern region, except Chuhai Sect, have all been friendly to him and tried their best to recruit him and treat him as a distinguished guest.

Not only is his treatment generous, his status is even higher than that of the powerful elders, and he can be said to be a core decision-maker of the sect.

After careful consideration, he did not choose the previous Yao Sect but led the Shenxue Sect to join the Thousand Killing Hall.

According to reliable information, he, a master of talisman making in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, will co-host this trade fair with a powerful elder in the late stage of the Nascent Soul Hall. After the trade fair, he will stay for one day before returning to the sect.

Yin Luanxuan is indeed powerful and intertwined, and even Mi Tianhua's return arrangements are detailed.

Killing City is two million miles away from the Thousand Killing Hall, and many mountains must be crossed in the meantime.

Thirty thousand miles away from the main mountain of Qiansha Hall, there is a Qingshan Mountain with rich spiritual energy and beautiful scenery. It was chosen by Mi Tianhua. Qiansha Hall waved his hand and directly allocated this mountain to him.

As Mi Tianhua's private treasure land, this mountain was naturally built with a lot of money and carefully constructed.

Not only are there all kinds of places for cultivation, but also a medium-sized spiritual eye spring was obtained with expensive spiritual stones and arranged on it.

Qingshan is only thirty thousand miles away from the sect. Although it is not covered by the mountain protection formation of Qiansha Hall, it can be regarded as an outer land. He plans to invite this late Yuanying great cultivator to be a guest after the trade fair to show his hospitality.

Qingshan is more than a hundred miles in radius. In order to protect his safety, Qiansha Hall did not hesitate to set up a formation second only to the mountain protection formation. It can be said that it is very courteous and values ​​him very much.

On this basis, the cautious Mi Tianhua worked hard to make Qingshan impregnable. According to Yin Luanxuan's investigation, it would take a top master of the Spiritualization Stage to break through.

What he, Yin Shijiu and Caiying had to do was to kill him before returning to the mountain.

Wang Lu called it a "beheading" operation.

As for how to lead away the extremely powerful late Yuanying great cultivator, Caiying would do it.

Caiying would invite a late Yuanying strongman to contain him.

The rest of the entourage left Wang Lu, Yin Shijiu and Caiying only a few meals.

Wang Lu didn't need to go to the killing city, but he had an inexplicable feeling.

If the matter was exposed and irreversible, he could still escape into the endless swamp through this city, which was his backup plan.

Moreover, he also wanted to see his uncle, whom he had never met, with his own eyes.

In his consideration, there was another backup plan, which was to escape into Linglong Sea.

Before planning for victory, plan for defeat first.

Wang Lu made a plan and came to the west of the killing city.

A thick, twenty-zhang-high city wall stood tall.

Thirty-three city gates were opened, and he paid three high-quality spirit stones and walked out of one of the city gates.

When he walked a hundred miles away, the endless wilderness came into view, the wind was blowing, the sky was long, white clouds were floating, the plains were undulating, uneven, and unknown grasses were growing wildly. The area of ​​100,000 miles had been plundered clean.

If you want to find rare spiritual materials, you have to go further.

Wang Lu stood for a long time, released the blue boat, jumped up, and flew towards the boundless endless swamp at a speed of 320 zhang per breath.

One day later, after flying nearly 80,000 miles, he was like a lonely traveler walking in the desert, surrounded by endless swamps.

He sighed, turned the blue boat around, and returned.

Endless Swamp is a dead end, without any shelter or hiding place, all you need is speed.

He thought he was fast enough, but facing the pursuit of a large sect, unless he had a super-fast flying treasure, he would not be able to escape death.

In addition, once injured, he would be captured and killed quickly.

Back to Shadu, he found a wind media at random, spent thirty high-quality spirit stones, bought a token to enter the auction, found an inn to stay, and waited for the auction to arrive.

Why thirty high-quality spirit stones, because the auction will last for three days, ten per day.

At the exact time of the fourth day, Wang Lu walked out of the inn and followed the crowd to the Shadu Trading Building, which covers an area of ​​thousands of acres next to the City Lord's Mansion.

The double-story trading building is dark green, and in front of the gate, which is thirty feet wide and three feet high, there are two giant swords forged from the fine spiritual material purple crystal copper.

The evil spirit is cold and quite unique.

A dark green light curtain closed the gate.

Very interesting way to enter.

Only those holding the token can pass.

When the token encounters the light curtain, it will generate a ball of white light, which is like a key to open the door.

In the few breaths of pause, dozens of cultivators with cultivation at least above the late stage of foundation building passed by him and entered.

Wang Lu smiled casually, passed through the light curtain, and came to a huge circular lobby.

Looking around, the bustling people were sitting in their respective seats, some were whispering, some were talking and laughing, some were silent, some were solemn, and some were spying on others...

I randomly found a seat in the back row and estimated that there were thousands of people present at this moment. There was still a lot of time before the trade fair, and the number of participants was at least more than 5,000.

In addition to the lobby on the first floor, there were 200 independent elegant rooms on the circular second floor.

According to Feng Meiyan, if you want to get an elegant room, you must not only have a sufficient status, but also pay at least 500 high-quality spirit stones.

It can be seen from this that the income from the seats on the first floor plus the private rooms on the second floor is a huge amount of 250,000 high-quality spirit stones, which is enviable.

In the middle of the wide hall is a seven-foot round platform, which is the host seat.

Put aside distracting thoughts and close your eyes to rest.

During the waiting period, hundreds of fleeting slight spiritual consciousness came to him, but he ignored such vague and normal temptations.

A hearty and powerful voice came: "Welcome all Taoist friends to this trade fair. Without further ado, I hope you will gain a lot. Now, on behalf of the sect, this Killing City Trade Fair will be officially opened."

As soon as the voice fell, cheers were heard.

Wang Lu slowly opened his eyes and shot out two faint black rays.

Finally meet you, my good uncle, Mi Tianhua.

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