Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 806: Restoration

If a late Nascent Soul cultivator is suddenly attacked by more than 40 mid- to late-stage Spiritualization masters, what will happen to him?

There is only one result, and that is death.

However, a miracle happened. Wang Lu not only did not die, but even survived.

Although he did not know that the forty-eight Heavenly Demon-level masters attacked him, he clearly understood the extreme scream of his soul when the attack came, which was as terrible as the end of the world.

There are three indispensable reasons why he was able to escape the harvest of the God of Death.

First, he was at his peak at that time, with full consciousness and powerful magic power, and his nerves were tense, like a frightened bird, always in a state of high alert, so when the attack came, the Silver Gang Unbreakable Talisman that he sent out with all his strength, the Yellow Talisman Cloud Vision that he used to perfection, and the Seven Blades that were connected with his mind were awakened in an instant, and came with lightning, laying a three-layer defense for his "immortality", each layer stronger than the other. With these three layers of protection, it was like duckweed had a root that stabilized the water, making him no longer shaken and as firm as ever.

Secondly, he had perfected the "Hundred Refinements to Become Gang" on the first page of "Kui Niu Stepping on the Sky" and had never before refined the "Black Gang Body". Whether it was his body or his internal organs, they were all forged to be as hard as the golden Gang, giving him a strong physique that he himself could not explain, so he could withstand a fatal blow without dying.

Finally, the ultimate deduction of "Crossing the Clouds" in the mysterious island gave him a spark, a fleeting explosion speed and a roundabout reaction, so that he could rise from the ground in an instant and rush into the sky, avoiding the strongest edge of that blow. Although he was also affected, it was completely different, and the damage was at least ten times smaller, which was also the key to his survival.

If any of the above three items was missing, he would not be able to escape.

Wang Lu patted his dull chest with luck. It was too dangerous and he almost died.

Fortunately, he was strong enough and had good luck, otherwise, he would have died.

In fact, he also overlooked two points:

The Peach Blossom Fairy's side attacked everyone unexpectedly, causing most people to reverse their blood and skills to avoid the catastrophe of life and death, and then greatly reduced the power of the attack. This was the first reason.

The second reason was the agreement he had reached with Wan Gu Chang Qing before, letting it go, and thus letting himself go.

If Wang Lu couldn't bear it and insisted on taking Qing Hua's life, then the Peach Blossom Fairy would not let him go as the only living being on the fairy island.

His end would be very miserable, and there would be no other possibility.

Even if Hua Yuzi wanted to snatch him away, he was not the opponent of the Peach Blossom Fairy at all, and would lose his life in vain.

He returned Qing Hua's freedom, and Qing Hua also protected him in the dark. All causes and effects are nothing more than this.

Wang Lu sat upright, looking at everything about himself.

Very serious, very miserable, and horrible.

The cultivation level has fallen from the late stage of the Nascent Soul to barely maintaining the Nascent Soul stage. No wonder the little Nascent Soul in the Dantian looks weak and dying.

First of all, restore the cultivation level.

Secondly, the spiritual consciousness is shriveled and shrunken like a frost-bitten eggplant, and the spiritual consciousness is no longer clear and heavy. The whole person is affected, drowsy and without spiritual perception, which also requires careful care.

However, the spiritual consciousness is greatly damaged, and he has not heard of any good way to repair it. He can only take one step at a time.

He has a good way to forge the spiritual consciousness, which is to draw talismans continuously. What about the other way around?

Shouldn't the talismans be abandoned?


Thinking of this, Wang Lu smiled bitterly. The spiritual consciousness is the necessary premise and foundation for his thousands of spiritual talismans to be activated at the same time. Once it weakens, his strength will be greatly reduced.

No matter how difficult it is, you must be restored.

Another point is that the acupuncture points, acupoints, meridians, blood vessels, internal organs, various organs, and the eight extraordinary meridians in the body are all scarred. The dense and tight Kuiniu black light has long disappeared, leaving only shallow, thin, symbolic, gray traces that prove that it once existed.

Alas, I am lucky to live by relying on my flesh, and I must find "you" back.

Retracting my inner gaze, thinking for a moment, with a light move, a gorgeous and colorful nameless spiritual flower floated in front of me.

He gently picked a petal and put it in his mouth.

Chew it slowly and swallow it slowly into the stomach.


As soon as it entered the stomach, a spiritual volcano suddenly exploded.


Wang Lu suddenly had blood flowing from all seven orifices, and rolled on the ground with his head in his hands. He was in so much pain that he groaned in pain and screamed.

He struggled to straighten his body, pinched his hands, and silently recited the "Six Talismans".

The army of spiritual power in the body, which was like a wild horse running wild, was gradually gathered and slowly condensed into a stream of spiritual power lines, which slowly moved towards each acupuncture point and each meridian.


An hour later, a big cycle was finally completed, and the magic power was quietly improved a little.

This is a good sign, but it made Wang Lu sweat profusely.

Come again.

He shouted secretly, his eyes were firm and far-reaching, and he reorganized and arranged the army of spiritual power over and over again, gradually transforming it into a torrent of magic power.

Half a day passed in a flash, and he finally entered into a state of meditation, sinking into deep cultivation and recovery...

A year later, the spiritual flowers were used up by him.

The cultivation level was firmly fixed at the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

Unconsciously took out another spiritual flower and swallowed it in one gulp.

Five years later, the cultivation level broke through the early stage of the Nascent Soul again and returned to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

Fifteen years later, it returned to the peak of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.


His eyes opened, two strange lights flashed wildly, Wang Lu stood up and looked up at the sky.

This was the first time he looked up at the sky. When his snow pupils opened, a layer of light that seemed transparent and thin as a cicada's wing blocked all the sea water outside, protecting the island in the sea.

He retracted his gaze, and the "rumbling" sound of the torrent that had been ringing in his ears for fifteen years seemed to be endless forever.

In the west was a majestic black mountain that was three thousand feet high. Although he didn't know what its function was, the facts told him that if this mountain collapsed, everything would instantly become nothingness.

He thought for a moment with his soul shaken, and sat down cross-legged.

Fifteen years ago, he was so afraid that he didn't dare to look up and around because he was too weak at that time.

If he sensed and knew it, it would inevitably give him a huge and irreversible shock to his mind.

It would be difficult to recover without distractions at that time.

Once the body and mind are lost, they will be incurably ill and incurable.

This is the reason why he went to check the island again fifteen years later when his cultivation was fully restored.

In fact, he didn't know that being able to endure loneliness and resist temptation is also a vivid manifestation of strength.

The cultivation is complete, and the next step is the physical injury.

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