Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 60: The Vast Sea

Three months passed in a flash, and Wang Lu completed the practice of "Deep Concealment".

In his mind, the technique of hiding the breath should be easy to master, but he didn't expect it took three months. He guessed that perhaps powerful techniques usually take longer.

However, if Zhu Ning knew that Wang Lu had completed the technique in just three months, she would be extremely shocked. She had spent three years to master "Deep Concealment".

This also indirectly illustrates the uniqueness of "Six Talisman Secrets". Constantly opening up the unique meridians and acupuncture points in his body has made it possible to achieve twice the result with half the effort in practicing this method.

Wang Lu put his mood in order. "Deep Concealment" was just a pleasant surprise for him. The purpose of his going to the Spiritual Materials Pavilion was to supplement some talismans and buy a flying spiritual tool.

Zhu Ning recommended him a top-grade flying spiritual weapon. The spiritual weapon looked like a blade. When unfolded, it was half a meter wide, about a meter long, and three feet high. Wang Lu liked it at first sight. It had the same shape as the Six-Star Arched Moon Blade, so he bought it without hesitation and named it "Sound Blade".

He hoped that the sound blade would have a speed comparable to that of sound, as fast as thunder.

As a guest elder, even with enough discounts, he still spent 75 high-grade spiritual stones, which made him feel painful for a while.

Then, he used another 20 high-grade spiritual stones to buy spiritual materials for making talismans, which instantly reduced his originally bulging storage bag by a level, but for the sake of his life, money is nothing but external things.

Wang Lu could only comfort himself in this way.

Seven days later, he refined the sound blade. A year later, he used the pills obtained in the competition, especially the Qingxu Pill and the Guiyuan Pill, to finally break through to the late stage of foundation building.

In his opinion, if there was no Guiyuan Pill, he would never reach the late stage of foundation building.

Guiyuan Dan is a good elixir for breaking through the Jindan stage, but he wasted it.

When Wang Lu came to the late stage of foundation building, his mana soared by nearly one-fold, and his sea of ​​consciousness expanded by one-third. His intuition told him that his consciousness had surpassed that of ordinary Jindan early stage cultivators, and his body was strengthened by more than a little bit, which made him more confident to deal with the monsters and demon cultivators in the vast sea of ​​millions of miles.

After three days of rest, he took out "Moyin", picked up the pen in his hand, adjusted the talisman, and continuously drew lines on various talisman papers, dotted with dozens, hundreds, and thousands of spiritual points. He was completely immersed in the world of communicating with the talismans.

Unknowingly, half a year had passed. Looking at the talismans piled up on the ground with various colors of spiritual light, Wang Lu smiled comfortably.

After nearly two years of preparation, he was already a 26-year-old young man.

Two days later, he straightened his clothes and looked at his sharp-edged self in the water mirror. He suddenly felt homesick. His original plan to go home after building the foundation was delayed again and again. Now he had to complete the task before going home.

He walked out of the cave and came to the courtyard. He took out the sound blade, jumped on it, put ten medium-grade spirit stones in the driving center, and entered a spell. The sound blade rose steadily into the air and rushed out of the Jade City like a wave.

On the sound blade, Wang Lu took out the route jade slip given by the sect, designed the route, released the iron wood ape puppet left by his master, gave it fifty medium-grade spirit stones, and then sat behind the sound blade, holding two medium-grade spirit stones in his hand, meditating and practicing.

To use the elixir to break through the realm, he needed to calm down and lay a solid foundation.

Time was like a child playing, and it passed away in a flash.

The sound blade rushed all the way, over mountains and across rivers and lakes...

Finally, two years later, as far as the eye could see, there was a vast expanse of greenery that stretched from the sky to the ground, and a deep and lush atmosphere came to the face.

A majestic giant city stood on the edge of the vast sea. The giant city was called "Blood Battle". There were ten entrances and exits, and people were coming and going, very busy.

There were many exotic flowers, fruits, spiritual herbs and trees growing in the vast sea. After killing monsters, you could get a lot of valuable monster materials and there were a large number of secret places and ancient monuments...attracting countless cultivators who came to kill monsters and search for treasures.

There were several powerful monster tribes occupying the depths of the vast sea, especially the red ape tribe with the blood of the mythical beast mountain giant ape, which led the entire vast sea. Most of the battles with the human race were provoked by the red ape tribe.

Blood Battle City, as the name suggests, was built by the human race after countless bloody battles. As a bridgehead for defending against the monster tribe, many big figures famous in the Western Desert had fought with the monster tribe in Blood Battle City.

This city is located at the edge of the vast sea, built on the mountain, with large and small mountains in between. The seven sects did not move the mountains to build the city, but retained their original structures, only slightly rebuilt to commemorate their ancestors, so that their descendants will always remember this hard-won stability and fight the demon race to the end.

The various mountains in the city are basically stained with blood stains left by demon beasts, demon cultivators and humans, emitting a faint fishy smell that has not been wiped off, and also reminding people of the bloody history of this huge city.

Wang Lu did not suppress his cultivation. He disguised himself as a middle-aged man, paid the entrance fee, and after layers of testing, confirmed that he was not a demon cultivator, and obtained a small white token for temporary residence.

He walked into the city. In the middle of the square in the distance, there stood seven various battle flags fluttering in the wind, representing the seven sects.

The streets in the city were open and closed, crisscrossing in all directions. Countless shops on both sides of the streets were lined up, and people came in and out, and it was very lively.

Most of them are at the Foundation Establishment Stage, and it is rare to see cultivators above the Golden Core Stage, and only one in ten is at the Qi Refining Stage. Regardless of which realm the cultivators are at, they all feel a chilling murderous aura from them to a greater or lesser extent.

Wang Lu found a wind mediator and paid five low-grade spirit stones. He learned about the strongholds of the seven major sects and various large and medium-sized sects. He was worried that someone would follow him, so he temporarily found an inn to stay.

The long high-speed flight made Wang Lu a little physically and mentally exhausted. He slept for two days and two nights before he woke up from his deep sleep.

Refreshed, Wang Lu walked out of the inn and sent a message to the wind mediator. The guy called a beast cart. After getting on the car, he drove full speed towards the distant Blood Palace.

The wind mediator's name was Li Yu. He was born in a small family in the city. He was at the third level of Qi Refining. Because he was familiar with all the street layouts and power distribution in the city, he chose the wind mediator as a camp.

In the beast cart, Li Yu answered all Wang Lu's questions. About two hours later, Li Yu led him to the Blood Palace Square.

After getting off the beast cart, Wang Lu gave him ten low-grade spirit stones and asked him to go back first. He would find him if there was anything.

When had Li Yu ever received someone as generous as Wang Lu? He thanked him and said yes.

The Blood Hall is where the seven major sects jointly decide on major events. It covers thousands of acres, is magnificent, and is blood red in color.

In the purple-red square in front of the Blood Hall, there are seven huge battle flags hundreds of feet high. There is an endless stream of monks, gathering in twos and threes, trying to attract the people they need to enter the vast sea to complete the corresponding tasks, or inviting them to explore treasures and traces together.

Wang Lu silently looked at the crowds of all kinds. There were several waves of people who invited him to complete the tasks together. He responded to the teams that wanted to attract him one by one and politely refused.

Walking into the Blood Hall, there was a lot of noise, like a riot, with thousands of monks gathered together.

The Blood Hall is on the left side of the Blood Hall, where the seven sects issue tasks.

Since the establishment of the Blood Hall, many famous bounty monks have emerged, both individuals and teams. They have excellent treasures, strong cultivation, and special skills. They have spent years killing and being killed, and are extremely experienced and experienced, with a sense of smell far beyond that of ordinary people.

The Blood Hall is divided into two floors. The tasks issued on the lower floor are aimed at ordinary foundation-building monks, and the second floor is mainly open to Jindan and above.

A fifty-foot square red screen stands in the air with the support of the formation. Various tasks as numerous as stars are constantly displayed on it. Wang Lu stood in the crowd and watched silently for three hours before he roughly reviewed them.

Many tasks appeared for the first time, but disappeared the second time, indicating that they had been taken down.

The tasks were dense and varied, which made him dazzled and his eyes were full of brilliance.

The tasks are divided into single-player and multi-player collaboration. The rewards after completion are exciting, but there is also a time limit, which cannot exceed half a year. After half a year, whether success or failure, it will be considered a failure.

Of course, if you have a need, even if you are not a member of the seven sects, you can find the Mission Hall and offer a reward to issue your own mission.

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