Wang Lu won cleanly and got a place in the top ten without any doubt.

This was something that no one, including the hall master Bai Yifan, had predicted.

Wang Lu had won every round with talismans. The battle to enter the top ten completely convinced the crowd. Who said that talismans had no place? A master of talismans could still win the whole game.

It was not until he reached the Jia-shaped arena that people reacted from the dazzling fight and then burst into enthusiastic cheers.

Dan Pavilion Master Shi Quan glanced at Bai Yifan sinisterly. Dan Pavilion was completely annihilated this time, and did not even make it into the top ten. Li Yang, the first disciple of the foundation building, was simply eaten alive by Wang Lu, and his shame was thrown to the sky.

The competition had nothing to do with Dan Pavilion anymore. Shi Quan snorted coldly and left.

Bai Yifan looked at Liu Muyan with a smile, and the other party gave him a meaningful look, which made him happy and full of worries.

The top ten continued, and there were eleven people left to compete for nine places. Two of them would be eliminated.

Xu Kui walked out nonchalantly, and seemed to casually point to one of the ten people, and said lightly: "I heard that Senior Brother Liu Xun of the Refining Hall is good at a set of meteor mother-and-child swords, which is extraordinary and amazing. Junior brother wants to ask for advice."

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Kui made a gesture of invitation, and his magic power turned, the blood in his body rolled, the muscles bulged, and his legs stomped heavily, like a cannonball, throwing towards the Kui character arena.

Xu Kui was like a big bird, soaring into the sky, and then swooping down, and landed on the Kui character arena.

His and Wang Lu's methods of crossing space were different, but the feeling they gave people was almost the same.

Immediately attracted cheers, especially many female cultivators, screaming like crazy.

Wang Lu directly crossed across, and he went up and then down. With such a long distance, ordinary foundation-building cultivators could only sigh in despair. The two of them jumped over, giving people an unreal feeling.

A handsome monk in green clothes walked out from the group of ten people. He had a deep breath and a long exhalation. He looked back at the other nine people, then released a flying spiritual weapon and flew away.

Liu Xun was worthy of being one of the top ten. He had great magical power. His set of Meteor Mother and Child Swords was elusive, meticulous and steady. The sword formation he formed was flawless and powerful.

Xu Kui almost used all his means to barely win.

At the moment of his victory, the Yi-shaped platform suddenly appeared. Xu Kui bowed to Liu Xun and released a flying bird puppet, which flew to the Yi-shaped platform.

Seeing Liu Xun lose to Xu Kui, Huang Yan's face changed and he didn't go away in an instant.

So far, one of the nine people needs to be eliminated, and the top ten of the new competition will be officially produced.

Wang Lu and Xu Kui both succeeded in the challenge. As the eldest brother of the five people in Jiuyue Secret Realm, he could only issue a challenge in this situation.

The remaining eight people were more or less related to him, which made him very entangled. At the critical moment, he had an idea.

Huang Yan stood up calmly and smiled: "My fellow disciples, if anyone thinks that I am not qualified to be in the top ten, please feel free to give me some advice."

He played this hand very beautifully. He did not offend the eight people, nor did he damage the relationship. Moreover, he could enter the top ten naturally.

After a long time, seeing that no one challenged him, the C-shaped arena appeared as promised.

With a "thank you", Huang Yan grew a pair of snow-white wings on his back and flew to the C-shaped arena.

The remaining eight people were Chen Yaer, He Chan, Mengge Zhong Caiyu, Meilou Zhang Yuqin, Daomai Kuangdao, Jiange Xu Tian, ​​Yan Family Yan Yan and Yang Family Yang Jie.

The eight people kept changing their minds and felt that everyone was quite tricky and not simple at all.

At this time, Xu Tian from the Sword Pavilion stood up and said calmly: "Swords have no eyes, Brother Kuang Dao, our pavilion and the noble lineage have been in dispute for a long time. Let's take advantage of this competition to decide the winner in one fell swoop."

"This is a very good idea, just what I want."

Kuang Dao laughed wildly.

The two came to the Kuizi Arena. Xu Ge was about twenty-three years old, calm and composed, like a pool of clear springs and ancient wells.

Kuang Dao had short hair and beard, a straw hat on his head, and a face full of flesh. He was very fierce, and a murderous aura rushed towards him.

The two seemed to have a tacit understanding. They raised their swords and knives, shouted loudly, and chopped at each other head-on.

Xu Tian's swordsmanship was as steady as a mountain. If he didn't move, it would be fine. Once he moved, it was like a mountain collapse and sea splitting, but he could control it freely without leaving any trace.

Kuang Dao's swordsmanship was open and closed, like thousands of waves surging, and every sword was wonderful and extremely dangerous.

The swords and knives met, making people unable to take their eyes off, and everyone was dazzled. The two fought hand-to-hand, punching each other, and fought to the center of the ring without retreating.

"It's great, it's great, Junior Brother Xu, be careful, please look at my "Moonless Sword Art"."

The curved knife in the hand of the mad knife broke through the air and hung, like a crescent moon, blooming a hazy moonlight, the curved knife quickly became round, the cold moonlight filled the ring, the full moon seemed to sink into the moonlight, looming, the moonlight was cold.

Xu Tian was slightly moved, the spirit sword faded quickly until it disappeared without a trace, a pool of cold sword energy wrapped around the ring, misty, he looked at the moonlight, revealing a smile of victory and defeat.

This is the untold method of the sword pavilion, "Sword Escape Ice Pool".

The cold sword energy rushed up at a high speed, and the cold moonlight sank rapidly. The two collided with each other, and the mad knife's body was frozen like ice, and his brows were frozen, and Xu Ge was motionless and trembling.

The two of them continued to inject magic power into the scimitar and the spirit sword, and entered the magic formula.

"Crack" and "Crack" sounds rang out in the ring's ban, and a yellow light rose at a high speed, covering the ring tightly. Otherwise, with the powerful magic of the two, the ring would fall in a moment.

Everyone in the audience held their breath and stared, the two people's extraordinary skills and methods shocked everyone.

Half an hour passed in a flash, and the two fell to the ground at the same time, with the curved knife and the spirit sword falling beside them.

Feng Jiang, the leader of the sword vein, and Lin Pingdao, the leader of the sword pavilion, flew onto the stage one after another, each picked up Kuang Dao and Xu Tian, ​​looked at each other, and turned around and flew away.

At this moment, Dingzitai, Wuzitai, Jizitai, Gengzitai, and Xinzitai rose from the ground or appeared from the sky.

Five of the remaining six people went to these stages. At this point, the ten stages of the heavenly stems returned to their positions, and the ten great disciples were selected. Xu Tian and Kuang Dao were listed as the ten great disciples.

Because the two were seriously injured, they withdrew from the top three competition in advance.

According to the rules, Wang Lu played against Xu Tian and Kuang Dao, but because the two withdrew automatically, he was unexpectedly promoted to the top five.

Xu Kui played against Zhang Yuqin of Renzitai; Huang Yan played against Zhong Caiyu of Xinzitai; Chen Yaer played against Yang Jie of Gengzitai; He Chan played against Yan Yan of Yizitai.

The four groups of duels were brilliant, with various magical powers, skills, secret techniques, ancient treasures, and martial arts emerging one after another, which made everyone feel frightened and excited.

In the end, Xu Kui, Huang Yan, Chen Yaer, and He Chan won after a hard fight.

Wang Lu directly gave up the final competition.

The top three were also settled: He Chan won the third place in the competition, Chen Yaer was the second, and Huang Yan was indeed more skilled and won the championship of this competition.

All three of them got treasures that were enough to make Jindan-stage cultivators jealous.

Looking at the heroic Huang Yan, Xu Kui in the corner smiled mockingly, and Wang Lu sent his sincere congratulations.

In the end, the competition held every twenty years came to an end in a joyous atmosphere.

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