Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 736 Looking for someone

Just as he entered the cave, the light suddenly dimmed. Looking around, Wang Lu took a breath of cold air.

It was like coming to an indistinguishable maze. Hundreds of mine tunnels were densely packed in the sky and underground, and they were twisted and turned in all directions, making him dizzy and dazzled.

All the mine tunnels were filled with a layer of light black light, which was the result of the long-term infiltration of iron feather stone.

After thinking for a moment, he waved his hand and a light green half-palm-sized spiritual talisman came into his hand. This talisman was like a lively green fish, tumbling up and down, so happy.

After the spell was pressed, a ball of green light exploded and disappeared.

It is difficult to find iron feather stone in such a dense and chaotic place with hundreds of mines leading to different mines. No wonder the monks who come to mine are becoming increasingly rare. If you walk around randomly, you are likely to get lost.

This is a high-level low-level "searching talisman" that he drew with excess spiritual materials at the Kong family in Nancheng.

It was God's will that twenty-two copies were collected and one was drawn for him.

The search talisman can find treasures, human cultivation, or living spiritual objects.

He did not have the means of divination and calculation like Xiong Canzhi, Xiaoyaozi, and Xiong Jie. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack to find Kong Hua and his group in the complicated mine caves.

The search talisman was so precious that it was a waste to use it on the iron feather stone. His real target was Kong Hua and his group.

The iron feather island was not big or small. If he wanted to hide deep and hidden, he could not think of a better hiding place except for the mines that were about to be abandoned and the tortuous and complicated mine tunnels and unfathomable mine pits in the mines.

Even with his powerful divine sense, he could only cover part of the mine tunnels. The snow pupils could see through most of the mine tunnels, but it was useless for finding people.

While Wang Lu was thinking, he followed the green light and unknowingly passed through several mine tunnels and dozens of mine pits, with complex turns and twists.

He couldn't help but admire and feel ashamed.

What he admired was that every time he arrived at a mine, the dozens or even hundreds of mine tunnels in different directions made him feel overwhelmed. He didn't know how the miners dug and opened them up. What he felt ashamed about was that without the help of the talisman, he would never find Kong Hua's hiding place in three to five decades.

An hour passed quickly. He passed through hundreds of mine tunnels in different directions like a ghost, and finally came to a square with a radius of ten miles and a faint black light.

To his surprise, at this time, he was not underground, but in the middle of the mountain.

In addition to the passage he just came in, there was one on the left and one on the right in front, and the last green light of the talisman dissipated here.

He stopped for a long time, and his mind kept turning over the idea of ​​which direction to continue moving forward.


Wang Lu suddenly laughed out loud. He was really looking for a child on his back. He was so stupid.

Since the talisman finally stopped here, it means that no matter which direction, there are people hiding.

He smiled and flew casually towards the passage on the left.


When his body was about to enter the passage, a blue light curtain suddenly surged up, blocking him from entering.


He shouted coldly. Although his cultivation was still in the early stage of foundation building, he seemed to have suddenly changed into a different person. His aura increased greatly, and his blood and energy surged wildly. He punched the light curtain.


The blue light collapsed instantly under his powerful force like a piece of paper.

But strangely, the entire Tieyu Mountain was not hurt at all, as stable as Mount Tai.

Wang Lu pinched his chin and stood in front of the passage, his eyes narrowed slightly, and everything in the passage came into his sight.

The passage was only ten feet long, and at the end was a vast space with rich spiritual energy. Three stone houses of different heights were located, and more than ten caves were spread out. Although no one was seen, there were no less than thirty strong breaths.

He did not enter, but returned to the center of the square and sat quietly with his eyes closed.

The noise was so loud that even if the people inside were meditating and practicing, they should have come back to their senses at this time.

At this moment, in one of the largest stone houses, a handsome and extraordinary late-stage Yuanying cultivator calmly watched Wang Lu's every move.

This person was dressed in white, with long hair tied up casually, sword-like eyebrows and star-like eyes, and a face that looked like a knife and an axe. He was tall and straight, giving people the feeling of a gentleman like jade and wisdom.

Behind the male cultivator on the left was an extremely beautiful young woman in the middle stage of the Yuanying in a red skirt. She had phoenix eyes and willow eyebrows, and a graceful figure. She was silent and agile, and looked contradictory and harmonious, which showed the strangeness of her skills.

On the right, a gaunt old man in the late Nascent Soul stage stroked his snow-white beard, his eyes sparkling, and he said thoughtfully: "What do you think, my dear son-in-law?"

"This man must have come for us. His cultivation seems low, but under my "Kong Sheng Zhi Yan", although I can't see through him, he is at least in the Nascent Soul stage. His cultivation is secondary, but his strength is unprecedented in my life. His strength has been cultivated to a certain high level. With the strong defense of "Thousands of Clouds", he broke it with one punch. Even I am not strong enough. He knows that someone is here, but his face is normal and he doesn't care. He is waiting, waiting for us to appear."

"When I entered the late Nascent Soul stage, as long as he is not a master of the God of Transformation, no matter who it is, no matter how he disguises himself, even if he is blessed by secret methods, his true face is clear in front of me. Strangely, this person is like wearing a mask, blurry."

The male cultivator turned around and said lightly.

"My dear son-in-law, you hit the nail on the head. This person has won but not entered. He looks like he has won the game, as if he has something to rely on," the old man said, changing his tone. "Indeed, Kong Xin has not returned in these years. Without that treasure, no matter how detailed our plan is, we will still fail in the face of strength. We took a huge risk and deliberately leaked the news. If he is interested, he will definitely come to Tieyu Island through clues. This is exactly what we want. However, it is beyond our expectation that this person can find this place. You know, the mine The thousands of ravines and gullies are obscure and difficult. Even if our people can enter and exit, they have to rely on the special marks left to do so. However, he can do it easily, as if he has been here thousands of times and is familiar with it without stopping. Just for this point, we have to be on guard. "

The old man paused and asked the woman: "What did Lian'er say?"

"Dad, Brother Hua, the other party came to our door openly. Whether it is an enemy or a friend, we can find out by investigating. With our current strength, even if we are in the Spiritualization Stage, we will lose a layer of skin if we don't die. What is there to be afraid of?" The bright female cultivator curled her lips and smiled gently.

"Lian's sister is right. If you have too many concerns, you will not be able to let go. Let's get straight to the point. At most, you can stay at a price." The man made the final decision.

Before thinking about victory, plan for defeat first.

After half a cup of tea, the three of them quickly made detailed arrangements, then calmly went out and stood not far from Wang Lu.

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