In fact, Song Fengyu has always been a very arrogant person, and he has the capital to be proud.

When he was a child, the serious and cold Song Mingtang told him that if he wanted to go further in the world of cultivating immortals, he must pretend to be stupid and be a fool who pretends to be confused. At the same time, he must always urge himself to be alert, calm down to practice, study the skills and supernatural powers, and have a skill to suppress himself. This is the foundation of life.

Reading ten thousand books is not as good as traveling ten thousand miles.

Increase your knowledge, broaden your horizons, deal with all kinds of people, learn from their experiences and advantages and disadvantages, remove the dross, take the essence, remove the false and retain the true, melt all the laws into the furnace of heaven and earth, re-refine and forge, and return to your own body.

Finally, shatter the earth and split the sky, turn the world into a furnace, thus breaking the confinement of heaven and earth and achieving the supreme true body.

This is the opening meaning of the top-level heaven-level skill "Melting Furnace Record" of the Song family, the second family of the ten ancient families in the wilderness, also called "Songqi".

To be honest, Song Fengyu only learned about his extraordinary background when Song Mingtang left more than 30 years ago.

As for where his father went, he only had a vague guess.

At the same time, he told him that he could only rely on himself in the future.

As for his cultivation level, Song Fengyu felt that he should not have broken into the God Transformation Stage, and repeatedly told him not to reveal his true identity, otherwise he would be hunted down by the Song family.

At that time, he understood that his father had betrayed his family with him for some unknown reason and was hunted down all the way.

He had no choice but to lower his cultivation level and traveled hundreds of millions of miles and thousands of mountains and rivers to a seemingly ordinary little place in the Western Desert, waiting for peace and quiet, and lived there for more than 20 years.

At that time, Song Fengyu had no idea about his spiritual root attributes and strong family background, and had never seen his mother.

It seemed that since he could remember, his father had never mentioned his mother. However, when he was forced to practice and wake up after practicing, he could always see his father's face looking at the endless sky with a look of loss and loneliness.

Perhaps, the distant horizon was his Taoist partner, my mother.

The essence of "weapon refining" of the Song family in the wilderness since ancient times seemed to be naturally good at it for all the Song family members.

As a result, his weapon refining attainments were quite high. In the late stage of Qi refining, he could refine some low-grade spiritual weapons. This talent surprised his father for several days and told him that his weapon refining talent might be comparable to that of Tian Yidong, the weapon refining son of the Fantasy Sect who was rarely seen in a thousand years.

He also repeatedly warned him to keep it tightly and not to leak a single bit.

Before leaving, his father said that if he revealed his talent, the Song family with complicated connections would be able to follow the clues and easily find him and cut him off without leaving even a slag.

When he mentioned the word "Song family", the hatred in his eyes and the coldness of his teeth were as cold as an iceberg that never melted.

In no more than twenty breaths, the monkey-headed male cultivator behind him, who was extremely fast, would surge like a tide and crush his "self-righteousness" in one blow.

Song Fengyu was very calm. Speed ​​was something that was difficult to improve unless he broke through the Nascent Soul stage.

He never thought that there was someone who was better than him in the Golden Core stage. It was really unbelievable.

However, he still had a killer in his hand. Although he was not as fast as you, I was better at endurance.

It was easy to run for ten days and half a month, and it was even possible to run continuously for a month.

Thinking of this, a smile rose involuntarily at the corner of his mouth.

His spiritual root was the "spark" spiritual root among the extremely rare mutant spiritual roots.

A little spark was enough to start a prairie fire;

As fast as a spark, faster than lightning;

When the spark appeared, the spiritual sense flashed.

According to his father Song Mingtang, the "Spark" spiritual root is only possessed by their wild Song family in this world.

In the more than two million years since the establishment of the Song family, he is the third person with this spiritual root, except for the ancestor who founded the family and another ancestor more than 500,000 years ago.

People with the "Spark" spiritual root can understand the way of fire at a glance. Because it involves speed and body skills, they are naturally as light as a swallow, better than swimming fish, and more importantly, they are like a stroke of genius for the skills and supernatural powers. The sudden understanding of the spark is far beyond that of ordinary people. It should be one of the most incredible and wonderful spiritual roots in the world.

Although the cultivation speed is not as fast as the heavenly spiritual root, considering all aspects, the heavenly spiritual root is not even qualified to carry the shoes of the "Spark" spiritual root, and can only look up to it.

As expected, it was almost the same as his expectation. In 21 breaths, Wang Lu rushed past him.

Song Fengyu secretly clenched his fists, his chest burning with fighting spirit. This battle was about his pride, dignity and glory, and he had to fight no matter what.

The more critical the moment, the more he had to keep his composure, and he could not be discouraged by the opponent's strength. What did the temporary gains and losses mean? The one who laughed last was the ultimate winner.

One day later, the distance between the two had shortened to 30,000 miles. The two did not go deep into the South China Sea, but went west, as if they had telepathy.

Five days later, Song Fengyu, who was secretly competing, finally breathed a sigh of relief. Based on the traces left by the opponent on the sea surface, his speed was reduced to 20 feet, but because he was still faster than him, the distance between the two was extended by 100,000 miles.

Ten days passed quickly, and this person's speed slowed down again, almost the same as his.

Some can't bear it, right?

This is a good opportunity, it's time to catch up.

Song Fengyu was in high spirits, like a flash of lightning, breaking through the waves, leaving only countless endless shadows.

Half a month later, it was clear that the man's speed was no more than 520 feet.


The long roar was heard from afar, still maintaining a high speed of 550 feet.

At this time, his body was only slightly tense.

In his opinion, the opponent could not hold on for a month, and the speed would drop, greatly reduced, and he would still be the winner in the end.

Twenty days, just as he expected.

The opponent's speed really dropped to less than 500 feet, at most 10,000 miles, and at the latest four hours, he could catch up with him and leave him far behind.


Song Fengyu was full of vigor and energy, as if he had been injected with chicken blood, and chased Wang Lu straight ahead with unstoppable force.

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