Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 667 Needle Eagle

Wang Lu and his six men were indeed superior in strength. No matter how fast they broke through the formation or what they did, they were all so sharp that they were favored by the owner of the South China Sea Corner. The crisis and danger they faced next would be much easier.

The rest were all dangerous and unpredictable, and their lives and deaths were unpredictable.

But nothing is absolute, everything is possible.

For example, the Needle Eagle from the Sky Eagle Sect, a large sect in the South China Sea, who ranked seventh in the first level of the Conch Array for many years, was an exception.

He calmly made a very detailed analysis of the process from the very beginning when he got the opportunity to enter the South China Sea Corner, to the selection of the stacked sea, to the Conch Array, to the six rope bridges, and then to stepping into this place.

Even though he was not the temporary owner of this island, he had analyzed the implicit information in it and had a clear idea in his mind.

At this time, he was in a deep and huge mountain that was dug from the inside by someone unknown. There were dense caves and tunnels everywhere, like a maze, with twists and turns and thousands of gullies.

Most of the passages were empty and very safe. Some caves were either guarded by powerful monsters, or set up strange formations, or occupied by other things. It was quite difficult to pass through.

This was the 124th passage he had passed through.

Looking at the three human-shaped puppets in the middle stage of the Yuanying period, he waved his hand and a 120,000-year-old lead-wire ghost king flower growing in the corner broke through the air.

He put it into the storage bag calmly and meditated to recover.

Three days and three nights passed. Facing the five passages leading to different caves in the cave that he had no choice of, "swish", an ancient and irregular tortoise shell with mysterious patterns floated in front of him. After a few spells were cast, the tortoise shell emitted a hazy yellow light.

The yellow light quietly flew away and flew towards one of the passages.

After putting away the tortoise shell, the needle eagle breathed a sigh of relief.

If it weren't for the help of this ancient longevity tortoise shell, he would have been lost in this endless maze cave.

I still remember that not long after I established my foundation, I traveled around the secular world and met an inconspicuous fortune-telling old woman with chicken skin and white hair. For no reason, the old woman forced him to give her a yellowed and somewhat tattered "Mathematical Classics".

She spoke in a tone that was far away and close at hand, vague, monotonous, boring, and indescribable:

She said that he was a destined person, and she had been waiting for him here for too long, from the morning when she was as black as hair to the evening when she was frost and snow, asking herself to cherish it as if cherishing her life. If she lost it, she would not be far from death.


Hearing this, he laughed wildly. What a joke, what qualifications does a mortal crazy old woman have to make such a bold assertion? She was just talking nonsense.

Immortals and mortals have different paths, and the other party had no ill intentions, so she just laughed it off.

His mind raced, and he wanted to discard her like a worn-out shoe, but he never expected that the old woman would disappear right in front of him while she was talking.

Looking around, the crowds of people were surging, and no matter whether they were mortals or cultivators, or how much cultivation they had, he was like a transparent person, and they all ignored him.

He was shocked, his whole body was shaking, and he was at a loss. It took him a while to come back to his senses, and he suddenly realized that he had met an unfathomable master from the world.

For more than 500 years afterwards, he studied this sutra in depth while practicing.

At the beginning of the practice, it was extremely difficult, like the secret scrolls of the heavenly book, which was obscure and difficult to understand. He did not give up. He looked through all the ancient books and jade slips of the sect about divination, fortune-telling, six-combination feng shui, two-pole four-image eight-diagram, etc., and also took out a large amount of spirit stones to ask Yin Luanxuan to help him collect as many books as possible on this aspect...

As time passed, his understanding of the scriptures gradually improved. Slowly, he seemed to have an instinct to avoid danger and seek good fortune. Originally gifted with extraordinary spiritual roots, he was faster and faster in both practice and breakthrough.

Like walking on flat ground, with the wind and water.

He never mentioned it to anyone and planned to keep it forever.

Looking at the tunnel where the yellow light just flew, the needle eagle looked icy and silent. Since he got the "Mathematical Scripture", he relied on it to avoid disasters and survived many dangerous situations.

The same was true for the South China Sea Corner this time. The result of the first level was exactly the same as before, which made him feel relieved.

However, after flying over the rope bridge, the hint suddenly changed, completely different from before. Fortunately, the situation was not locked, and there was still a chance.

He was a very resilient person, and he would never let go until the end.

According to his estimation and the "Mathematical Scripture", he could get out of the maze in the heart of the mountain after crossing more than 30 caves, but there was still great danger waiting for him.

The needle eagle shook his clothes and flew towards the unpredictable passage with a sneer.

After the graceful woman with a green gauze mask obtained the treasure from the Tenth Conch Palace, she walked and stopped along the way, and fell into deep thought from time to time, but she could not resist her mysterious body skills. She kept breaking through palaces, stepped onto her rope bridge with ease, and walked into the middle road.

Soon, the misty red fog floated up, blocking the consciousness, and the sight was less than 20 feet.

This place is flat and extremely flat.

She discovered that this place was actually made up of countless volcanoes ready to erupt. If she was not careful, she would be bombarded by a volcano of unknown power that was about to erupt, which could cause serious injuries or even death.

She was walking on thin ice and was frightened at every step.

However, these unpredictable volcanic eruptions could not stop her from moving forward.

Her pure and beautiful eyes cast a clear and beautiful light like a bright moon, which quickly merged into the red mist in the sky. She cast a spell and nodded her white head slightly, which was already in her mind.

She immediately began to perform body movements, like a small stone thrown into the sea-like red mist. Except for the weak ripples at the beginning, there was no sound or trace.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

Volcanoes continued to violently erupt with violent fire and insoluble poisonous gas, as if they could predict the future. Wherever they passed, the volcanoes on the ground would either erupt in advance or explode later...

Each time, they passed through in great danger.

Her speed was not fast, about 400 feet per breath.

Accompanied by the dangerous environment of frequent volcanic eruptions and loneliness, the woman continued to move forward unswervingly, as if she would not stop until the end of her life.

The water flowed quickly, and four years passed in the blink of an eye.

She finally held her body and stopped far away.

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