Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 559 Meeting You

Over the deep sea of ​​Linglong Sea, the green bird and the small Wanli flying boat were like two meteors, flying at high speed one after the other.

One was red, and the other was green.

The speed of both was shocking, and they suddenly disappeared when they appeared.

Like an antelope hanging its horns, it was almost at the top.

All the way forward, chasing to the limit.

Both of them put all their efforts into it.

At this moment, both sides were blood-thirsty.

Although they did not fight head-on, the spiritual, physical, and mental confrontations were more sharp.

On the 22nd day, Wang Lu showed his determination to die, he knew that there was no escape.

The green bird also tried his best, and it was as fast as it could be.

If it hadn't been nurtured and repaired for 137 years, it would have fallen apart and collapsed in half a year at most.

Under the sky was a large island shrouded in heavy sea fog, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles.

The blue of the sea water could not be described in words, it was just blue, very blue, very blue.

The bright spots reflected by the sun made this sea area even more unfathomable, magnificent and terrifying.


Wang Lu laughed continuously. Isn't this the place where he longed to be buried?

Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn water.

Press the green bird, and one person and one boat merged into the vast sea fog.

The token island teleported him to 40 million miles. The 6.61 million miles he fled in a month and the 147.7 million miles he ignored in the past year, added up to 194.31 million miles deep into the Linglong Sea.

So far, by chance, he came to this island that might be a place for burial.

The island was shrouded in deep sea fog, with lush ancient trees and thick humidity.

The spiritual energy was thin and close to nothing.

What's strange is that the spiritual energy on this island is so scarce, why are the trees so tall?

The whole island is in the shape of a "concave", low in the middle and high on both sides.

Wang Lu used his body skills. If he wanted to die, he had to find a flat land.

Soon, he arrived at the center of the island.

Here, there were jagged rocks and gurgling streams flowing into the small lake in the center of the island. Except for the sound of the waves crashing around, it was extremely quiet.

In one hour at most, he would see the Eighth Elder of the Body Sect and the young snakehead of the Yu family again.

Fearless, face it calmly.

Everyone will die, and he is no exception. Fortunately, the great revenge was avenged, which can be regarded as comforting the spirits of the master, the master's ancestors and all the disciples of the Six Symbols Sect.

However, Chen Yaer, the apprentice Ding Yuting, Xia Yu, the senior sister Xie Lingyun, the senior brother Tian Yidong and perhaps Sun Xue will never meet again.

With such regret, Wang Lu sat on a big rock with claws and teeth bared and dew on it, quietly waiting for the arrival and harvest of the god of death.

What is strange is that after going so deep into the Linglong Sea, why can't you see even a sea beast on the island?

Could it be that you all knew that a life-and-death duel was about to take place here, and then you scattered and ran away?


He laughed at himself. It was strange for a dying man to have such wild thoughts.


Hey, what's that sound?

Sitting in meditation and letting go of his mind, every subtle sound could not escape his ears.

"Ah... Ah..."

A series of very weak calls.

Wang Lu stood up suddenly, and some strange feeling passed through his mind. He approached the sound step by step.

He pulled aside the dense grass and looked closely, and his whole body was shocked!

How could it be possible? It was too incredible. How could I meet you here!

I couldn't think of it even if I racked my brains: the fire sea pig that Bai Hai trained in the deep sea!

However, this pig has survived the seventh-level monster catastrophe. It has two huge eyes and a nose, and a big pig head on its neck.

It was staring blankly, somewhat bewilderedly, and indescribably at the human in front of it, who seemed quite familiar and fearful, whose body was as strong as steel, and who could only use brute force to fight against him, but had no way to defeat him.

Is it you, how did the man with a face full of flesh become a bald monk?

It's just that his appearance has changed, but the fierceness in his bones has increased.

God, why do you treat me, such a cute little pig, like this!

I finally survived the seventh level of catastrophe and possessed the magical power of half-transformation. After going through untold hardships and surviving nine deaths from Baihai to Linglonghai, why do I have to meet this evil star again.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

The Fire Sea Pig understood that the person in front of him was the unreasonable barbarian, and he violently let out several miserable howls that suppressed the sound of the waves coming from all around.

I, I, I... I will fight you, Master Pig!

Just as his majestic body was about to rush towards Wang Lu, the barbarian's eyes were filled with dark light, and the Fire Sea Pig trembled unconsciously.

This was a super strong suppression from the blood.

This man once again showed the strongest throbbing from the depths of his blood.

Oh my God, what the hell are you, a human or a monster!

Wang Lu had no idea that the Fire Sea Pig thought of him as a monster. He was an old friend of his if he could meet him before he died.

There was still half an hour before two great cultivators in the late Nascent Soul stage would come to kill him. He said earnestly: "After half-transformation, I believe you can understand what I say. Run for your life. In half an hour, two ruthless people who are comparable to the peak eight-level monsters of your clan will arrive here. If you don't leave now, hey, it is very likely that they will follow me to the Yellow Springs Road."


Hearing this, the Fire Sea Pig danced and made nonchalant noises, as if he wanted to help him teach the two a lesson. Wang Lu was surprised and couldn't help laughing.

He smiled bitterly and said, "I know you are very powerful, old pig, but you still have to run. You can't even beat me. This has nothing to do with you. Run, the farther the better."

"Hum, hum, hum!"

The Fire Sea Pig seemed to be anxious, turned around and left, waving his hand for him to follow.

What's going on?

Wang Lu was surprised. Where is he taking me?

Anyway, I'll go with you to see if I can save my life.

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