Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 550 Zi Jiu's Merit

The two almost intact cushions were broken just like that. The one he was meditating on was caused by him, but what about the one opposite?

It was too weird and strange, and I felt creepy.

Could it be caused by the gray-clothed old man?

However, after an unknown number of years of time and space, could the old man's sitting down really reflect or refract the present?

If so, the Time Avenue, which ranks among the top ten of the Three Thousand Avenues, is simply too terrifying and incredible.

If you can own the Time Avenue, will everything be reset to zero and return to the original Taixuan beginning?

Fantasy is fantasy, and longing is longing, so what about the Time Avenue?

He believed that his Talisman Avenue could also be unparalleled, shocking the world, and the power of "Kui Niu Treading on the Sky" was also unstoppable and dominated the universe.

With a firm belief, Wang Lu did not think deeply about the mysterious scene that happened to him.

It is useless to think too much. At this time, the "cause" has been planted, and when the time comes, the "fruit" will naturally surface.

The spell was cast, and a colorless light circle appeared, as if time had turned, and he returned to the forest.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak..."

As soon as Fang appeared, he heard a call from Zijiu anxiously, and then flew to his shoulder.


Wang Lu was moved, and let it stand proudly on his shoulder, and said with a smile: "Xiao Jiujiu, there is a Yue Mountain to the south of this mountain. We will go there. It's either life or death. Are you afraid?"


Zijiu excitedly chirped. It didn't care who the opponent was at all, just follow him.

"Let's go, kill them!"


Like a fully loaded cannonball, Zijiu disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye, and the speed was extremely fast.

Shaking his head, let it go to explore the situation first. Even if it failed and was killed, it must know itself and the enemy, and be impeccable.


Looking at the Yunshenbuzhichu in the south, he clenched his fists.

At full speed, three hours later, Wang Lu arrived at Yueshan Mountain covered by thick mountain fog.

At this time, the sky was full of stars and the mountain wind was blowing.

Looking up, billions of stars were hanging in the sky, blooming with infinite starlight.

It is said that every star in the sky is transformed from a dead person. Grandmaster, Master, and the disciples of Liufu Sect who were sent to the sky by Shenxue Sect, are you watching? I, Wang Lu, will avenge you and wash blood with blood.

A few feet ahead is the mountain protection formation of Shenxue Sect. Only people in the sect can enter and exit smoothly with a special token.

The thick fog is caused by this formation. This is just one of its simplest functions. The purpose is to let outsiders know that this mountain has been occupied. Don't barge in. Otherwise, you will be attacked indiscriminately by the formation and deserve to die.

Close your eyes slightly and concentrate on sensing.

Soon, Zi Jiuru flew out of the fog like a tiny dot, flying around him happily.

Then, a middle-aged man in the late foundation building stage, dressed in brown-red clothes, walked out in a daze and came directly in front of Wang Lu.

His eyes were empty and lifeless, and his whole body was stiff, like a walking corpse.

"Crack, crack, crack."

His upper and lower teeth rubbed against each other with difficulty, making a creepy sound. He seemed to take out a small and exquisite red token and a jade slip from the storage bag with great effort, bowed respectfully, raised his hands, and presented them to Wang Lu.

He activated his spiritual consciousness, and various messages came in.

"Bang, bang!"

After reading it, the jade slip broke into powder and fell in the wind. At the same time, this disciple of Shenxue Sect walked straight forward. He didn't walk far before he fell to the ground with a bang. His body flashed with purple light and turned into ashes.

Wang Lu sighed. In fact, he had no grudges against him, but it was just because of the hatred of the previous generation.

Why do people have jealousy, anger, disputes, hatred...

Maybe it's innate, born with us, or developed after birth. Whether it's or not, it doesn't matter, because I will end it all with my own hands.

We can't let this blood feud be passed down from generation to generation and go back and forth.


In a flash, with the changes in body, clothing, face shape, hairstyle, and expression, the disciple of Shenxue Sect who just died was resurrected.

Looking at himself in the water curtain, Wang Lu condensed a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

Pinching the seal, the token glowed red, wrapped him, and Wang Lu walked straight into the mountain fog.

On a dark and windy night, it was the time to kill.


The mountains stretched for hundreds of miles, and in front of him was a huge green square, at the end of which stood a huge castle, with the three big characters "Shenxue Sect" written in a flamboyant style shining with blood.

There are several bluestone mountain roads leading up the mountain on the left and right of the square. Dozens of various attics stand in the mountains. This is where the elders and disciples of the Shenxue Sect practice. Of course, there are hundreds of caves scattered throughout the mountains.

The strength of the Shenxue Sect should not be underestimated.

The head of the sect, Master Shenxue, is an old monster in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, with six strong men in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, twenty-seven elders in the Golden Core stage, two hundred and twenty-six cultivators in the Foundation Establishment stage, and four hundred and eighty-eight disciples in the Qi Refining stage.

Once they attract attention and make a sound, they will surely die.

It is impossible for him to catch them all in one fell swoop and annihilate them all.

All he has to do is to kill Master Shenxue and six strong men in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, and let Zi Jiu kill the rest of the Golden Core stage elders.

The key is a genius disciple in the late stage of the Foundation Establishment stage with a heavenly spiritual root, five core disciples in the Foundation Establishment stage with different spiritual roots, and seven people in the Qi Refining stage who are the focus of Shenxue Sect.

Hum, kill them all, cut them all off.

If you don't remove the roots, the grass will grow again in the spring breeze.

Who told you to enter the wrong door and recognize the wrong person!

Zi Jiu had already broken through the formation silently and disappeared.

Its soul was extremely powerful. After extracting the soul memory of the cultivator, the owner of almost every cave and every attic was clearly visible.

Since it could dismember the formation, Wang Lu had reason to believe that the defense formations of other elders and disciples would be easily torn apart by it without being noticed.

He knew the strength of his own spirit beast very well, which made him feel very relieved.

The key still lies in himself.

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