Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 569: The Road to Kingship

After ten years of careful healing, Wang Lu woke up from his dazed state.

He counted with his fingers, and ten years had passed in a blink of an eye.

He smiled bitterly for a while, and his injuries were mostly healed. If he wanted to recover to the peak, it would take six or seven years at the fastest, and ten years at the slowest.

His body was extremely strong, especially after he cultivated to the last level of the Soul Realm of the Hundred Refinements, which was even stronger than some level eight monsters.

He had to calm down and carefully polish and repair the minor injuries in his body that were severely damaged by the power of the South China Sea. In order to practice the power after the "Kui Niu Treading on the Sky Art", it must be perfect, otherwise there would be endless troubles.

In consideration, he originally took advantage of the healing to complete the Soul Realm.

However, he felt that by doing so, the Gang body he obtained might not be the strongest.

Only by breaking through the Nascent Soul Stage, and advancing both the magic and the martial arts, can the Gang body forged be called the real "Hundred Refinements into Gang".

With this clear understanding, Wang Lu immersed himself in the meticulous repair of the minor injuries in his body.


No more, no less, exactly ten years.

He stood up, his eyes gleaming, his black clothes undressing his body, his body as tall as a javelin, surrounded by a circle of faint black light, his strong faith was unwavering, and Wang Lu completely returned to the peak.

Not only was his body completely repaired, his magic power was at its peak, and even the strange and cold breath in his body was wiped out.

However, he didn't know that the young snake head had reached an extremely high level in his understanding and practice of the Yu family's top-level Tian-level technique "Teng Snake Sutra", otherwise it would be impossible to lock people within tens of millions of miles.

Such a sense is too against the sky.

While Wang Lu was erasing it, he was also a process of constantly analyzing and devouring it bit by bit.

His perception, spiritual perception and spiritual awareness rose accordingly, which made him more sensitive to the danger of danger.

Perhaps others need three breaths, but he only needs two breaths.

Often, it is this short breath that can decide life and death, victory or defeat.

There is no detailed plan for the next trip.

He plans to try his luck at the Kong family first, where there must be a Yinluan Pavilion.

On the one hand, he can ask them to pass on his safety to Seniors Yin Shijiu and Yin Qi, and on the other hand, he can also use this pavilion to see if he can find any clues about Kong Hua and Xiaoyaozi.

It is too difficult to find a person in the boundless South China Sea, far better than finding a needle in a haystack.

Alas, he is now completely alone.

There are no spirit stones, and the wind spirit stone is also consumed when activating the ancient teleportation array, so the green bird cannot be activated at all.

Zijiu helped him block the fatal blow and has been in a coma until now, and it is unknown when he will get better.

In fact, there is also Xiaotong as the natal spirit beast.

However, the tough, resolute and warm-hearted Li Mouqing in a green dress made him make a decisive decision in an instant, and I don’t know if you are still safe now?

I am not a sentimental person, but along the way, more and more things have created feelings and emotions that even he can't explain clearly.

Fortunately, he will let it go.

If you cultivate immortality and become a person who cuts off emotions and righteousness, what's the point of cultivating immortality!

Xiaolu almost died for him. If he had let go of all his emotions, he would never shed tears and be heartbroken.

There are still two hundred and seventy-nine years left in the three hundred years. This is a sword hanging over his head, reminding him, driving him and spurring him on all the time.

And the fire sea pigs who don't know where to go, you all leave, leaving me alone.

Wang Lu, Wang Lu, Wang Lu, listen to my mother, I was born on the way my father went home, so I was named Wang Lu.


Yes, isn't this also a road to the king!


Thinking of this, Wang Lu's mind was like a thunderclap, and his whole body was shaken.

He silently put away several formations and walked out.


Bathed in the bright light of the sun, the biting sea breeze, the roaring waves hitting the rocks and rolling up the snow, Wang Lu felt strong and energetic.


In the center of the island, a powerful level 8 monster was killing two cultivators step by step.

It was not that his spiritual consciousness spread to 500 miles away, but a violent monster breath and two bloody and panic breaths were like the waves under his feet, surging.

Since he encountered it, as a fellow tribe, he should go to the best of his ability.

In fact, he didn't like to meddle in other people's business. After saving him, he would have a clear view of the current situation of the entire South China Sea.

Immediately unfolded his body skills and broke out completely.

What surprised him and delighted him was that the maximum of 560 feet in "Crossing the Clouds" was 10 more feet.

This made him feel that this skill still had potential to be tapped.

Once it broke through the limit of 600 feet, it could be comparable to those mutated level 8 peak monster birds.

As fast as rain, as swift as wind, faster than lightning, as swift as thunder, and without a trace.

The speed and skill of his body movements are not something that even a genius wind cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage can achieve.

This is a strong asset for him to establish himself in the world of immortal cultivation.

The tall trees flew away at high speed like clouds in front of his eyes.

In just a short moment, he completely ignored the fact that a cannonball suddenly broke into the battle group of two Nascent Soul early stage strongmen, a man and a woman, who were being killed by a "five-zhang tall, three-zhang wide, brass-like body, sharp teeth and claws like thorns, and a wide pair of wings on its back, which was extremely rare." The "level eight early stage thunder-winged earth tiger was "almost powerless to resist, covered in blood and in a mess."


The momentum was fast and strong, and the thunder-winged earth tiger was caught off guard. It roared and retreated more than fifty zhang away in a moment.

Facing the furious and powerful demon tiger, Wang Lu remained unmoved, leaving the two of them with an indifferent yet heavy figure like a mountain.


Dazzlingly, a ball of golden light exploded in front of the monk.


What followed immediately was a vicious roar mixed with fear and reluctance that quickly moved away, leaving the lingering sound of the thunder-winged earth tiger's roar.

It actually spread its big wings under the brilliant golden light, soared into the sky, and fled without fighting.

This scene shocked the two of them and left them dumbfounded.

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