Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 697 Just Live

One year and three months.

Wang Lu closed his eyes tightly and his body trembled violently. Dozens of fist-thick spiritual energy poured in from his body. If his powerful body and spiritual energy had not stayed for a short time, he would have been exploded and his bones would have been gone.


At this moment, a green light flashed.

Suddenly, the entire island was trembling with turmoil, without any light from the sun or the moon.

The green light is like the gluttonous beasts of the ten ancient ferocious beasts, trying to swallow up this island without leaving any trace of it.

Waves of spiritual energy storms screamed and roared involuntarily from all directions on the island, and in an instant, a super spiritual energy hurricane with a size of five miles, ten miles, a hundred miles, or five hundred miles was formed with the green light as the center.

The hurricane is pure blue, so dazzling and dazzling.

Xiaolu gradually transformed from a green dot into a sky-blue Juanwei grass, and then slowly created the limbs, body, head, and facial features from the Juanmai grass.

When her emerald green eyes were formed, the green wood spirit energy of the entire island exploded like a scorching blue sun, and everything on the island was drained of life in an instant. , turned into countless flying debris and disappeared, leaving only a piece of scorched earth.

Wang Lu lost the support of the cyan aura and hit the ground with a "clang" sound. He still remained calm and motionless.

At this point, the world was quiet, and only the extremely angry formation remained, fearlessly attacking the unmoving sky-supporting stick without fear of life or death.

Xiao Lu seemed to be hazy, she felt a little confused, and when she saw Wang Lu lying on the ground, lost in confusion and sleep, her face became happy, and it turned into a ray of green light and flew into Wang Lu's small Dantian with his eyes closed tightly. Immediately fell into coma.

She only recovered less than one tenth, but fortunately her life was saved.

If you don't have a higher level of wood spiritual energy, you can still go back to the beginning, but you don't know how many years it will take.

Maybe a hundred thousand years, or even a million years.

The elixir of transformation was created against the will of nature. Although it is magical and incompetent, once it damages its origin, it is extremely difficult to recover.

Wang Lu could be regarded as having the help of God to find such a magical place that the owner of the Cape of the South China Sea had planned for tens of millions of years and built purely using the spiritual energy of this world tree. It was also broken and destroyed by him in his own unique and unprecedented way. Enter.

It's a way that the owner of South China Sea Corner can't even think of.

Indeed, in a world that I don’t know how to describe, a giant ten thousand feet high penetrated into the thick clouds. He casually glanced at the world and said with an angry smile: "Thousands of Areas, in order to avoid causing unnecessary fluctuations, It's up to you to kill the person who broke my plan."

These words seemed to have traveled through countless spaces and reached the ears of a monster beast whose shape could not be seen clearly. It solemnly replied: "Yes, Master."

Immediately, it stretched out a gray palm and grabbed it from the air.

The moment it took action, the little green in the Nascent Soul suddenly woke up in fear. It screamed "ah" and rushed out of the Nascent Soul faster than lightning. It turned into a green dot and re-entered Wang Lu's hole in the void. .

Just after it had been hiding for a few breaths, an invisible but substantial animal claw with three fingers of gray fluff fell from the sky. It ignored Wang Lu's body and quickly grabbed his body. It just searched back and forth repeatedly. Except for Wang Lu's Nascent Soul, Nothing was found.

It was ordered to kill the saboteur.

After searching for a long time, nothing was found. Wang Lu and his Nascent Soul were just ant-like existences, and they ignored them.

Gradually, as if there were some restrictions, the beast's claws were withdrawn from Wang Lu's body, and he looked around. There seemed to be an eye on the claws. It shook its head and cursed: "After all, I came a step too late, and you slipped away. But the master has captured your breath. No matter where you escape, if you appear, hum, one word, die!"


The beast's claws exploded like bubbles and disappeared without a trace.

Wang Lu narrowly escaped this shocking disaster, but deep hatred had already been forged.

Just wanting Xiao Lu to die would have already touched his reverse scale.


Half a month later, Wang Lu woke up from deep exhaustion.

Looking around, he rubbed his eyes vigorously and jumped up as if he had seen a ghost, with a look of disbelief on his face.

What on earth is going on, where are the promised green auras, those huge trees and the nameless green grass as thick as a fist?

Why did it turn into a piece of scorched earth, with nothing left?

Could it be?

Wang Lu immediately looked inside. With the blessing of Xue Tong, he saw an almost invisible acupuncture point that was smaller than a mustard seed. A green dot shone shallowly with long and orderly breath. It was so pure and flawless.

He smiled "hey" from the bottom of his heart, and his joy was beyond words.

Xiaolu, I finally saved you!

As long as you live, I, Lao Wang, will never let you practice any Laozi elixir for me again;

As long as you live, I, Mr. Wang, will help you recover and reach a higher level no matter whether you travel through thousands of mountains or thousands of rivers;

As long as you live, I, Wang Lu, swear that even if I die in the future, I will find a good place for you;

As long as you live, that's fine.

Wang Lu had mixed emotions for a moment and couldn't help crying with joy. Tears fell from his eyes...

After a long time, he gradually suppressed his emotions and with one move of one hand, the green bird burst into a bright green light in front of him. When he saw the safe and sound bird, he smiled happily and took it into his Nascent Soul.

The matter has come to this, and the merits will be completed.

In fact, the owner of the Cape of the South China Sea made the following three major miscalculations:

First, he never expected that someone who was regarded as a lowly cultivator in this world could cultivate the rare "Snow Eyes".

You know, even he yearned for and desired the ten great spiritual eyes, but these nine kinds of spiritual eyes required an inexplicable and mysterious fate and luck. Even if he existed, he had never seen a few people cultivate spiritual eyes. From ancient times to the present, there are not many people who can cultivate spiritual eyes.

Even if they can cultivate, they are only half-baked spiritual eyes derived from the nine great spiritual eyes. Compared with the real spiritual eyes, there is a huge difference and cannot be compared.

The Snow Eyes were his biggest miscalculation and the most fatal miscalculation.

Secondly, he never expected that Wang Lu, who had the Snow Eyes, not only had profound magic power and amazing magical powers, but also had extraordinary strength. This person was completely crazy and rarely took another person to forcibly break the island formation he painstakingly built.

Although he did not obtain any substantial treasures, the whole body was affected by a single move, making the rules of the entire secret realm irreversible for a short period of time, and even he could not intervene, so that he could jump out of the "six-person limit" and leave calmly.

In the end, even if he had the "island encirclement" technique with great magical powers, he rushed out with the blessing of this person's snow pupils and strong comprehensive strength, and then he found one of the important islands that had been laid out for tens of millions of years and broke through it.

Although the result did not have a serious impact on the overall situation, he was extremely angry that such a humble person like a dog destroyed and gained power.

He had to wait for the secret realm to be closed, and then slowly plan from all aspects to make up for it.

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