Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 802 Hua Yuzi's Past

Hua Yuzi fled wildly with Wang Lu, who was as stiff and cold as a corpse. His firepower was fully activated and he crossed the strait and the sea at the speed of an explosion of 1,600 feet per breath.

For fear of being followed, he kept running in circles for half a year with a calm demeanor.

The journey is 164 million miles.

Thousands of miles away in front of the sea, the sea is full of calm waves, which is in sharp contrast to the huge waves outside. It is like two different worlds, looking weird and strange.

When the vicious waves arrived here, it was as if they had encountered a natural enemy. They were as docile as little sheep, and they automatically decomposed and were absorbed by vortices of various sizes.

The river here is clear and the sea is clear, and the water is still and deep.

Due to the swallowing and attraction of the sea nest, not even half of the islands in the sea area can be found. It is completely barren and extremely dangerous. Even many ninth-level and tenth-level celestial monsters are unwilling to go near it, let alone set foot on it. .

However, Hua Yuzi actually brought Wang Lu here.

He squinted his eyes, his eyes calm and flickering.

Using his own demonic power, Wang Lu levitated in front of him, as if invisible hands were holding him.


A spell was fired, and a blue halo covered the two of them. With his word "down", the halo took them into the sea.

Like a stone sinking into the sea, the aperture quickly sank to a thousand feet in the sea.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

I saw a huge dark abyss below, with endless seawater rushing away crazily, making deafening roaring sounds.

Without any surprise, the aperture was swallowed up by the abyss and disappeared in an instant along with the endless sea water.

The sea water surged wildly, like a torrent releasing a flood, and it turned sharply downward.

Hua Yuzi was calm and composed. He seemed to be very familiar with the operating rules of the abyss. With Wang Lu, he actually broke away from the circle of light and flickered away in a certain direction with one step.


He used the teleportation technique, but his teleportation was very different from others. Not only was his speed more than five times faster, he even had a magical ability to cross the gap in space, allowing him to directly cross it in one breath. A full hundred miles away.

It’s incredible!


This is an island hundreds of miles wide under the sea.

On the west side of the island is a majestic mountain that emits a dark and deep light. This mountain is like an incomparable giant wall that firmly blocks the huge abyss hundreds of miles away, and cannot exceed one step.

Even so, the torrent of sound was still rushing in with force.

You must know that this is the sea water, pressed down by the heavy sea water, there are still thunderous tremolos, which shows how powerful the power of the abyss is, which is unimaginable.

In this case, why did Hua Yuzi dare to go deep into the abyss and go in the opposite direction?

Moreover, not only was he not shattered to pieces and instantly squeezed into nothingness by the heavy pressure, he was actually alive and kicking, shouting happily.

The joy was beyond words.

"Bah, I almost crushed me to death. It's as heavy as an iron mountain. What the hell are you?"

He threw Wang Lu aside and suddenly sat down on the smooth and dark island ground.

He looked up at the island, which was 20,000 feet deep but covered by a thin silver light curtain.

He named it "Silver Light Island".

Four hundred years ago, when he had just entered the middle stage of the ninth-level Heavenly Demon, he was chased by three veteran Heavenly Demons who had long been famous for their powerful strength. He had no choice but to escape here.

Behind him is the abyss and chasm of the inner sea that almost no one dares to come to. In front of him are three ferocious beasts who want to eat him up.

Although he is only a distant bloodline with only one of the "Lingzhuanyu" among the ten ancient strange insects, and can't even be said to be a distant descendant, he has his own arrogance.

It is better to die than to surrender, to live toward death.

He smiled coldly at the three of them, "hehe", and immediately turned around without looking back and jumped into the sea that seemed to be flooded with Gujing Bubo's strength.

Sure enough, even though he tried his best to block the unparalleled pulling force, he was still like a kite with its string broken, being involuntarily carried away in an instant.

However, just when he thought he would not be spared and would die without a burial place, a flash of light from nowhere flashed before his eyes in the lightning and flint, and an indescribable epiphany of spatial teleportation came to him.

He shouted wildly, and with a surge of demonic power, he directly tore open a space gap in front of him, got in, and came to the Silver Light Island, which was isolated from the world and looked like a paradise.

And this island is incredibly as if it was tailor-made for him. Covered and nourished by the light silver light, his cultivation is as fast as lightning. In just two hundred years, he has gone from the middle of the ninth level to the late ninth level, the ninth level and the tenth level of Dzogchen in a blink of an eye. The early tenth and mid-level finally stopped at the late tenth level.

This incredible speed is not only unprecedented, but in this era of gradually thinning spiritual energy, it will definitely be unprecedented.

Even if he told the truth, no one would believe him.

At the same time, not only was his cultivation progressing by leaps and bounds, his bloodline was gradually purified and purified miraculously, and he had a deeper understanding of teleportation. The biggest gain was the top ten space avenues among the three thousand avenues, which had made great strides. Deep understanding.

From then on, he could barely be regarded as a collateral bloodline of Ling Zhuanyu.

Immediately afterwards, Silver Light Island was explored hundreds of times in meticulous detail.

It was finally determined that this was a building that had been driven into or, to be more precise, nailed into the 20,000-foot-deep sea by an unknown person and when with magical powers that he could not imagine. Not even the endless abyss could shake it.

Unbelievable, too shocking.

In his search, with his profound spatial attainments, he found a tiny spatial crack that was almost invisible and safe. After trying several times with caution and fear, he was able to enter and exit freely.

A gentleman's revenge is never too late.

He found the three level 10 celestial demons who wanted to devour him before. After eating the first one, he regretted it.

The gifted mutant knife fish beast almost destroyed the pure and spotless blood essence of the Lingzhuan fish that he had finally condensed with great difficulty.

After that, he understood a truth. If he wanted to purify his blood again, in addition to the ten ancient divine beasts and ten fierce beasts that were one level higher than them, only the ten ancient strange insects that were as famous as him could be effective. Otherwise, not only could it not be done, but it would also pollute his own blood.

It was not worth the loss.

As for the latter two, he just killed them lightly and let their bodies be thrown into the sea. In the end, it was a bargain for the two lucky level 9 celestial demons.

Of course, the two of them would not be foolish enough to tell others about this encounter, so outsiders believed that he had killed and eaten the three people.

After getting rid of the three people, he returned to the impregnable Silver Light Island that was nowhere to be found.

When he wanted to regain the amazingly fast cultivation speed and the understanding of the Great Dao of Space, the miracle did not happen again.

He returned to his previous slow pace of following the rules.

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