Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 726: Forbearance without cultivation

The word "Black Gang" came out at once.


A bright black light suddenly burst out from his body, as if he had been reborn. Wang Lu felt that with one punch, the entire island would be reduced to dust and no longer exist.

In his opinion, the force at this time was strong enough to send most of the late Nascent Soul cultivators to hell.


As soon as the voice fell, a golden light bloomed in his hand.

Hey, that's not right.


Wang Lu let out a painful scream.

Looking closely, a crack a thousand times thinner than a hair was hovering on the round and flawless Sky-supporting Stick, which made him unable to calm down for a long time.

"Why, why!"

The tiger's eyes suddenly turned red, and he was heartbroken.

Since Tianyun Secret Realm recognized me as its master, it helped me kill Hua Heshang and save Sun Xue. After that, it always helped me fight against powerful enemies, save me from danger, and turn danger into safety.

The wooden spiritual island at the corner of the South China Sea, if you were not there, not only would Xiaolu not be able to save his life, but even I would be buried there, Heaven Supporting Rod, I am sorry for you.

Don't worry, I will restore you no matter how difficult it is.

"Pah, pah..."

The more Wang Lu thought about it, the sadder he became, and his hot tears could not stop falling on the rod.

After a long time, he carefully turned the Heaven Supporting Rod into golden threads and blended into his hair.

In his opinion, only two people could do it if he wanted to repair it, his senior brother Tian Yidong and the missing Song Fengyu.

Finding Song Fengyu was like finding a needle in a haystack. The two agreed that when Wang Lu broke into the God Transformation Stage or could kill a God Transformation Stage cultivator alone, if Song Fengyu had not died, he would come to find him.

The only hope to eliminate him was Senior Brother Tian.

I don't know how Senior Brother Ding Yuting Futang and the entire Fantasy Sect have been doing after so many years, and Chen Yaer.

The damage to the Sky-supporting Stick made Wang Lu suddenly feel a little impatient. He wanted to just leave and leave Li Jie, Yu Ningzhi, the South Sea League, Kong Hua, the Kong Family, and Xiaoyaozi behind. He just wanted the Sky-supporting Stick to be fine.

However, he understood that it would take not only some opportunities, but also several kinds of spiritual materials from heaven and earth to make the stick shine again.

He suppressed his grief. Although he had lost the Sky-supporting Stick, he still had the Seven Blades that had been nurtured for more than seventy years, which must have been restored to their original state.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish."

The spell was cast, and seven jade-like crystal butterflies fluttered their wings and danced around him, so happy.

Blood and mind were connected, and the Six-Star Arched Moon Blades were extremely happy about his summons. They had returned to their peak state and could be on call at any time to walk with him in the world of cultivation.


Seeing the Seven Blades constantly showing goodwill and whispering to him, his depressed heart was slightly relieved.

Okay, let's go back.

With a snap of his fingers, Qi Ren disappeared, swallowed by Yuan Ying.

Looking at the South China Sea, where the waves are surging day and night, up to now, except for his cultivation and strength, the many treasures that followed him have almost all had an unpredictable fate because of saving him, and it is difficult to recover.

I don't know why Zi Jiu has not woken up yet.

He actually has some guesses, but he just doesn't want to admit it, because he is afraid that he can't bear this huge blow.

It's not that Zi Jiu can't wake up, but he is seriously injured and dying. At this time, the fake death is just hanging on to his life.

This is his own life-threatening spirit beast that is connected to his bone marrow. Doesn't it know everything about it?

Fortunately, the little guy can still hold on for a long time, which requires a suitable opportunity. As for where the opportunity is, he has already seen a hint of the source.

The South China Sea Corner saved Xiaolu's life, but in order to be completely intact, a higher level of wood spirit is required. As an incomparable treasure between heaven and earth, Xiaolu's good or bad is directly related to his future.

Even if the snow pupils are shining, there is no trace of the fairy vine gourd, which makes him a little scared.

Fortunately, as long as Xiaolu is safe, the fairy vine guy can't escape.

Xiaolu and Zijiu are their own people, so they naturally favor one over the other.

Although the gourd is extremely magical, powerful and extraordinary, it is not his after all. With its other three clones, it may bring him some unpredictable disasters one day, so he has to keep a hand and guard against it.

As for the green bird, just hurry on.

Sifang Dingtian Ding, every time he refines the elixir, he does his best without reservation, and loves it very much, even Xiaolu also loves it.

Recalling the scene of him and Xiaolu refining the elixir together at that time, it was boring, but so warm and beautiful.

The Broken Spirit Sword was left to his disciple Xia Yu. In fact, he also had two rare treasures. One was the rare treasure fan he took from Lou Hengshan, but it was left in the belly of the gourd and disappeared. The other was the Deep Blue Spirit Sword he got from the shrimp soldiers.

He had some experience of the power of the Deep Blue Spirit Sword. Although he had not refined it and it was impossible to refine it, with his current strength, he could still use one tenth of the sword power.

As for his cultivation, he would immediately return to Fangzhu Island to find Yin Jiu. Of course, this was not the point. The protagonist was his junior brother Zhang Cheng, but he did not have even a single Yuanying period. How could he persuade him?

Thinking of this, I felt a headache. No matter what, I would find you first.

Time was running out. He estimated that nearly half of the changes in the South China Sea within a hundred years had already gone. With the strength, the magic power had to keep up. After losing the Sky-supporting Stick, the progress of his cultivation became more urgent.

After roughly deciding the next plan, Wang Lu unfolded his body skills and flew back to Fangzhu Island.


The shadow was still there, but the person was already nine hundred feet away.

Surprised, Wang Lu stopped.

The black body seemed to be too violent and fierce, and it directly increased his speed by another fifty feet, reaching the second limit speed of this world.

The first limit speed was the seven hundred feet per breath of the small Wanli flying boat.

The second limit speed was something that only a few flying treasures or some spiritual roots or spiritual bodies could achieve after practicing a certain body technique. He actually did it by himself. If he told others about it, it would definitely shock everyone.

Wang Lu's face flushed quickly, and a strong and terrible impulse rushed into his mind. He kept telling himself that it was not the time yet, and he could not open the second page of "Kui Niu Treading the Sky", otherwise he would be deeply trapped in it and unable to extricate himself.

He had too many things to do now.


With a roar, the sea water within a radius of ten miles jumped like thunder, and the surrounding waves "bouncing" broke and collapsed.


With one step, he disappeared without a trace.

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