Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 644 The Return of the Seven Blades


In less than half a cup of tea, the bronze door opened, but there was no one behind it.

Wang Lu calmly stepped into the courtyard, and the bronze door closed automatically.


It was like being in an indestructible cage, an indescribably powerful defense array guarded the courtyard as solid as a rock.

I couldn't crack it at all, maybe only a great cultivator in the late Yuanying stage could break it.

It seems that Song Fengyu spent a lot of money for his own safety.

In the courtyard, there was a sea locust tree as thick as a bowl. The snow-white flowers composed of eight petals on the tree exuded a faint fragrance, which was refreshing. A small stone table half a person's height was located in the half-hidden shade of the sea locust tree, and four round stone benches were placed around it.

Looking up, several steps stretched up, closely connected to a house built with some kind of green stones, and three rooms arranged in a row were dimly lit.

The handsome and free-spirited Song Fengyu was standing in the corridor, looking at him with a smile.

Seeing Song Fengyu, Wang Lu's depressed heart was slightly relieved.


Song Fengyu walked slowly and smiled before speaking: "Congratulations, Junior Brother, Congratulations, Junior Brother, your cultivation has made further progress, and you have finally become a Nascent Soul, standing proudly in the world of immortal cultivation, and you are only one step away from becoming a god."

"To show my joy, Senior Brother, I specially sent seven indestructible and sharp little blades as a gift."

Before the voice fell, he raised his hand, and seven green dots like bright stars jumped out of the air, so fast that even Wang Lu's powerful consciousness could not keep up with their flashes.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish..."

Although the seven blades were reforged, they were connected to Wang Lu's blood. When he appeared in the courtyard, he felt the warmth of blood dissolving in water. Now he finally saw them, happily flying around him like butterflies flying through flowers, making Wang Lu laugh non-stop.

After playing with the seven blades for a while, Wang Lu cast a spell, and the seven blades returned to their nests, all of them flew into his body and were swallowed by the Nascent Soul. Presumably, after a period of nurturing, they would be able to communicate with him and be as good as his arm.

This also shows the difference between the Nascent Soul and the Golden Core.

The Golden Core can only passively nurture the magic weapon, while the Nascent Soul breathes and inhales, actively providing the magic weapon with a continuous supply of the Nascent Soul's breath. The two are completely different.

The Six-Star Arching Moon Blade is blessed by the Nascent Soul's breath, not only does it greatly increase its spirituality, but its power will also rise.

Although he did not look at the seven blades in detail, he clearly felt that they had made a big step forward, which made him look forward to it. When they join forces to kill the enemy, they will be very impressive.

Of course, Song Fengyu has also safely survived the thunder tribulation over the years and has become a genuine Nascent Soul early stage strongman.

Still looks carefree as always.

The two chatted for an hour or so, and Song Fengyu patted his chest to guarantee that it would be absolutely safe and worry-free to practice in his "Haihuai" residence.

He also saw that Wang Lu had just formed a baby and needed to stabilize his cultivation.

Wang Lu politely rejected his kindness. Knowing that he would leave the South China Sea soon, he thought about it and took out two of the only three remaining intermediate and high-level blood escape talismans from his storage bag and handed them to him.

Song Fengyu did not refuse, and happily accepted them. After talking for a while, he shook hands and said goodbye.

Tianhai City at night was full of neon lights, bright lights, and crowds of people, which made it more colorful and lively.

Because it is adjacent to the South China Sea, the sea breeze blew, bringing the unique sea flavor of the South China Sea. The night sky was bright and the moon was clear, and the sky was full of stars. Wang Lu hurried to walk around and take a look.

Different cultivators, different scenery and buildings, and different costumes made his eyebrows gradually open up and his mood gradually improved.

First stabilize the cultivation.

Back at Zhaoyao Inn, everything was the same as before, without changing a bit.

Regardless of whether Li Jie and his wife left any message, he activated the room formation and used the remaining fifty or so intermediate and low-level spirit gathering talismans to form a simple spirit gathering formation.

There was no corresponding elixir to improve cultivation, so he had to do this.

The spell was cast, and the effect was not bad.

Originally, Wudong Inn had a formation to gather spiritual energy. With the spirit gathering formation, the spiritual energy in the room suddenly increased by more than five times. Just use it reluctantly.

Sitting cross-legged, looking at the nose and the heart, holding a top-grade spirit stone in both hands, meditating and practicing.

There is no time in practice. In a blink of an eye, four years have passed.

Wang Lu woke up from deep practice. Fortunately, it was not much different from his expectation.

At this time, the Nascent Soul was completely stable, but the mana was almost invisible. If it continued like this, even if he kept in seclusion for five hundred years without sleep, he would never catch the shadow of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

Xiaolu is gone, so he has no choice but to make a deal with Zhang Cheng. Besides, the agreement he made with him must be fulfilled.

Thinking of Xiaolu, a rage to wipe out everything gradually emerged, and Wang Lu pressed it down fiercely with a ferocious expression.

He forced himself to believe that Xiaolu and the gourd must be somewhere in his body that he didn't know.

He had to go to that place, even if it meant death.

He got up and went to the corner of the wall, and used a special method to open a wooden board in the corner. The storage bag that had been left in the past had been taken away, and a jade slip lay quietly.

Wang Lu picked it up, and his spiritual consciousness was clear, and several messages came.

He cast a spell on the two storage bags and left them.

One storage bag contained the last two peerless spiritual materials picked from the "Huanggong Baicao Garden" in exchange for 187 formations and 100 million high-quality spiritual stones; the other contained seven top-level blue smoke gems from Lan Yu and all the treasures of the Fiery Explosive Bear.

After decades of silent development, the Nanhai League has recruited five Yuanying early stage strongmen and fourteen Jindan stage masters through the unremitting efforts of Li Jie and Yu Ningzhi.

Some of them are independent cultivators, and some have families. Whether they practice, form teams to hunt for treasures, or recruit, they all need a large amount of spiritual stones to support them.

In order to condense the Yuanying, he almost emptied the spiritual stones and spiritual materials in his storage bag. The spiritual materials used for 20,000 intermediate and low-level spirit gathering talismans almost consumed what he got from the Tianyun Secret Realm.

There are only a few rare things that he thinks are extremely rare.

As the general leader, the amount of money he needs for his own cultivation is too much to count, and he has to find a way to promote the stability and growth of the alliance.

It gives me a headache just thinking about it.

Fortunately, he has a skill to rely on, otherwise, how can a poor man stride forward on the thorny road of cultivation and move forward?

Now that the Nascent Soul has been formed, the fourth page of the Six Talisman Book will be opened smoothly. He is looking forward to the advanced talismans in it. This is not only the resources for him to gain spiritual stones in the world of immortal cultivation, but also a killer for him to fight and kill enemies.

Wang Lu retracted his thoughts and walked out of the Dancing Inn firmly.

Next stop, that magical place.

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