Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 674 Puppet Army

The key difference between magic weapons and spiritual treasures lies in the word "spiritual".

It is like humans and beasts at the beginning of civilization. Although humans are much weaker than beasts, with the awakening of spiritual intelligence, we can make many tools or traps to capture and feed on them, or even drive them to serve us.

This is the wonder of spirituality, spiritual perception, and spiritual wisdom.

For a magic weapon to be upgraded to a spiritual treasure, it usually takes years of nurturing and improvement. Except for some rare opportunities, the most reliable and miraculous one is the Golden Sun Umbrella.

The promotion of a magic weapon, apart from those peerless strongmen, requires at least dozens of generations or more, the continuation of the sect or the extension of the family to nurture spiritual perception.

The Golden Sun Umbrella is completely different. It directly skips the time required to achieve a spiritual treasure, avoids the accidents in the years, and directly gives the magic weapon huge spirituality, opens up spiritual perception, and helps it survive the "spiritual treasure thunder tribulation" to become a real spiritual treasure.

It can be said that it is done in one step without any defects.

At the same time, a Jinyang Dusan, under normal circumstances, can give five magic weapons full spirituality.

However, there is also a slight limitation. The magic weapon must be advanced to a certain level before this flower can play the role of "enlightening the spirit". Even so, Jinyang Dusan is still unique and irreplaceable.

When he was weak, he picked the "Tongxin Jade" in the Jiuyue Secret Realm. Although he used it up, he made enough amazing achievements for him. Now the fourth-ranked Jinyang Dusan is right in front of him, so there is no reason not to take it.

Even if the king of heaven is in front of him, he must kill him and take it away.

Since the six-star arched moon blade has been created twice, not only has its grade increased greatly, but it has also a little spirituality. If it is transformed into a spiritual treasure, it will definitely become his most powerful killing move. Combined with the "Thousands of Threads Blade Array" and "Infinite" magical powers, it can be said that it can kill gods and Buddhas.

Wang Lu's eyes showed extreme desire, like a hungry and thirsty beast, with hot air spraying from his nose.

Jinyang Dusan grows in the center of the lake, which makes Wang Lu feel a little incredible. The lake water seems to be too calm. After half a cup of tea, there is no ripple.

At this time, the breeze blows his face and gently blows his hair. This is really a bit unreasonable.

The lake water is like a smooth mirror that is as real as a mirror. Could it be?

A strange thought came to his mind. Could it be that the lake water is not liquid water, but solid water like ice.


With a little mana, a sharp mana arrow shot out with a flick of the finger. "Ding", sparks flashed, and a crisp metal collision sound rang on the lake surface.

If so, the lake surface is so hard.

The powerful mana is supplemented by the "Thousands of Threads and Blades Formation". This invisible arrow can't even catch up with the full force of some low-grade magic weapons.

This lake is as flat as a mirror, transparent as water, and hard as iron. All kinds of weirdness make him have to be cautious.

"Deng, deng, deng, deng, deng deng deng..."

Wang Lu was surprised when he heard a crisp and solid footsteps first, and then, it sounded like rain hitting banana leaves one after another. In a few breaths, it seemed like thousands of troops were rushing towards him.

Looking around, his face suddenly turned green:

He saw hundreds, no, at least thousands or tens of thousands of puppets in the half-step Nascent Soul realm, all holding a golden 10-foot snake spear, with big arms and waists, rough and majestic faces, and wearing golden armor. They rushed towards him from all directions like a tide.

The earth shook, the clouds broke and the sky opened.

It was endless and endless.

But, strangely, they stopped a hundred feet away from Wang Lu, leaving him four empty passages ten feet wide.

It seemed to warn him that if he made any rash moves, we would not talk about martial ethics, and would attack him in groups and kill him.

It's not easy to come by, I advise you to stop while you are ahead, let you go, it's not in vain for you to come here with so much hardship.

The tens of thousands of puppets in uniform, silent, and imposing manner put Wang Lu in a dilemma.

Take it away, the number alone plus the large formation set up by the joint forces will grind him to death.

Give up, it's hard to find in the ages, and you will never meet it again in the future.

Moreover, with the current quality of the Seven Blades, it is far from the time to transform into a spiritual treasure. If it does, I don't have the strength to use it, just like a child dancing with a sledgehammer, and the one who hurts is himself.

Give up, Wang Lu, you really can't beat them this time.

Give up, Wang Lu, with your talent in the way of talismans, your tenacious heart of Taoism, and your relatively good luck, the Six-Star Arched Moon Blade will sooner or later turn into a spiritual treasure. Growing with them will give you unexpected gains, far better than the Golden Sun Umbrella.

Think about your bright future, your path to immortality, your endless Dao heart, it's just a golden sun umbrella, if you lose it, you lose it, don't lose your life in vain.

It's hard to be born as a human, and it's even harder to have spiritual roots. You have experienced all kinds of things before you can cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage. You must not act rashly and lose your life in vain!

His face was uncertain, and his heart was incomparably struggling and tangled.

He couldn't make a choice.

The dark clouds pressed down on the city, and the city was about to be destroyed. It was like a heavy mountain was pressing down on his heart, making him a little breathless.

A good man would not suffer a loss in front of him. Even if the top strong man in the Spiritualization Stage was here, facing the endless army of half-step Nascent Soul puppets that piled up like a mountain and continued to come, he would lose a layer of skin if he didn't die.

And it's not as simple as losing a layer of skin. With serious injuries, he is not far from death.

Wang Lu already had the idea of ​​letting go. Since he couldn't get it, it should be okay to look at you again, right?

He looked at the golden sun umbrella in the center of the lake dejectedly.

Its petals are pure gold, naturally formed, like an umbrella cap, and the golden stem, which is as thick as a finger and as long as a foot, is straight and upright like a sky-supporting stick. Two round leaves that are dripping with emerald green exude a circle of blurred green.

It grows tenaciously in the hard lake water, looking like a fighter who never gives up, growing against the sky.

"Thump, thump, thump, thump..."

The puppet army saw Wang Lu's indifferent and regretful expression, and they fled from nowhere like crazy.

Tens of thousands of puppets did not move, holding the dazzling golden snake spear in one hand with determination and excellence, staring at his every move.

Once Wang Lu made any extraordinary move, thousands of spears pierced his heart, which was the best portrayal of him.

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