Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 669 Reappearance

Nian Yu was seriously injured. The destruction of two phantoms with 70% of her strength made her feel a little uneasy.

As for where this uneasiness came from, she didn't understand. After thinking for a while, it should be related to the struggle in the inner circle later.

It is possible that she was defeated by the enemy and buried in it.

Put away your thoughts. Now that the opportunity has come, you must grasp it. What is coming will always come, and you can't escape or hide.

In her opinion, there should be another level before you can complete the middle road of the giant island.

The creatures stationed at the next level should be more difficult to deal with.

A hundred years ago, when she was chosen to be the destined person of the corner of the South China Sea, she collected a lot of relevant information from all directions.

Until now, what she encountered is completely different from the past. The description is like two unrelated spatial regions. She is very puzzled.

The tests and difficulties she encountered are far greater than before. After so many years, she has only gained one treasure. Could it be that, except for constantly breaking through the levels, she really has nothing?

Too weird.

I was puzzled. I had to recover from my injuries first and pass the next level smoothly. The inner circle was the magical place with many treasures.

Nian Yu was determined. The green gauze covered her jade face again, revealing only two eyes as bright as stars.

She took out a white jade bottle, swallowed a pure and flawless top-grade Qinglong Huanling Pill into her stomach, made a unique gesture, and recovered with her eyes and nose and nose.

Time was long, and Wang Lu flew in the endless swamp for two years.

In the past two years, except for occasional meditation and breathing, he did not waste a breath of time, and drove at full speed.

It seemed that there was a voice constantly urging him to get to the next level as soon as possible.

After another half a month, a mysterious blue light gate appeared in the dark sky in the distance.

The light gate was suspended in the air, surrounded by the extremely dark void, like a torch in the dark night, bright and eye-catching, it was hard not to see it.

This void was like a broken sky, dark and dark. If he fell into it, no matter where it led, his life would be in danger, which made him feel a chill in his heart.

Half an hour later, Wang Lu came to the boundless void in front of him. If he took a step forward, he would fall.

It was like standing on a cliff of unknown depth, distance and height. Once someone pushed him down, he would be crushed to pieces. Even if he was very brave, his legs couldn't help but tremble.

When he looked back, fortunately, it was a vast and unparalleled land with rich and solid spiritual energy. His feet were fixed on the solid ground, and it seemed that he had confidence in his heart, which made his breathing a little smoother.

Looking at the blue light-filled door that seemed to be embedded in the void not far away, Wang Lu hesitated. This place seemed to be too strange and abnormal.

Isn't it said that there must be something wrong when things are abnormal?

In his opinion, he should be able to pass through the light gate with a leap, but he was so tight that he couldn't move at all.

With the master of the South China Sea Corner's superb attainment of space, the blue light gate may seem to be right in front of us, but in fact it is far away.

Thinking of this, a chill suddenly surged up.

If so, it is bound to fall into the black space that is as big as a monster's mouth.

Moreover, once flying into it, will there be some unexpected changes and dangers in the void?

The inexplicable, unknown, and unpredictable are the most frightening.

Wang Lu is also a human being, and he is also afraid.

For a long time...

Time is running out, I am afraid of nothing, I can't care so much.

The next level is right in front of me, just pass through the light gate.

Wang Lu frowned and took out a low-grade sword-shaped magic weapon obtained from the old nest of the Fiery Explosive Bear from his storage bag.

His expression was a little doubtful and uneasy, and a red light appeared on the sword body. He moved his magic power, and the spirit sword rushed towards the blue light gate as fast as thunder.


The blue light surged gently like a wave, and in less than a breath, the spirit sword passed through the light gate with red light without any abnormal movement.

Wang Lu concentrated on sensing the movements of the spirit sword in the process, and suddenly, a seemingly spiritual feeling came to his mind...

He was shocked and stunned.

As if he had instantly traveled through endless space, he once again returned to the underground space of the Six Symbols Gate in the Northern Frontier in an incredible way.

The unknown white-bearded old man used his finger as a pen again, and naturally drew hundreds of rays of light of different colors in the air. The rays of light shuttled and intertwined, and soon formed a mysterious and profound pattern, which appeared in front of his eyes and shone into his heart.

So real, so mysterious.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but follow the gesture, but before he drew two, a pain that hurt to the bone marrow came from his brain.

Wang Lu suddenly opened his eyes, sweating all over his body. After a slight sense, his powerful spiritual consciousness almost withered and died. Just two colored rays of light caused his spiritual consciousness to be greatly damaged, which shocked him beyond words.

What the hell is your mysterious pattern?

Although he remembered its appearance, he had completely forgotten the process of drawing it before.

If it weren't for the old man's flash back just now, he would never have been able to follow him to draw in order to remember it.

However, he didn't expect it at all, and didn't feel that just two simple rays of light almost killed him.

It was too dangerous and too mysterious.

Fortunately, something more wonderful happened vividly. As he started to draw, his mind was as clear as a mirror for the whole process of the pattern.

Wang Lu knew that he would never forget it again, and he had memorized it thoroughly.

Looking up at this strange blue light gate, Wang Lu smiled knowingly.

A kind of ethereal, lofty and mysterious enlightenment gradually emerged in his heart.

However, it came quickly and went even faster, like a flash in the pan, fleeting.

Wang Lu's consciousness was overwhelmed, and he was exhausted. If he didn't start to recover, it might affect his foundation.

Sitting cross-legged, he didn't care about the treasure of the ten thousand year spirit wine. He drank the remaining spirit wine in the bottle. With his hands pinched, white smoke rose from his head and quickly enveloped him.

Wang Lu fell into a deep recovery.

At the same time, in the swamp, a shocking change was silently attacking him, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

If Wang Lu hadn't woken up when it came, no matter how strong he was or how powerful his magical powers were, he would be swept away by the torrent and die.

It seems that the great opportunity and the ecstasy in my heart just now are not without a price.

The price is the call of the god of death and the harvest of death.

Can Wang Lu give his all, win the race against time, and escape?

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