Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 615 Hand in the task

Just as Wang Lu thought, the fake nest of the Fiery Explosive Bear was swept away by him. Then, he returned to the cave entrance and sank into the sea water 500 feet along the crack. He simply broke the formation of another nest, and all kinds of treasures with extraordinary spiritual power were piled up on the ground, shining brightly.

Hey, he almost drooled at the corners of his mouth, and it was also empty.

Since there is a tide, there will be a tide.

The tide rises 500 feet high, and the tide should also be about 500 feet low.

The cave hidden in the sea water and revealed after the tide is its real treasure.

The Fiery Explosive Bear played this trick very beautifully. If you are a little careless, you will miss it.

This is also the real reason why he stood at the entrance of the cave for a long time waiting for the tide to rise to a maximum of 500 feet.

What a Fiery Explosive Bear, if you were obedient and sensible at the beginning, not only would you not lose your life, but I would not even find your real nest.

It is just as the saying goes, there is a road to heaven but you don’t take it, and there is no door to hell but you break in.

Humph, I, Wang Lu, am not such an easy person to mess with.

With a happy mood, I looked at the direction and shot out along the crack between the sea and the sky.

Stepping on the waves and breaking the fog, time passed like rain. After eight months, I rushed at full speed and returned to Konghai smoothly. After another two months, I searched repeatedly and finally found a small island hidden in the thick sea fog.

The island is less than thirty miles in radius, lush and green, with potholes, a canal in the east and a ditch in the west, and it is only more than twenty feet higher than the entire sea level.

The spiritual energy on the island is weak, and there are almost no spiritual materials. There are only some seabirds roosting and circling, and some sea fish, shrimps, fish and crabs left after the tide rises and falls.

I found a hidden place at random, and the six-star arched moon blade was like chopping vegetables and melons. Soon a cave was formed to accommodate me. I casually laid down several formations that could block ordinary level seven monsters, and Wang Lu was relieved.

The ten-year period of taking twenty-six tasks from Kong's Kongbei Market has passed for more than seven years, and there are less than three years left.

During this period, he gained a lot. Not only did he complete several of them, but he also successfully confiscated the four palms of the Fiery Explosive Bear and the countless treasures it had collected for a long time.

Hey, these are secondary. The important thing is that he completed the three main materials for refining the "Transformation Pill", the thousand-year silver flower, the four-color crimson fruit and the sky red grass, which 99% of the cultivators did not personally obtain. Now there are four thousand-year silver flowers and half of the sky red grass lying quietly in the storage bag. The opportunity is great and the luck is deep, which is incomparable.

In addition, he made friends with Lan Yu, a transcendent figure who is extremely powerful in all aspects. It is not clear what benefits he will get now, but it may be of great help to him in the future.

Finally, two bottles of ten thousand-year spirit wine that are rare to restore mana, seven very rare blue smoke gems, and the message from the jade slip in the female cultivator's storage bag that he attaches great importance to.

Of course, what makes him feel uneasy but eager to try and can't forget, the "mysterious island" that Lan Yu finally found, this is the top priority.

Perhaps, he was looking forward to it...

After sorting out the spoils, Wang Lu sat cross-legged, closed his eyes slightly, and practiced like a Kui Niu. Soon, the mysterious black light came from nowhere, like a lover's gentle words, like a gentle spring breeze, slowly nourishing and repairing the bruised meridians, hidden acupoints and organs in his body.

The exercises were performed over and over again, and Wang Lu soon entered the recuperation and recovery.

The sun rises and sets, the tides rise and fall, and the stars move.

Suddenly, two years passed quickly.

Wang Lu calmly opened his eyes, his two calm eyes fell, and he stood up calmly. Although his body was repaired, the minor injuries hidden in the meridians and acupoints still needed to be slowly nurtured before they could heal.

He must not fight with others again, otherwise, it would be difficult to recover.

It was quite different from the estimated time for recuperation. The original two years were three years at the shortest, and several years at the longest.

He completely underestimated the "deep blue sword energy" of the three-eyed sea ghost beast, and 80% of the injuries in his body were caused by it, followed by the water flame giant stick of the Fiery Explosion Bear.

However, once he recovered, his physical body would be more or less improved.

It can be seen from this that it is extremely difficult to improve the strength.

At most two months, he can return to Kongbeifang City again.

For two years, the formation has been silent and put away. When he stepped out of the cave, the island was unusually quiet. Except for the clear calls of several seabirds and seagulls, there was only the sound of the rolling waves hitting the island.

He secretly memorized the location of the island, unfolded his body skills, stepped on the waves, and rushed at high speed.

After one and a half months, he traveled about 10 million miles. A huge city wrapped in the formation was in sight. Wang Lu, who was on the blue boat, also returned on a flying treasure like others.

His speed was too conspicuous, and the wind would destroy the tree that stood out in the forest.

He still understood the principle of shooting the first bird out.

The blue boat shuttled quickly at a speed of 300 feet per breath, arrived at the port, pressed the flying boat, jumped off, and put it away.

With the magic power, Wang Lu, who was transformed into a bald strong man without beard and hair, successfully entered the unguarded black and white city gate of Kongbeifang City with the identity token of "Qiu Qingrong".

The city was in full swing and very lively, especially the black and white "Kongsheng Building" covering an area of ​​10,000 acres.

Crossing the crowded square, came to the hall, and went directly to one of the more than 100 rooms surrounding the hall for "submitting tasks".

The wooden door was slightly opened, entered, and then closed immediately.

There was a counter in the room, and an antique long table was located in the center, on which was placed a pot of spiritual tea with aura and four exquisite purple jade teacups.

There were two round wooden stools emitting a faint spiritual light in front and behind the long table. A young and beautiful female cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building dressed in a white dress saw him coming and stood up from behind the counter. Unable to sense the cultivation level of the person, she smiled and said, "Welcome, senior. How can Nie Qian help you?"

Wang Lu did not speak, but sat down directly, picked up the teapot and filled a cup, and drank it all.

He said, "The tea is good, and it can be drunk."

"Nie Qian, is there a formation to go to the second floor here? The task I have assigned to you cannot be undertaken by you." Wang Lu poured another cup, looked at the small green tea in the cup, and said lightly.

"Senior, wait a moment, I will cast a spell to open the formation." Nie Qian bowed slightly and said.


Nie Qian pointed with her jade finger, and the room suddenly lit up with white light.

I felt that I came to the second floor with Nie Qian in a trance.

At first glance, the design is ingenious and amazing.

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