Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 572 A glimmer of hope

This is just a small episode.

Wang Lu smiled dumbly and didn't say much. Everyone has their own secrets. Since there is a chance to go through a journey, cherish this hard-won acquaintance and encounter.

Relatives, friends, brothers, confidants... all are like this.

After all, the road is walked by oneself.

If it is destined to accompany each other for a lifetime, that is another matter.

Just like Senior Sister Xie Lingyun and Tian Yidong, Li Jie and Yu Ningzhi in front of them, they stay together and hold hands for a lifetime.

How are their moods, are their feelings lingering, and is their love lingering?

They are them, ha, what about themselves?

The place where the two people live in seclusion is about 50,000 miles away from the land, located in the northeast of the South China Sea continent.

The sea there is blue and the bay is tortuous. Although it is connected, it is flat and undulating, winding and meandering.

The bay is quiet, and an ordinary island is buried in the sea fog and waves.

People who go out to sea will not go so far to fish. The monks also know that it is close to the land and there are few spiritual materials there, so they turn a blind eye to it and rarely go there.

This sea area is unpredictable, with high winds and rough waves, dense whirlpools in the sea, and reefs. If you are not careful, there is a risk of boats being destroyed and people dying. It rains all year round, and the wind howls, which is very dangerous.

So people gave it a vivid name: the evil sea.

The island where Li Jie and his wife hid was dozens of miles in radius, hidden in the thick sea fog, looming, like looking at flowers in the fog.

It looks like a willow leaf, so Yu Ningzhi called it the Willow Leaf Island.

She seemed to have a special liking for this island. When she saw her approaching, she was already eager to try and wanted to quickly go to the island and go home.

The joy was beyond words.

The three people landed carefully from the green bird in the cold wind and rain.

The flowers, plants and trees were covered by wind and rain. The island was full of large pieces of khaki rocks, mixed with many tall trees.

As long as you can open a cave on the island at will, and use formations to isolate and protect it, it will be a treasure place to hide.

Yu Ningzhi was in front, and Wang Lu and Li Jie were slightly behind.

The two looked at each other calmly. Except for the sound of wind, rain, waves, and trees swaying around, it seemed too quiet.

He was just swallowing Yu Hao's cold breath, and his spiritual sense was much stronger.

Willow Leaf Island was completely in a state of silence. Even the various fish around the island did not dare to approach. This was a bit unreasonable.

Li Jie was surprised by Wang Lu's spiritual sense that was far superior to that of ordinary people, and a cold light flashed.

He knew that since the three of them set foot on the island, they had been surrounded by unknown powerful enemies.

The formation arranged at the cave seemed intact, but there were faint signs of repair.

He and his wife were both core disciples of the Sanye Sword Sect, and they both practiced the "Sanye Sword Sutra", the sect's heavenly intermediate level technique:

One leaf can tell the autumn, and a small detail can tell the big picture.

Even a small change could not escape the touch of the three-leaf sword energy in the body.

Peak, peak, top, is the highest.

As the saying goes, a tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind, but the mountain has experienced the destruction of various bad weather conditions such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and still stands firm. This is not only a bloody test, but also a thousand hammers and tempering of oneself.

The higher the mountain, the higher the peak!

The same is true for his mutant spiritual root peak spiritual root, so that he has a unique talent far beyond ordinary people, and his practice and understanding of the "Three-leaf Sword Sutra" can be said to complement each other and be profound.

It is the "Three-leaf Sword Sutra" that gives him agile, calm, sharp, long and profound spiritual awareness, which allows him and Yu Ningzhi to escape death under the pursuit of the four major families again and again, and turn danger into safety in desperate situations again and again.

Yu Ningzhi, who was in a good mood not far ahead, also saw something at this time, and did not think about it at all, and retreated to the side of Wang Lu and Li Jie in one step.


Just as she retreated, an excited, high-spirited, and joyful laugh came out from the wind and rain.

The excitement and anticipation in it were fully expressed in the laughter, which was very enjoyable.

Slowly, several Yuanying early stage strongmen walked out from the sea, the dark rocks, the treetops, and the underground, and surrounded them.

A middle-aged Yuanying middle stage cultivator with a cold and fierce aura was like a scorching sun. The rain and thick sea fog in the sky dissipated rapidly with his appearance, and the rain and fog within a radius of ten miles were evaporated completely.

"Li Jie, Yu Ningzhi, it's been more than three hundred years. I miss you so much!"

"I, Lou Hengshan, have never wanted to kill anyone as cunning as you two, as agile as a rabbit, what a rare opponent!"

Seeing the three people indifferent, he continued: "To be honest, I still enjoy this cat and mouse game. Let's stop here. The Lonely Family has given me a life sentence. I will capture and kill you two within fifty years."

Lou Hengshan's cultivation in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul is very close to the peak of the middle stage.

He has a half beard and eyebrows, white and slender fingers, outstanding, and his eyes are closed. The divine light flashes, and you can tell at a glance that he is a wise and powerful person.

Such a person is extremely difficult to deal with. Not only is his wisdom as deep as the sea, but he is also well-planned. He often comes up with thousands of plans in a moment, which is very scary.

Wang Lu remembered that Li Jie said that he and Yu Ningzhi formed a Nascent Soul more than a hundred years ago.

The two of them had managed to escape all the plots and pursuits of this person over the past two hundred years with their Jindan stage cultivation, which showed that they were both outstanding in both wisdom and strength, otherwise they would never have escaped.

In addition to Lou Hengshan, there were five Yuanying early stage strongmen.

The five people have deep auras, shining eyes, and are silent. They are all strong men who have experienced hundreds of battles and are not easy to mess with.

Three versus six, especially given that Lou Hengshan was in danger and they had not yet shown their formation or conspiracy, the situation was not optimistic.

Wang Lu and others, headed by Li Jie, did not say anything.

Li Jie sighed and said: "Fellow Taoist Lou is very considerate and kind to me and my wife. More than three hundred years ago, we were about to break through the Nascent Soul stage. At the critical moment, Taoist friends came uninvited. If not, I still have some ability, but I almost died in your hands. I have always kept this in mind and I don’t dare to forget it for a moment.”

"Hey, the two of us were dying and seriously injured, but luckily we escaped with our lives. After condensing the Nascent Soul, no matter how we hid, we were still found by Your Excellency. Since there is no way to escape, let's use this island to turn all the grievances between the past and the present into one Period, finish him off completely."

"Lest you feel uneasy and upset with me."

Li Jie knew that this battle and disaster were inevitable, so he simply spoke out and ignited his hatred to arouse his desire to die.

Because he understands that only by embracing death can one find a glimmer of hope.

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