Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 557: Dead End

At the end of the arched passage was a blue light curtain, and Wang Lu plunged into it without thinking.

The light curtain was a bit thick, with great resistance, and it was a full ten feet wide. He slightly exerted his strength and rushed out like an arrow from a string.

Looking around, this is an island.

He quickly took out the latest sea map jade slip that Liu Fen gave to Linglong Sea for comparison.

Good guy, he actually came to 40 million miles away from the sea market.

No wonder the cold breath in his body fell into a dead silence. The distance was too far, so that the other party could not sense him, and at the same time, he could not sense the pursuit of the two.

Wang Lu had no idea when the two were chasing him, and he did not dare to stay for a moment. He unfolded his body skills and flew towards the depths of Linglong Sea.

Ten days passed, and he escaped three million miles day and night on the boundless sea.

The body he was dragging was completely overwhelmed at this time, and there was still no movement in his body. He thought that the distance was enough. He pressed his body in the surging waves, released the blue boat, and leaped up.

He slapped the magic formula, the boat body trembled slightly, and flew to the distant sea as fast as thunder.

Looking up at the beautiful blue velvet sky, Wang Lu sat cross-legged. This escape journey was thrilling. When he had nowhere to escape and was about to be caught up, it seemed that there was a will in the dark, and he ran to the token island regardless of anything.

When the old man gently waved to him and uttered that cold snort like thunder, he had completely lost consciousness.

Now it seems that the old man's strength is unfathomable, and he is an absolute strong man!

Because very few people can successfully teleport people when others are unconscious.

As for how strong he is, he only has a vague guess that the old man is at least a master in the God Transformation Stage.

Then why did he help him?

Perhaps he couldn't stand the two bullies who chased after a low-level cultivator like him, or maybe there were other reasons.

When he came out of the Tianyun Secret Realm after a narrow escape, there were at least a handful of late-stage Nascent Soul cultivators present. If he hadn't walked out last, there would have been twice as many.

Although his cultivation was only a hair's breadth away from the late Golden Core stage at that time, he was arrogant and believed that with his profound magic power, the face-changing effect of "Deep Hiding" and the heaven-defying effect of the God-Rejecting Clothes, even the late-stage Nascent Soul cultivators could not see through him.

However, he overlooked one point:

The origins of those great cultivators present were not ordinary large sects, but either super sects or from extremely powerful families.

Therefore, the young snake head of the Yu family and the eighth elder of the Body Sect deduced his true appearance. After more than a hundred years of repeated deliberation and verification, they finally determined that he was not only the bald Ma Jun, but also Wang Lu of the Dream Sect and the destruction of the Shenxue Sect.

However, he was indeed very capable. He had been cautious for so many years, until they heard that the Shenxue Sect was almost uprooted, and they finally locked him down.


Wang Lu gradually sorted out all the events one by one and thought it through thoroughly.

Kuang Dao Wuji and Yu Family Tianjiao Yu Hao were killed by him, and they had a blood feud.

Moreover, he was the last person to come out of the secret realm. Just by imagining, he could be determined to have a large amount of rare spiritual materials on him, which made his blood boil.

The two combined, who else could they chase after if not him!

There was another important point that Wang Lu didn't know.

After he slaughtered the Shenxue Sect, Yin Qi, who suddenly descended on the Four Beasts City again, made the two of them unable to move. Otherwise, tens of thousands of search troops would be dug out no matter where he hid, as long as they did not exceed the radius of 10,000 miles of the Shenxue Sect.

This abundant and precious year of recuperation was also the key to his survival to the present.

Wang Lu closed his eyes, took out another bottle of Qinglong Huanling Pill, swallowed it, and fell into recuperation.

Lan Zhou crossed the vast Linglong Sea at a speed of 300 feet per breath, and ten days passed again.

His serious injuries recovered to 60%, and what was rare was that the breath in his body did not cause any more troubles, and it seemed to be quiet and non-existent.

In his opinion, he had to escape to the deep sea, only in this way could he get rid of the enemy behind him.

Seize the time and recover to his full strength, no matter how long it takes, he must wipe out this breath.

If he doesn't get rid of it, it will always be a big worry, and it may suddenly explode one day, blowing him to pieces, leaving no bones.

Wang Lu calmed down and continued to refine the power of Qinglong Huanling Pill, allowing it to slowly repair his serious injuries.

Ten days passed slowly, and without relying on the ten thousand year spirit milk, his body recovered to 80%.

After a month, the other party still did not catch up. Besides, he had escaped more than 6 million miles. It was almost certain that no matter who it was, he could not lock onto him, because he was too far away, unless he had supernatural means.

Just when he was sure that he was no longer being chased, the breath in his body that was suppressed into a tiny point and as silent as death seemed to have taken a tonic medicine, and suddenly jumped and boiled wildly out of his control.


Wang Lu's eyes were red and he roared.

Here it comes again!

He had no time to think about why he could be triggered at such a long distance. He turned on his brain and calculated quickly. With his speed of 560 feet per breath, he kept running day and night with all his strength. When would he be caught up?

One breath, two breaths, three breaths.

No more than 83 days at most!

Could he really die in Linglong Sea? The bomb in his body finally exploded. Even if he was still alive now, he was no different from being dead.

Unless he erased it, otherwise, the death was certain.

“Why, why, why!”

Three cries of hatred, Kuang Dao Wu Ji and Yu Hao seemed to come across the air, looking at him sarcastically, as if mocking him:

Run, escape, accept your fate, you can’t escape!

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