Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 600: Two Powerful Competitors

The murderous intent in the man's eyes made the female cultivator shudder. This man's spiritual awareness was far superior to hers. He was the first to discover that someone was spying on her and then set up a killing spree.

The temptation of Tianhongcao was too great. It was worth taking such a risk.

She was also a ruthless person and made a decision in an instant.

The two had similar magical powers. While the other party was almost perfect and was still adjusting his breath, she took the initiative to strike first.

Let me meet you, a strong man who came out of nowhere.

With a single hand, a puppet with a snake head and a human body comparable to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul appeared beside her with a white cold blade in his hand.


Without thinking anything, the snake-headed puppet killed the male cultivator cleanly and neatly.

"You have it?"

The snake-shaped puppet made the man's eyelids jump. The opponent was extremely powerful, but he was not someone to be trifled with. Two against one, forget it.

"Come out!"


A deafening wolf howl seemed to come from the horizon, and then a three-eyed demon wolf appeared in front of the male cultivator.

The snow-white hair on its body stood up like steel needles, two feet long, one foot high and six feet thick, and the dark eyes as big as copper bells were gushing with fierce light. One of its vertical eyes was tightly closed. Once it opened, it would emit a soul-snatching light, which would make people's souls sting and shake. It was extremely powerful.


The three-eyed demon wolf in the early stage of level seven disappeared as fast as the wind, and appeared in front of the snake-shaped puppet in a moment. Its sharp claws grabbed bursts of green wind blades. The puppet swiftly waved one arm and took it alive. The other arm holding the cold blade suddenly turned over and stabbed the demon wolf's body fiercely.

The demon wolf, which was originally moving at high speed, was like a galloping horse at high speed. It came to an immediate stop and narrowly avoided delivering itself to the door.


The snake-headed puppet's move failed, and it immediately deployed its body skills. "Swish, swish, swish, swish" the dagger shone coldly, and it had a close fight with the demon wolf.

The demon wolf did not show any weakness, and used its swift speed and sharp wind blade to eliminate the area within a radius of 20 miles of the small lake. Their figures were everywhere, and they killed them fiercely and swiftly.

The man and woman seemed to have great confidence in their spirit beasts and puppets, and they put them out without asking any more questions.


The male cultivator shouted coldly, and the green spirit sword came to his hand. Behind him, a majestic green giant mountain slowly emerged, and an ancient, heavy, and stable momentum descended.

His face was as heavy as water, simple and solemn, and the green light of the spirit sword also became deep and solemn.

Seeing this, the female cultivator's face changed slightly. Although the man's vision was only a mysterious vision, it was magnificent and domineering, revealing an indestructible and unbreakable stability.

It weighed more than a thousand pounds and was as stable as Mount Tai.

A very bad feeling came to him.

Once the arrow is shot, there is no turning back. Since he has chosen to attack, he must move forward even if he loses.


A huge blade that covers the sky appeared above his head. He held the life-saving magic weapon "One Blade" tightly. The huge blade was like a fish swinging its tail. The space broke one after another. In a flash, it turned into a blade silk and merged into the dagger.


A shocking spiritual power exploded. The female cultivator was still not at ease. She looked determined and shouted: "Black water snake."


The sky darkened in an instant. A huge black snake with a body of 100 feet long and 10 feet thick seemed to come from a distant country across the sky. A sharp and cold coldness that penetrated into the bone marrow forced into the male cultivator's body, which was extremely horrified.

The second vision!

The male cultivator felt cold when he saw this. This woman was too amazing. She actually cultivated two visions.

He didn't care about winning or losing. It was hard to find an opponent, which made him even more excited.

Once he kills it, his mind and confidence will grow greatly.

This woman must be killed, and the Tianhong grass must be taken.

What a super strong man who practices both magic and martial arts. The dagger phenomenon is very rare, which should be caused by her skills. The black water snake phenomenon is also extremely rare. They are both mysterious phenomena, which must be generated by her strength.

Hehe, I heard that the Yu family of the ten ancient holy families in the wilderness has the phenomenon of the legendary ten fierce beasts, the ancient snake. As long as the snake king Teng Snake is not in the world, there is nothing to fear.

Come on, go forward without hesitation, kill, kill, kill!

The male cultivator's fighting spirit exploded in his heart, and his blood burned.


He shouted.

The heavy mountain behind him suddenly shrank a million times, condensed into a fist-sized miniature green mountain, and fell on the green spirit sword. The sword body was instantly compressed into a curved bow.

The male cultivator stared at the woman intently, like a butterfly flying through flowers. With dazzling speed, he stretched out his left and right hands in a flash, grabbing the spiritual sword that had become a bow, and the miniature green mountain was like a sky-breaking arrow feather facing the female cultivator.


As if being hit by a heavy hammer, the female cultivator was immediately frightened.

She wanted to run, the farther the better, a breath of death spread rapidly, covering her.

The surging force pressed down on her body, and she was still thinking about how to escape at the moment of life and death. Immediately kill this idiot's idea.

Running away can only die faster. The only thing we can do now is to fight hard and defeat the strong with the strong.


A mouthful of blood sprayed on the dagger, and a black water snake of the middle stage of the eighth level, comparable to the late stage of the Nascent Soul, appeared.


Seeing the male cultivator who broke through thousands of troops, he roared and a silent sound wave was sprinkled, and his face was shocked instantly.

The female cultivator raised a blade and yelled, "Slash the sea!"

A black blade that could split the sky and earth gathered in front of her and went straight into the sky.

It was visible to the naked eye, no, even if it was visible, it couldn't keep up with the incredible speed of the blade, and it slashed towards the male cultivator.

"Bang bang bang bang bang..."

Wherever he passed, deep black holes formed and burst one after another. Soon, an infinitely stretched black curtain was formed.

This is the fragmentation of space caused by countless black holes!

Vacuum is colorless!

At the same time, the black water snake exploded like a bubble, and the rich black water light merged into black blades at the fingertips. The blades seemed to have taken a tonic medicine, and the speed was even faster, but silently .

The great road is invisible, and the great sound is silent.

The speed is so fast that it has reached a limit.

This astonishing scene is so shocking that it can be said to be unparalleled and invincible. Anyone who sees it will feel chills all over their body.


The male cultivator's mouth was bleeding. He had been injured by the strange sound wave of the black water snake. He was completely unmoved by the blade that was about to cut him into nothingness at the next moment. He calmly said: "The mountain breaks the sun and the moon!"

The miniature green mountain exploded away with the overwhelming pressure of overwhelming force.


The female cultivator was so frightened that she let out a scream that sounded like a ghost crying. She dropped everything and turned around to flee.

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