Wang Lu used the teleportation array of Cui Town to leave quickly, and continued to take over the teleportation arrays of various large cities and rushed to Tianhai City.

He had a vague feeling that there was news about Xiaoyaozi.

A day later, after spending nearly 500,000 high-quality spirit stones, he returned to Tianhai City.

The place he was going to was still Yinluanxuan, which he wanted to avoid but couldn't avoid.

Yin Jiu's personality changed drastically, becoming indifferent and unkind. He felt a little tired of Yinluanxuan and didn't want to touch it.

However, when he thought of Senior Yin Qi, Yin Shijiu and Liu Fen, if it weren't for them, he would never have come to where he is now and have the current cultivation and strength.

He had to do it.

Wang Lu sighed and stepped into the crowded Yinluanxuan.

A young disciple of Yinluanxuan in the middle stage of foundation building took him to a secret room on the second floor.

Soon, Yin Twenty-two, who was already at the peak of the late Jindan stage, came to the room respectfully. He seemed to have been prepared for it and bowed to hand Wang Lu a jade slip.

Wang Lu scanned the area with his spiritual sense, and a look of joy appeared in his eyes. He nodded and said, "I haven't seen you for more than a hundred years. You, Twenty-two, are about to enter the Nascent Soul stage. Whether it is the various spiritual materials you prepared for me to make talismans, or the jade slips of information this time, you are very dedicated, which makes me very satisfied. Let's do this. As a senior, I don't have anything good to give you. I will give you a talisman I drew myself, and wish you a successful Nascent Soul in advance."


Yin Twenty-two was so excited that he fell to the ground with a plop, and said excitedly, "Thank you, Senior Wang, for your kindness, but if you have any instructions, I will do my best to serve you."

Wang Lu saw that he was determined and respected him without any pretense, and said, "Get up, take it, and hope to see you again."


A ball of blood light exploded, and a high-level low-level blood escape talisman floated in the void.

With Yin Twenty-two watching him go, Wang Lu walked out of the secret room without looking back.

Looking at the priceless Blood Escape Talisman that everyone was fighting for in front of him, Yin Twenty-Two's eyes flashed with confusion, and then suddenly became clear.

"I drew it myself!"

At this moment, even if he was stupid, he finally understood the true identity of Master Wang, the famous Wang Lu, the Demon in the Talisman.

He was stunned and stood there.

As a middle and senior executive of Yin Luan Xuan, three lists will be released every fifty years, namely the Golden Core List, the Yuanying List and the Hundred Arts List, which list the hundred people identified by Yin Luan Xuan through various channels, and the name of "Talisman Demon" Wang Lu shines in the fourth position of the Hundred Arts List, followed by his iconic marks that shocked the world of immortal cultivation: Shadow Talisman and Blood Escape Talisman.

The Shadow Talisman was a great success in the bloody battle between humans and demons in the Western Desert and the vast sea more than five hundred years ago, and the Blood Escape Talisman has become the only trump card that many people dream of to save their lives and escape.

However, these two talismans are too rare, and they never appear in the world except for those who are very lucky to grab one.

What virtue and ability did he have? It was his master who repeatedly told him that the visitors must fully respect him and help him with all their strength. He just listened to his master's words, which made Wang Lu appreciate him and he had today.

Now his master is traveling around and no one knows where he is. He will also retreat to the Nascent Soul stage. If it is possible...

A blue jade slip came to his hand. So that's it.

He used his most important power to call for a message jade slip.

Unknowingly, Yin Ershier made an important decision that would affect his life.

Stepping out of Yinluanxuan, the morning sun of Tianhai City always appears on time at the hour of Si, because it is blocked by the four mountains in the east of the city, and only the afterglow of the sunset and the setting sun are everywhere.

"You are so good, Wudu Xiaoyaozi, I didn't expect you to hide in Tianhai City."

The jade slip did not explicitly say that it was Xiaoyaozi, but Wang Lu knew at a glance that it was most likely him.

There was only one line of words on it: The heir of Tianyuan Sect appeared in the valley of Yiyang Mountain in Tianhai City ten days ago.

Yiyang Mountain and Yiming Mountain stand facing each other, with Yang Mountain in the south and Ming Mountain in the north.

Think about it, four years ago, the assassin who ambushed and killed me set up a trap in Yiming Mountain, but failed to steal the chicken and lost the rice. He was defeated by him. Could it be that this time it is another trap for me?

Wang Lu pinched his chin, thinking while shuttling through the crowd at a speed faster than lightning. With his extreme speed of one thousand feet per breath, almost no one found him. There were people who sensed him, but only a handful of people.

Three hours later, the majestic Yiyang Mountain that stretched for thousands of miles came into view.

Without stopping for a moment, he crossed the mountains, mountain streams, waterfalls, canyons, cliffs, foothills, mountainsides...

In a cup of tea, he came to Zegu.

It is called Zegu, but it is actually a huge cave with a diameter of more than 100 feet.

It is said that this cave is extremely strange. If you enter below the God Transformation Stage and fail to walk out within ten days, you really can't walk out. Only the top masters of the God Transformation Stage can explore it.

It was said to be miraculous and extremely dangerous.

Wang Lu slowly came to the deserted narrow valley.

Looking around, this empty valley was three thousand feet long and two thousand feet wide, like a small plain embedded in the undulating mountains and forests.

There were scattered and far-flung withered trees, silent and lonely.

There were a few yellowed and withered leaves left on the trees, withering in the wind, and they could be blown off at any time.

There were some nameless red grasses less than one foot long scattered on the ground, giving people a sense of desolation and desolation of withered vines, old trees and crows.

Looking up, a majestic mountain with a height of 5,000 feet and stretching for hundreds of miles lies in front of me. A huge, dark hole seems to have opened a hole through the body of the mountain. Waves of cold wind blow from the cave " "Swish, swish, swish" roared out, as if there was some ferocious monster, giving people a creepy feeling.

The cave has thousands of ravines, nine twists and turns, and is very complicated, making it easy to lose your way. However, this is only easy for mortals or low-level monks, such as Wang Lu, who has a photographic memory.

Xiaoyaozi, do you like hide and seek, so you chose such a confusing cave?

Pinggu is just a medium-sized mountain range among the mountains in Yiyang.

For the safety of Tianhai City, the strong men of Tianhai Sect have gone back and forth several times, and all the tyrannical monsters have been killed, leaving only some kittens and puppies below level four, and there are no excellent spiritual materials and Minerals are rare and rare among treasure hunters.

Wang Lu looked around and saw no movement, then walked slowly towards the cave.


The entrance of the cave is a hundred feet long, and there is another cave inside, which is ten times as big as the outside.

It is open, far-reaching, with patches of light gray mist rising and falling, and five feet away, there is a blur.

But under Wang Lu's snow eyes, all the gray fog and ice disintegrated and ceased to exist.

There are hundreds of tunnels in the cave, which are dazzling.

Large and small black stalagmites stand upside down, reflecting the bright and dark light.

Wang Lu was stunned. This scene seemed so familiar that he was in a trance.

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