Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 8 Talisman Making (Part 1)

When Wang Lu woke up three days later, Master Qiu Huaren was sitting on the futon, holding the "Six Talismans" and sighing softly.

Wang Lu rubbed his eyes and felt refreshed, but felt uncomfortable all over.

When he saw his master in the room, he got up from the bed and said, "Master, when did you come? I remember that my disciple couldn't hold on any longer... "

After saying that, he touched his head sheepishly.

"Disciple, you have officially become a monk. I didn't expect that in just seven days you were able to introduce Qi into your body, cleanse your marrow and cut off your hair, and develop your magic power. You are much stronger than Master back then."

"It took me half a year to open up the main meridians of the body. This shows that your understanding and resilience are very good, but you can't be proud of it. Our second-generation Master Cangling has served us well. The only Tianlinggen cultivator at the moment, it only took him less than half an hour to transform from a mortal to an immortal cultivator."

"Master, is Tianlinggen really that powerful? My disciple has spent a lot of effort to achieve it."

"Haha, you are already a cultivator in the qi refining stage. The qi refining stage is divided into nine levels. Each three levels has a small realm. The early stage of qi practice, the middle stage of qi practice and the late stage of qi practice. Your cultivation is in the early stage of qi practice. That’s the first level of Qi training. When you break through to the fourth level of Qi training, you’ll enter the middle stage of Qi training.”

"The purpose of the Qi Refining Phase is to allow the body to hold more spiritual energy. When you have enough mana, you can try to hit the Foundation Establishment Phase. The Foundation Establishment Phase is to allow the spiritual energy to liquefy and form a small lake in the body. During the Pill Formation Phase, it will turn into liquid. As a golden elixir, as a teacher, you have not reached that level in this life. However, you are better than others. I believe that your achievements will far surpass mine."

"Those with Tianling roots are uniquely endowed, but they must work hard to achieve great results. Disciple, there is no need to be envious. As long as you persevere and persevere, you will be able to carve out a world of your own. I believe in you."

Then, Qiu Huaren said: "On the far right side of the hall, there is a relatively rare small spiritual spring. Seeing how dirty you are, go and clean it. Take it, this is what I will make for you while you are sleeping. A set of robes that are invulnerable to water, fire, and weapons, but can only withstand magical attacks below the third level of Qi training.”

Only then did Wang Lu realize that he was covered in black and sticky skin. He took the cassock from Qiu Huaren and hurried to the stone room where the spiritual spring was.

As soon as he entered the stone room, he saw a pool half a foot square. The top of the pool was mist, and a small stream of water "gulu, gulu" emerged from the bottom of the pool. The spring water was a little milky white. Wang Lu took a deep breath and felt a sense of comfort all over his body.

He couldn't wait to jump into the pool. The spiritual spring was two feet deep. He couldn't help but run the "Six Talismans".

This time it went very smoothly, and soon he was immersed in the practice. When he opened his eyes, the mist above the spiritual spring dissipated, and the spring water became crystal clear.

After cultivating to the second level of Qi training in one day, Wang Lu understood that he had exhausted all the spiritual energy stored in Lingquan over the years.

When Wang Lu returned to the stone room, his master Qiu Huaren was waiting for him.

"Master, my disciple has used up the spiritual energy in the spiritual spring. This..."

"Haha, don't worry, just use it. This spiritual spring has been prepared for you, but it is too small. There are very few top-level spiritual springs. Its spiritual water is no longer called spiritual water. It is called Spirit milk.”

"It is said that after drinking a small sip of Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk, immortal cultivators at any level can instantly recover their dried mana, but I have never seen it before. Okay, having said that, from today on, I will I will teach you the housekeeping skills of our Six Talisman Sect, are you ready?"

Qiu Huaren solemnly addressed Wang Lu.

"Master, my disciple is always prepared. Although I don't know how talented I am at making talismans, I will definitely work harder and not let you down."

Qiu Huaren took Wang Lu to the stone room in the center.

In the center of the stone room is a long table made of thousand-year-old sunken wood. There is a pen holder on it. On the pen holder are two one-foot-long talisman pens, one gray and one silver. Next to it is a A three-inch square white inkstone.

"The way to make a talisman is to concentrate your energy and concentration, start writing in the vastness, move the pen in the subtleties, and finish the pen in the passing of the breeze. If you experience this passage carefully, everyone's understanding is different, but you can be sure that this It’s a very high level of talisman making.”

After Qiu Huaren finished speaking, he handed Wang Lu a yellowed ancient book "Six Talisman Book".

Wang Lu carefully took the book, with the words "Six Talisman Album Part 1" written on the page. He couldn't help but look at Qiu Huaren in confusion and asked: "Master, is there a second volume of our "Six Talisman Album"? "

"Disciple, the "Six Talisman Book" not only has the upper and lower volumes, but also the middle volume. More than a hundred years ago, the middle volume was stolen by your uncle. As for the second volume, there is no news yet. The Six Talisman Patriarch came from the secret realm When it came out, there were only two volumes of "Six Talismans" and "Six Talismans", the upper and middle volumes. According to the ancestor's speculation, our "Six Talismans" also has two volumes. "

"You see, there are only four meridians and acupuncture diagrams in "Six Talisman Techniques". As a teacher, I can't even reach the second one. There are still many acupuncture points that have not been opened. According to common sense in the world of immortality, the life span of the Qi refining period is It is about one hundred years old. The lifespan in the foundation-building stage is two hundred years. The lifespan in the golden elixir stage is more than five hundred years. The lifespan in the Nascent Soul stage is more than a thousand years. Being a master is only in the foundation-building stage, and the lifespan should have been reached long ago. , but my master practiced according to his sect's "Six Talismans" and snatched nearly a hundred years of life from the hands of the King of Hell. This year, my master has experienced 276 immortal cultivation careers. I feel that at most three hundred Years later, he will return.”

"So, disciple, the inheritance of our sect depends entirely on you. You shoulder the heavy responsibility and must practice diligently. I hope that I can see you enter the foundation building stage in my lifetime. At that time, even if you officially enter the world of cultivation, you will Once you have a certain amount of money to save your life, you are no longer a piece of meat on the chopping block.”

Qiu Huaren said to Wang Lu seriously.

"Master, my disciple will never let you down."

Wang Lu took the "Six Talisman Book" and spoke word by word.

Although he is still young, children who come from mountain villages tend to understand things early, and the principle of respecting teachers and teachings has long been deeply rooted in their hearts.

Qiu Huaren took out a storage bag and taught him how to use his spiritual consciousness and mana to obtain the objects inside.

Wang Lu was already at the second level of Qi training. In the initial stage of Qi training, the spiritual consciousness could sense up to one foot at most. However, Wang Lu was already at the second level of Qi training, and his spiritual consciousness exceeded one foot and reached two feet.

This made him very strange. He couldn't help but wonder, did he still have a little talent in spiritual consciousness?

Wang Lu didn't think much about it. After all, it was a good thing and there was no need to go into it further.

Qiu Huaren told Wang Lu that the Six Talisman Albums talked about how to make talismans. The Six Talisman Albums contained various talismans, from the Qi Refining Stage, the Foundation Building Stage, the Golden Elixir Stage to the Nascent Soul Stage, all of which were explained and explained in detail. drawing process.

It also includes a special sixth type of talisman. Now that he is only in the Qi Refining stage, he can only see the talisman that exists in the Qi Refining stage. When his cultivation reaches the Foundation Establishment stage, he can only open the page of the Foundation Establishment stage.

He asked Wang Lu to practice hard in the past few years and try to figure out how to make talismans while practicing. Then he gave him a formation flag to control the small courtyard in Aoshan and said that he would leave Liubi Mountain for a few years. As for what he would do, I didn't mention it to him.

After Qiu Huaren left the Aoshan courtyard, Wang Lu officially began his boring yet fresh and long journey of cultivation.

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