Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 780: Unpredictable Blue Jade

The huge fish that covered the sky and blocked out the sun was not far from him. Although he was terrified, he had to put his life aside temporarily because it was related to the life of the fairy vine gourd. He had to take the opportunity and never miss it.

Wang Lu's eyes were bloodshot, and he had only one thought in his mind: he had to climb one of the huge, undulating mountain-like backs of the big fish. Only by going to "that mountain" could he save the gourd.



He rushed towards the big fish that seemed to be not far away like a madman, his body was like lightning and his speed was like light.

However, no matter how close he got to the big fish, the other party was like playing hide-and-seek with him, close at hand but untouchable.

Day by day, on the vast and deep sea, on the surging sea, a black lightning shuttled endlessly like Kuafu chasing the sun.

His speed was so fast, he always kept the same high speed, seemingly without any rules or rules, he moved left and right, forward and backward, bent and straightened...

Until one day, after an unknown period of time, the black lightning seemed to have exhausted all its energy and strength and suddenly stopped.

Not only that, when it stopped, like the receding tide, the lightning was pulled back by an invisible hand.


A huge wave hit.

Wang Lu's misty eyes slowly opened.

No fear of big waves, no fear of the deep sea, no fear of anything.

A bright green island was like a small boat floating in the endless waves, drifting with the flow.


Wang Lu felt a sense of intuition, and the jade slip that Lan Yu created with secret techniques in front of him suddenly shattered, turned into fine powder, and was carried away by the sea breeze.

It finally completed its mission, and he finally found the only island that Lan Yu had mentioned.

As for whether it is the three legendary mountains in the South China Sea, it can only be confirmed after entering the island.

But, what about the big fish?

Wang Lu suddenly realized it, and then smiled.

A bold and terrifying guess emerged in his mind.

The scene he saw two years ago really happened. According to the fairy vine gourd, the infinitely large fish was the Kun of the North Sea. There are two factors that are indispensable for him to see it with his own eyes:

First, the jade slip originally given by Lan Yu has been over for two hundred years and has become a waste slip. If it weren't for the thousand-fold magnification of the snow pupil and the faint aura that was aroused in the dark, no one could understand it unless they were immortals.

The importance of the snow pupil is self-evident. This also highlights the magical nature of the ten spiritual eyes in the world of cultivation. Seizing the possibility from the impossible is comparable to seizing the fortune of heaven and earth.

Second, because of Xue Tong, he was able to pursue that ray of truth and finally find the mysterious island. Then, when the fairy vine gourd merged with a large clone awakening, it "instantly passed on to him a secret that could only be opened at a certain moment in the future."

The moment he saw the island, the seal of "there is a fish in the North Sea" was silently broken, so the shadow of the big fish Kun left in the ancient times was forcibly activated.

As for why he was allowed to see it at that moment, it was mysterious and he had no answer.

This shadow is what people often call a mirage. It really exists. It was recorded by the power of the South China Sea for some very special reasons and was displayed at a certain moment.

This encounter may have a deep reason. Maybe the silence will never come out, or maybe they will meet again one day in the future...

Wang Lu stood proudly on the sea like a needle, looking at the blue island that was gradually going away, thinking a lot.

Retracting the thought, how to get to the island became a problem again.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the island jumps, flies, and rises at an irregular speed like a ball jumping the sun and the moon. Fortunately, for more than nine years, he has been trapped in the indescribable self-deduction of "Across the Clouds" for no reason. He found and broke through the next nameless secret. Not only did he officially break through the second limit of a thousand feet per breath, but he also moved more freely. He felt like a slippery loach, moving freely; and like a big eagle in the sky, traveling thousands of miles in an instant.

The first difficulty is already a problem, and there is a second one.

The island is tightly wrapped by an incredibly strong formation. The closer you get to it, the greater the resistance you encounter.

He can only get close to one mile at most. It's like an invisible wall in front of him that blocks him and he can't go any further.

He vaguely remembered that he tried to go further in, but was blocked by a huge and unparalleled force. He was like a tiny fly, slapped and flew away.

So, he woke up.

Looking at this inaccessible island from afar, a shallow scratch appeared on the corner of Wang Lu's mouth.

Senior Brother Lan, with such a huge resistance, how did you lock it and engrave it on the jade slip hundreds of years ago, and it can still be preserved for two hundred years?

This island moves at a speed close to the second limit. The distance it crosses in a year alone is more than 200 million miles. What kind of magical power in the world can capture its traces and fix its specific location? In addition, it is so big and the formation is so strong that it is impossible.

Even the most powerful Tianzun-level strongman in this world who is at the peak of the Spiritualization Stage can't do anything to it. Can you, a small mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, suddenly become a Buddha or an immortal?

This is simply beyond human power.

Are you the Lan Yu I know?

Or have you actually been taken over by a powerful existence, so you created such a miraculous "tracking" jade slip!

He was puzzled. Apart from the previous photo of Big Yukun, there was no solution. Now there is another one, you, my senior brother Lan Yulan.


Wang Lu sighed deeply.

No matter what identity Lan Yu is or what kind of existence he is, at least he did not harm himself and gave himself the "Jade Slip" weighing more than ten thousand yuan, so that he could find it in the last year of the ten-year period of hanging on the gourd. The island that allowed him to save his life.

However, without being able to land on the island, the gourd will turn into ashes in a year and we will never see him again.

Thinking of this, Wang Lu couldn't help but feel sad.

No, no, never!

In one year, he will definitely set foot on this island. The fairy vine saved his life. No matter what, he will never lose you.

I will also take you with me to help you get the other three clones back and make you perfect. This is my promise to you.

The huge blue island was getting farther and farther away from him, like a blue dot, about to be swallowed by the South China Sea.


Wang Lu suddenly became violent, his voice shook the whole country, and with one step, he was already 1,100 feet away.

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