Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 590 Old Immortal

Time passed slowly while waiting. One day and one night, one hundred monks who went to Yingcheng were finally gathered.

Everyone stepped into the silvery teleportation array one by one. With a light touch of magic, a silver halo enveloped him.


A round of dazzling silver sun exploded, causing a blur in front of the eyes. The next moment, everyone appeared in a bright and open room.

Follow the people's footsteps and come to the left side of the City Lord's Mansion. There are also dozens of teleportation arrays going to various cities.

Next stop, Luzhou.

This city still belongs to the Tianhai Sect's sphere of influence and is controlled by the Blood Shark Sect, a medium-sized sect. It is located more than nine million miles due north of Yingcheng.

A young Jindan monk who sells talismans told Wang Lu that so far only 32 people have gone to Luzhou. According to past experience, it will take at least five days to gather 100 people.

In desperation, we can only appreciate the local customs and customs of Yingcheng.

Walking out of the city lord's palace, there is a large square with a radius of twenty miles. There are many vendors selling various talismans, magic weapons, spiritual weapons, treasures, elixirs, formations, puppets, etc., and even There are dozens of people who do divination and fortune telling.

Seeing this scene, Wang Lu couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded.

Thinking of that time, when his master passed away and he was alone, he mustered up the courage to go to Buyunfang Market, a small casual cultivator in Yushan, to sell talismans.

At that time, I was young, green, ignorant, fearful, and cautious, for fear of being missed by others.

Hey, he also met the first girl in a green dress, Li Mouqing, who made him a little confused.

Even in Manghai, when I met her who was helpless and strong, the throbbing deep in my heart was immediately ignited, and I gave Xiaotong to her without hesitation.

Ha, after so many years, I don’t know if you and Xiaotong are fine. At some point, I still remember that there was a monk on the famous king road who missed you incessantly and confusedly.

Wang Lu wandered aimlessly in the square. Suddenly, the couplet on the banner aroused his interest.

First couplet: Yin and Yang cut off the five elements, and the sun and moon are in the palm of the hand.

Second line: Measuring Feng Shui and Liuhe, holding the universe in your sleeves.

Horizontal comment: The old immortal who helps the world.

A very attractive old man with white beard, messy white hair, clear face and piercing eyes, was talking eloquently to the people in front of him about the mysteries of heaven and earth, fate and luck, the five elements of yin and yang, Liuhe and Bagua. The miraculous truth was so exaggerated that many monks were amazed when they heard it.

A large crowd gathered in front of his stall.

"Heaven and earth first opened, and Taichu appeared. Then, gathering Yin and holding Yang, rising and sinking, jumping nine days to reach Yang; crossing the Yellow Spring, reaching Yin, establishing the Tao, settling the principles of heaven, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and the five elements came out, and cycled over and over again. , the light of the beginning cannot be seen shining in the world, only the heaven and earth support the construction, and the cause and effect are undetermined. In fact, if you measure the sky and calculate the earth, there is no way, only the destiny..."

The old god was full of words about the principles of heaven and earth and the maxims of the great road, but he stopped Wang Lu from leaving.

"It seems really interesting."

Wang Lu, like others, listened carefully to his preaching.

What kind of wind was blowing today? Maybe he could catch a few big fat sheep. Normally, dozens of people would surround him and talk nonsense.

Seeing that there were at least thirty or forty people gathered around, and they were listening with great interest and thinking constantly, the old god was even more secretly proud, so he increased his efforts, starting from the beginning of the world, talking about the ancient times, and then to the ancient times... ...

Following his words and description, everyone seemed to have returned to the ancient world where blood was flowing, magical powers were unparalleled, and the world was destroyed. It was as if they were transformed into various great gods, giants, immortals, heroes, mythical beasts, ferocious beasts, etc. Strange beasts and insects, it's like being on the scene, killing and slashing, it's so fun.

The old god's saliva was flying, Wan saw it with his own eyes and experienced it with his own eyes, it was so lifelike and real.

Several foundation-building monks with red eyes and red necks took out dozens of middle-grade spiritual stones on the spot in order to continue listening.

After accepting the spirit stone, the old god became even more determined to improve himself. The more he talked, the more suspenseful he became, and the more he talked, the more strange he became...

Like the Book of Heaven and the Book of Ghosts, the secret scriptures are extinct.

Even Wang Lu listened with gusto and cheered.

This statement lasted from now until the sunset, as if the old immortal had said that he was on the verge of collapse, old, dim, hungry, and thirsty, and then he stopped.

Everyone was still unfinished, and he seemed a little tired. He took a big breath and stopped talking, and his "obvious meaning" eyes came to him.

Wang Lu was stared at by him and felt a little embarrassed. He scratched his bald head and took out a high-grade spiritual stone from his storage bag, which was regarded as a reward for listening to the book. The old god put it away with a satisfied "hehe".

Seeing that Wang Lu was so generous with his actions, and feeling that although his magic power was weak, he was extremely difficult to offend, everyone felt that they could not hold on to their dignity, and they all took out the high-grade, medium-grade or low-grade spiritual stones and handed them to the old immortal.

Laughing loudly, the old god refused to come and collected them all.

When people saw him so happy and smiling so obscenely, a strong thought arose in each other's hearts, they had been fooled!

Wang Lu also felt the same way.

Suddenly, he saw the couplet that looked like a victorious rooster fluttering in the wind. How did a fortune teller become a storyteller?

When this thought came to him, he was startled.

Does language really have such a magical power? It can unknowingly arouse people's curiosity and make them fall into it without leaving a trace, and even feel a little unable to extricate themselves.

It wasn't the language, but what the old god said, which he had never heard before, so that he couldn't help himself.


Even a person like him who was considered to be well-informed had never heard of it. Among the listeners, he felt that several of them were extremely powerful, and even had the suspicion of suppressing their cultivation. Could it be that these people had not heard of it, or that all the people who listened to the book were like him, and had no understanding of what the old immortal said.

If so, it would be too mysterious, and it would not be too much to say that it was mysterious.

As the sun set, Wang Lu wandered in the bustling streets, and the words of the old immortal could not be driven away from his mind. In fact, many things and those scenes were gradually fading like the tide, and no matter how he grabbed them, they were completely ineffective.


A thunderstorm that shook the earth exploded in his heart.

Wang Lu did not think twice, and used all his strength to run towards the old immortal's stall at a very fast speed!

His speed shocked the world, causing others to exclaim continuously.

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