Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 808 Spiritual Volcano

Wang Lu opened his mouth and swallowed the Kuiniu magic pill.

As soon as the magic pill fell into his stomach, he immediately operated the magic formula, and a dazzling black sun suddenly exploded and disappeared very quickly, and the magic pill turned into nothingness.

However, its dissipation brought a mysterious black fog as thick and heavy as a thick fog. They were divided up by various parts of the body in the blink of an eye, sucked up completely, and disappeared completely.

Seeing this, Wang Lu did not move at all, and silently turned the skills. He knew that the time had come.

At least six magic pills, at least twenty years to fully recover.

This is still with the help of the mysterious power of the magic pill. Otherwise, even he doesn’t know when he can succeed, and perhaps he will never be able to repair all kinds of punctures and hidden injuries in this life.

For a practitioner of strength, any damage to the physical body is a disaster and it is extremely difficult to recover.

There are advantages and disadvantages. The physical body is both the strength and weakness of the power.

It was a bit more serious than he expected. Twenty-three years passed unknowingly. Seven magic pills were used up, and only four were left in his hand.


Wang Lu roared and stood up.

He took a leisurely look at the man who was still fighting a life-and-death battle with a certain idea.

He retracted his gaze, and the power returned to his body. A faint black light flowed around his body, like a surging river, endless.

He returned to the peak moment of practicing both magic and martial arts.

Fifteen years, twenty-three years, nearly twenty-two years on the mysterious island, nine years in pursuit of the island, since he and Kong Hua made a plan to destroy the Kong family and the lonely family, and since leaving Tieyu Island, nearly seventy years have passed.

During this period, the South China Sea continent must have undergone earth-shaking changes, especially the four ancient families. The Kong family may no longer exist and be replaced by Kong Hua, becoming the new head of the Kong family.

What he is most worried about is Li Jie and his wife, Lan Yu and his senior sister Deng Xu, and of course his own South China Sea Alliance.

I wonder what the current situation is?

He sighed in his heart and retracted his thoughts.

After the mana was fully restored, although his consciousness was mostly restored, it was not as good as before. As for his consciousness, he had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and slowly think of a way later.

With his consciousness weakened by half, his strength naturally dropped by half.

Not to mention that the number of talismans used against the enemy was reduced by half, not to mention that the power of "Infinite" and "Thousands of Threads and Blades" would be greatly reduced, even his basic talisman making was also affected, and the condensed, powerful and precise consciousness required for it no longer existed, and the loss was not small.

This was because his consciousness was originally strong and superior, but now it could only be compared with the general late Nascent Soul.

Consciousness, consciousness, how can you be restored to its original state?

He regretted it too much.

The Qingyu consciousness-enhancing grass given to Yin Jiu before could increase the cultivator's consciousness by as much as twice, but after giving it to him, he never encountered it again.

Such natural treasures are not just available, he picked them in the Baicao Garden of the "Yellow Palace", one of the seven palaces of Kujiang River. Even the hundreds of thousands of top spiritual materials on that mysterious island did not have a single one like it.

Wang Lu could not help but sigh, only regretting his ignorance and rashness at the time.

It would have been great if Yin Jiu had not sold it, but Yin Jiu had already proudly stated that if it were not for his three unique spiritual materials, he would never have had such an important position in Yinluanxuan.

He did not think about the past, he only hoped that he could return to Baicao Garden one day.

He clearly remembered that there were several older green jade knowledge-enhancing grasses in it.

He took back his unrealistic thoughts. Now he was trapped here, so how to get out became another problem.

Come on, it's time for you to show up.

Snowflakes fell from his eyes, and under his snow pupils, the nameless powerful formation shone into his heart bit by bit without error.

This formation has no other purpose, it only protects this underwater island with a depth of 20,000 feet, resists the unparalleled pressure from all directions, and even blocks the swallowing and spitting of an ocean-like thing from the west that makes his eyelids twitch wildly and is indescribably terrifying.

It was too terrible, just like when he jumped at the corner of the real South China Sea, the endless pulling force of the huge abyss below made him feel cold, and he never wanted to experience that kind of dangerous place where he was almost dead again.

There were similar dangers on the back of Tieshan Mountain in the west of the island.

Back to reality.

When he first entered the "Soul Realm", the depth he could sink was 16,000 feet, and one more foot would crush him into a pile of blood.

Now that the Soul Realm is perfect and the Black Gang Body is perfect, it is probably not a problem to sink to a depth of 20,000 feet.

But this is not just 20,000 feet. After Xue Tong's sensing, this sea area is extremely dangerous. 20,000 feet is comparable to 100,000 feet in other sea areas, which is simply terrifying.

With Xue Tong's help, he could break out of the formation, but the moment he got out, it would not be as simple as turning into blood plasma. The whole person would turn into blood and become part of the sea water.

What's the difference between this and being slaughtered?

It seems that he still has to wait for the victory of the male cultivator on the opposite side.

It was obvious that he brought him here. If he wanted to get out, only he could do it.

However, at this moment, Wang Lu's heart suddenly tightened.

It came so fast.

A super spiritual power volcano that seemed to have been suppressed by him for ten thousand years was about to erupt, and he jumped up in fear.

What's going on? Where did so much spiritual power come from?

Without thinking too much, Wang Lu sat down immediately, looked at his nose, looked at his heart, and made the initial starting posture of "Six Talismans" with his hands, and quickly operated the magic formula.

The spiritual power volcano in his body was making a muffled "sizzling" sound. The overflowing spiritual power had already filled Wang Lu's body. When he couldn't find where to go, he saw a large army of magic power rushing over. They were like bees meeting flowers, and they all took the initiative to join in, reducing it by half at once.

The missing spiritual power was just a drop in the bucket for the spiritual power volcano, and it was negligible.

But because it was reduced by nearly half, the spiritual power that was originally piled up like a mountain instantly found a gap and made up for it in a moment.

And this filling delayed the eruption of the volcano a little bit, and then gave him a chance to breathe.

So dangerous, so scary, how the hell did you come from?

Wang Lu, who was practicing, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw this.

But the situation was still precarious, and he couldn't afford to be careless. He frantically operated his skills, fearing that the spiritual power volcano that came from nowhere would suddenly erupt and blow him up without leaving even a slag.

Wang Lu's extreme operation, the free operation formula, the spiritual power of the spiritual power volcano was constantly being digested and dissolved...

After one year, the situation was still not optimistic.

In the second and third years, it was slightly better.

From the fourth to the ninth year, he dared not move at all, and tried his best to transform it.

Until the tenth year, he could no longer hold it back, and the volcano suddenly exploded like the sun, but the damage to him was more than a thousand times smaller.

With the support of countless acupuncture points, meridians, and organs in his body that were as hard as steel, and with Wang Lu's tidal-like magic power sweeping away, he was turning his disadvantages into advantages bit by bit, and then he was unstoppable and unstoppable.

And taking advantage of this overwhelming spiritual power explosion, the little Yuanying in his body ate greedily and drank non-stop.

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