Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 798 Eternal Youth

What exactly is going on?

The more Wang Lu thought about it, the more anxious he became. He unconsciously became a little angry.

He secretly told himself that he must be calm, calm.

A month before Wang Lu broke the blue and white porcelain, Taohua, who was in retreat, suddenly stood up. Her sight seemed to have passed through the vast ocean and came to the front of Fangzhang Xianshan.

After a few breaths, she turned and left, and came to Taohuawu Square.

The sky was clear, the wind was gentle, the willows were weeping, the sky was blue, and the island was made beautiful by her.


A spell was cast, and soon, eight level nine and level ten celestial demons came to her side.

Seeing their arrival, she nodded gently.

"Let's go."

Four years ago, under her planning, everyone got great benefits, and they were completely convinced by her.

The agreed six-year period is approaching, and it's time to reap the fruits of victory.

The group of people silently jumped into the air, each showing their superb body skills, and flew towards Fangzhang Xianshan at lightning speed.

Almost at the same time as they were dispatched, the five Niu Jiao and the ten Xi Xie all took action. Under the protection of the formation, the Niu Jiao broke out of the sea, flew high into the sky, and came to a hundred miles above the fairy mountain, while the Xi Xie dived into the sea water, about a hundred miles away from the fairy mountain.

As expected, after a month of silent observation, the fairy mountain formation suddenly changed from light blue to almost transparent colorless, and the power of the formation was reduced ten thousand times.

Oh my God!

Everyone was excited, but with the painful lessons of the previous two times, they dared not make any unusual moves.

Surrounded by powerful enemies, they were afraid of provoking the formation's desperate backlash and self-destruction.

However, time was moving as slowly as a snail, like tens of thousands of worms crawling on their bodies, and their patience was being consumed bit by bit.

Except for the roaring of the waves, everything in the entire sea area was strangely quiet, so strange that it made people's scalps numb.

Ten days later, a small team of five people could no longer bear the huge temptation in front of them, and took the lead.

They tried their best to launch a strong attack on the formation that seemed to be running out of power.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom."

The formation unexpectedly resisted with all its might, making a series of roaring sounds.

"Everyone, come together!"

Someone took the lead, and seeing that there was no backlash, the formation kept shaking, and the fire in everyone's heart was ignited in an instant, burning fiercely.

Everyone started to use their means and bombarded the fairy mountain fiercely.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

For a time, the light shone brightly, the demonic energy was chaotic, and the sound was like thunder, shaking the earth.

The formation was in danger.

"Don't hold back, the formation will be broken right now."

After a stick of incense, the Peach Blossom Fairy suddenly shouted loudly.

Her words seemed to have some kind of magic spell. Not only did the thirty-two people closest to the fairy mountain launch their strongest attacks, but even the six Niu Jiao and ten Xi Xie who were hiding in the clouds showed up and dealt fatal blows to various parts of the formation.

"Not good!"

"Not good!"

At this moment, the first sentence of "Not good" came from Wang Lu, who was frowning and helpless on the island.

The whole island suddenly shook up and down, left and right as if the sky was falling and the earth was cracking, and a very bad feeling arose spontaneously.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed, and he finally knew the real reason why the formation could not be broken after losing four blue flowers.

But he had no time to rejoice, and did not think about anything. At the critical moment of life and death, "bang", three silver Gang unbreakable talismans were blessed on his body.

And the second sentence of "Not good" was issued by Niu Heng.

Just as the six of them were about to attack, a sense of fear suddenly surged in his heart. He only had time to shout, but he could not stop the clan leader and his father who had already attacked Xianshan without reservation.





At the moment Taohua shouted, the ten of them did take action, but they did not attack Xianshan. Instead, they used their magical powers and various powerful treasures in the sky, underground and sea to indiscriminately bombard the thirty-two people closest to the island and all the people rushing to the island.




No one thought that at the most critical moment, someone would suddenly attack them and take their lives.

Because Taohua's ten people were extremely well prepared, and they were completely unprepared, this attack immediately made half of the strong men lose the strength to fight again.

But there were also some powerful and ruthless characters. After being injured, they not only did not flee, but took advantage of the chaos and immediately killed back fiercely, regardless of who they saw.

Even if I die, I will take someone with me.

However, they are more likely to kill and devour others when they are in danger.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As for the Immortal Mountain, as long as you don't run, you can't run.

You have to spit out what you have eaten.

And a small number of vicious people, despite their serious injuries, followed the magical powers in front of them. Under the sound of the formation breaking through the sky, they rushed into the Immortal Mountain regardless of anything, and made a fatal blow at will, regardless of who was in front of them.

Want to be the first person to land on the island.

In an instant, a chaotic battle broke out.

In addition to the ten people of Taohua, a total of 48 earth-shaking and peerless attacks bombarded the Immortal Island at the same time.

And the formation that could not hold up could not resist for less than a breath, and was directly killed into slag.

The bombardment had no target, like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, rushing towards the Immortal Island from all directions.

The unstoppable and terrifying magical power came and became the center of the storm. Wang Lu's face turned pale.

"Let's fight!"

He shouted, and the six-star arched moon blade jumped into the yellow cloud of talismans in an instant. He was like a muddy yellow zongzi wrapped tightly by the cloud of talismans.

At the same time, the zongzi stomped his feet on the ground with all his strength and soared into the sky.

There was no way to escape. What he wanted was to get away from the center of the vortex as much as possible.



In the center of the island, a yellow light that was rising at high speed and trying to escape was like being strangled by billions of iron hands.

A scream that pierced the sky faded away in an instant and stopped abruptly.

Such a sharp scream shocked everyone.

But at this moment, an indescribably strong and incomparable spiritual power vibrated and rushed towards them.

"Oh my God!"

Everyone let out a joyful cry of both shock and madness.

On the mirror-like green land of Fangzhang Immortal Mountain, at least hundreds of thousands of various spiritual materials that they had only heard of but never seen and had long since disappeared were blooming.

Especially the blue flower in the west of the island that was so blue that it made people numb.

"Eternal Green!"

Peach Blossom Fairy was shocked and couldn't help but call out the name of this flower!

She felt that she couldn't breathe anymore, she was going crazy, even if she died for this flower, she was willing!

"Whoever stands in my way will die!"

Peach Blossom Fairy rushed towards Eternal Green like a madman.

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