Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 587 Big loss?

Standing for a long time, Yin Jiu walked silently to the end of the corridor.

A silver halo emerged as the spell was raised, like a stone sinking into the lake, and the whole person merged into the silver wall. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in an open underground space.

A silver house was located in the middle, surrounded by gray silver light.

Outside the house, an old woman with chicken skin and white hair, whose cultivation level could not be seen, lay leisurely in a rocking chair, humming an unknown little song.

On the left side, there was an exquisite and simple purple heart jade teapot and a pure sky blue jade cup on the antique black jade long table. Seeing Yin Jiu's arrival, he moved his eyelids indifferently, and the melody did not stop.

The lazy and extremely pure spiritual power in the cup and the jade-like tea fragrance swayed slowly like an old woman, condensed but not released.

This was the first time Yin Jiu came to the teleportation place. If he used this opportunity, there would be no second time.

Seeing this tea, he couldn't help but be slightly moved.

The name of the tea is "Ningxiang", a treasure among fine products.

This tea has a characteristic, the tea fragrance floats up, gathers but does not disperse, and when it reaches a certain concentration, it will disperse, and it is also the time to drink it.

The drinker's body is full of fragrance, and bees and butterflies come to the area within a hundred miles, which is wonderful.

This tea can only produce half a catty in a hundred years, which is extremely precious.

Yin Jiu stood beside him respectfully and waited patiently.

After a stick of incense, when the fragrance accumulated to the peak and was about to break, the old woman slowly stretched out a sickly white hand, slowly picked up the green cup, and drank it in one gulp.

"Burp, burp."

She seemed very satisfied, and was intoxicated for a long time before slowly saying: "Yin Jiu?"

"Greetings to Master Qipo!"

Yin Jiu bowed very respectfully.

"Want to go back?"

"Please let me go, sir. The situation is urgent."

"Is that so? With your current status, you are not qualified. Since I have some friendship with your Fang family ancestor, I will do it this time and not again."

After the old woman finished speaking, a tune rang softly at the corner of her mouth.

At the same time, the wooden door of the room quietly opened, and the silver light surged, like a fragrant tea, which was drawn in but not out.


A flash of lightning flashed in his eyes. His ancestor was a peerless strong man in the middle stage of the transformation of the spirit. It was his wife, the great ancestor. Could it be that the Seventh Grandma...

Yin Jiu bowed again to thank him and stepped into the room in shock and excitement.

As soon as he entered, he felt the silver light dazzling, the sky and the earth turned, and the people and the house disappeared together.


The underground space was instantly filled with silver.

The old woman waved her hand lightly, and the silver light disappeared without a trace, leaving her alone.

On the way, Li Jie and Yu Ningzhi's excited mood formed a strong contrast with Wang Lu's calmness. They wanted to catch him, tie him up, and torture him.

What kind of freak are you!

Although the three jade boxes were opened and closed in an instant like a meteor, they were captured by their powerful consciousness. With their extensive knowledge and strong consciousness, they still only recognized the Wancai fruit.

The other two were unseen and unheard of, and they only knew that they were quite old.

The longer the medicine is, the stronger the effect.

If it is strong to a certain limit, they will be confused. It's not that they haven't thought about it, but how the shape-changing spiritual medicine came from, there is no word left.

Under the constant urging of the two, Wang Lu had to speed up his pace. In less than two hours, he returned to the Dancing Inn.

"Hey, Brother Li and Sister Yu are not going back to their own residence?"

Wang Lu asked in surprise.

"Why are you going to reply? You're at a big loss. Let's talk inside."

Unknown to the others, the three of them sat at a round table.

"Brother Qiu, do you know the origin of that colorful spiritual fruit?"

Li Jie asked impatiently.

"I don't know." Wang Lu shook his head. He understood what the two meant.

"What about that flower and that grass?"

"I don't know." Wang Lu answered in a sullen manner.


Yu Ningzhi saw Wang speaking with some grievance, "Puchi", and laughed.

"Alas, brother, the colorful fruit is called Wancai Fruit. If you take a bite, no matter how much mana you have left, even if there is not a single drop left, it will be perfect in the blink of an eye. Not only that, it will not harm him at all. Most importantly, it will work even if you are a strong man in the God Transformation Stage. Do you really not know or are you pretending to be confused for the sake of our endless alliance?" Li Jie sighed with regret.

"I really don't know!"

Hearing this, Wang Lu stood up and slammed the table.

Fortunately, he controlled his power, otherwise, the round table would have been turned into dust.

In the Huang Palace of Kujiang Secret Realm, under the threat of the two interesting puppets, he went into the Baicao Garden, and took only ten of the thousands of earth-shaking spiritual materials.

For two full days, he was dazzled and excited, like a monkey moving corn, wanting this and thinking about that.

In fact, he didn't know what "they" were called or what they did, and he only chose based on his feelings.

So, he asked for ten kinds.

Why, why, why, he only knew about one of them, the Wancai Fruit, now!

At that time, after destroying the Shenxue Sect, if he knew that the colorful fruit in the storage bag was the famous Wancai Fruit, he would take it immediately without hesitation. Although he lost all his power, his magic power was perfect. He dragged his seriously injured body to escape from this place of right and wrong that was likely to be exposed.

It was because he had been recuperating for a year that he was found by the eighth elder of the Body Sect and the young snakehead of the Yu family, who jointly hunted him down and killed him.

Wang Lu screamed in his heart. The Wancai Fruit, which was so precious and almost turned the tide of the battle, was gone just like that.

His heart was bleeding.

However, if he had not been hunted down, how could he have met the old man who had given him enough time to recuperate? How could he have met the cute pig that he had never thought of and formed an indissoluble bond with him? And how could he have been so deeply heartbroken and cried for Zijiu and Xiaolu's rebirth of him, their recklessness and their deep love.

Without one of them, he would have died.

Perhaps, it was destined, helpless, and unchangeable.

Recalling the past, it was intertwined and entangled, just like yesterday.

Sit down indifferently.

Alas, there are still flowers and grass, which should be things that regret the world.

He just saw the extremely wonderful and shocked changes in Yinjiu's face. At that time, he was still complacent. Now it seems that it is very likely, as Li Jie said:

A big loss?

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