Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 617 Share some soup

After returning to Tianhai City, Wang Lu went straight to Yinluanxuan. Yin 113 saw him coming, his eyes lit up, and he quickly went to meet him. He was very sensible and took him to a secret room on the second floor, and then walked out quickly.

After a while, Yin Jiu, who had thick eyebrows and big eyes and a burly figure, greeted him enthusiastically under the leadership of Yin 113: "It's been more than ten years since we last met. Daoist friend is more elegant than before. Congratulations."

Wang Lu is his own rich man, and he is also the key figure in his rapid progress in Yinluanxuan in recent years. It was his three peerless treasures that made Yinluanxuan in Tianhai City look very proud.

He still clearly remembered the grand occasion five years ago. It was simply a gathering of heroes, all kinds of geniuses, and all the alchemy masters and grand masters came from thousands of miles away, fighting fiercely with red eyes and necks, which was rare in ancient times.

The three spiritual materials, the Good Time Jade Flower, the Green Jade Knowledge-Enhancing Grass, and the Colorful Fruit, all flowed out of this person's storage bag. Together with the Golden Throne Order, even if he was a casual cultivator with no background, he was his most distinguished guest and the most fortunate person he had ever met.

In the more than 100 years since he was listed as one of the ten deacons, he had received two other holders of the Golden Throne Order. Although they were both extraordinary and extraordinary, compared with Wang Lu, they were like a poor horse compared to a unicorn, a jackdaw and a phoenix, and were not at the same level at all.

Because of Wang Lu's three treasures, his status rose steadily, and he was directly accepted as a personal disciple by a deputy master. As long as he condensed his Nascent Soul, he could return to the mountain and worship under his master to practice the Tongtian Gongfa.

Yin Jiu laughed out loud. He wanted to go up and give Wang Lu a tight hug, but suddenly he thought that they were not so familiar with each other, so he called out, "Boy, why don't you quickly bring up the best spiritual tea and brew a pot."

"Disciple obeys."

Yin 113 ran out like a rabbit.

"Haha, fellow Daoist, please sit down," Yin Jiu said with a hearty laugh, and sat down as well, and then said, "If you have any requests, just ask. As long as I, Yin Jiu, can do it, I will do my best."

"Hehe," Wang Lu saw Yin Jiu so enthusiastic and excited, and thought that his three treasures must have brought him a lot of benefits. He did not play tricks and said straight to the point, "To be honest with you, fellow Daoist, I need some spiritual materials. Here is a list. Please take a look?"

With a wave of his hand, a jade slip floated in the air.

Yin Jiu took it without thinking, and with a scan of his spiritual sense, he immediately knew that the other party wanted to refine a kind of elixir, but the spiritual materials mentioned above were relatively rare and would take some time to find.

However, he had already said that to the great "benefactor" in front of him, if he couldn't do it, wouldn't it be a slap in his face?

"As the distinguished guest mentioned, you can come to my pavilion again within three days. Not only that, if you believe in me, I can refine more than 20 bottles of this pill within a year, and I will never disclose the pill formula." After saying that, Yin Jiu smiled and waited for Wang Lu's reply.


Wang Lu was shocked, such a sharp look, as for the spiritual materials of the ancient pill, several of them he had never seen, and the age of the medicine was still 50,000 years, it was really difficult to collect.

Moreover, even if they were gathered together, without Xiaolu, with his completely unspeakable and half-baked alchemy level, those spiritual materials would have to be piled up into a mountain, and he would have to practice repeatedly, or if the Sifang Dingtian Ding tried his best to take out all his strength, maybe he would be able to refine one or two bottles of good products.

He was still annoyed by this problem, and suddenly heard the other party assert that it was nothing more than a blessing from heaven. Isn't this like a pillow for someone who is sleepy?

Wang Lu pretended to be calm with joy. He really loved Yin Jiu, who seemed to be big and strong, with a rough face and was helping him in times of need!


He immediately accepted the joy that he could no longer hide. How did Yin Jiu know that he couldn't make pills? Could it be that he had investigated and knew his background?

Thinking of this, Wang Lu was as calm as water, and a sense of hostility slowly formed. He stared at Yin Jiu intently, with the intention of killing him.

Once his identity was revealed, with the strength of the Kong family, not only would he be imprisoned, but Kong Hua would also be dug out and die without a burial place.

Seeing Wang Lu's sudden change in attitude, Yin Jiu felt as if he was being stared at by an extremely poisonous snake. If there was any slight movement, the other party would choose someone to bite and kill him with one blow.

What's going on?

His mind was working at high speed. He was a man of great intelligence. Suddenly, he thought things through.

"Haha, don't worry, my dear guest. Let me explain in detail."

Yin Jiu seemed to be afraid that Wang Lu would not listen to his explanation. He continued, "Last time, you came here with three world-shaking treasures. Hey, I got a lot of benefits. This time, I will return the favor. I am still a little bit experienced in the art of alchemy. This elixir should be an ancient elixir that has never appeared in the world. We cultivators are supposed to change our fate and race against time. More than ten years ago, you were at the peak of the late Jindan period, but now you are still standing still. If you are an alchemist, Alchemist, you must have reached the state of great perfection or false infant. My guess is correct. You must have spent the past ten years to find this recipe in order to improve your cultivation. I dare to say that this recipe must be made by a master of alchemy. Ordinary alchemists don’t even have the chance to touch it, let alone refine it. So, I dare to offer my advice just to save you some time. I haven’t thought of anything else. "

Fistful words, spent a lot of effort, tried to organize the words, Yin Jiu talked nonstop, Wang Lu relaxed his expression.

I only heard him say: "Hey, fellow Taoist, you said it earlier, and scared me, Old Qiu, into having other ideas. "

Then, Wang Lu placed the ancient recipe jade slip on the table with satisfaction, clasped his fists and said: "Then wait for good news from fellow Taoists."

"Haha, no problem." Yin Jiu said happily.

As long as he helped Wang Lu, who called himself "Old Qiu", this time, he would surely be able to make friends with him.

This person is a person with great opportunities and great luck, and he must not be offended, and must be made friends.

When this person eats meat, he can also share some soup.

He couldn't help but think "hehe".

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