Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 86 Light Dream

As if he was in a white world of ice and snow, Wang Lu shivered all over. After a moment, he felt like he was in a warm spring boudoir. The next moment, the scorching summer came. He felt extremely thirsty and accidentally saw a boudoir. Hong Qingquan, he rushed away, took a big mouthful, and instantly cooled down.

He didn't know how long it took, but he opened his eyes in surprise. The hall was still magnificent and peaceful, and a square hole appeared at the bottom of the stone pool. He looked around, but did not find Sun Xue's figure, and he must have left.

He silently glanced back at the main hall, feeling suddenly disappointed in his heart, as if he had lost something precious. Could it be due to the previous dream or illusion.

A very faint fragrance surrounded him.

He sighed softly. After all, he was the one who cherished the beauty and cherished the beauty. He fell into Sun Xue's charm and let himself indulge in it.

Fortunately, nothing was lost or injured. He carefully checked the condition of his body with fear. To his surprise, he had unknowingly arrived at the state of foundation-building perfection.

What's going on? It's incredible.

Puzzled, Wang Lu walked to the entrance of the cave, which should be the only way to escape from the ancient tomb.

Under the entrance of the cave is a stone staircase that leads to an unknown passage. For now, this may be the only way out.

He walked down with determination. As soon as he stepped onto the stone steps, the entire hall suddenly shook violently, as if it was overturning at any time.

Although I don’t know where to go, I can only seek death if I go back, and I will be buried alive.

He picked up his magic power, spread out his body skills with all his strength, and flew along the stone steps. At first, the stone steps went all the way down, and then suddenly they went up and connected to a passage glowing with white light.

At this time, like an earthquake coming, the passage began to shake, and mud, stone, and sand continued to fall downwards. He did not dare to take it lightly, and walked as fast as flying, and the passage showed an upward trend.

When there was something going on, Wang Lu's eyes suddenly brightened.

Flying at an extremely fast speed, like lightning or light, not even a stick of incense could be reached. The passage shook violently and was about to collapse at any time. Under the induction of spiritual consciousness, a stone door in front blocked it.

He shouted loudly, and the six-star gongyue blade came down from the mountain like a fierce tiger, slashing at the stone wall with a devastating force. There was a burst of crackling explosions and lightning flashes, and the stone wall trembled but remained standing.

"Break it for me!"

The mana poured in fiercely, and the six-star arched moon blade bloomed with green light. The seven blades merged into one, and struck the stone wall with force like broken bamboo. The sound of the stone wall clicking sounded. At the same time, Wang Lu leaped over, and more than a thousand various spiritual talismans were like fireworks. Like blooming on the stone wall.

"Boom, boom, boom."

Like thunder bursting, stone walls shattering, and passages collapsing.

In no time, Wang Lu shuttled out like a shadow, and with a "boom", the sound of landslides and ground cracking burst into his ears.

After many dangers, he finally escaped.

However, just as he was rejoicing, he suddenly lost his footing.


He shouted, and his body fell rapidly like a heavy stone. When he only had time to muster the magic power in his body, with a "crash", he hung on the branch of a towering tree.

Wang Lu summoned the Six-Star Gongyue Blade, cut off numerous twigs, and went all the way down, finally touching the ground.

Looking up at the overcast sky with thick clouds, at this moment, he felt that the sky was so moving and the land was so lovely.

Anyone who escapes death will cherish the hard-won beauty of life and breathing even more.

What made him wonder was that if Sun Xue also escaped from the passage, she would definitely encounter that stone wall. How could the stone wall be intact?

Where did she go out from, or did she go out at all?

For some reason, the beautiful yet charming Sun Xue actually made himself slightly worried about her, which made him feel baffled.

No matter what she did, this time she basically had a narrow escape from death. He thought to himself: It is said that those who survive a catastrophe will be blessed later, which made him unable to help but yearn for the years to come.

Now that he has reached the stage of Dzogchen in the foundation building stage, the next step is to prepare for the golden elixir stage.

In his opinion, it takes at least three to five years of accumulation to reach the perfection of foundation building. It is not a good thing to break through without thinking, because even he does not understand at all what is going on. One thing.

From the Bloody Battle City, to Luantan, to the Tomb of the Dark Sky, and finally escaping, more than seven months passed by like a white horse.

The sect's mission has made no progress, and there are no clues.

He took out the map he bought at Yinluanxuan. By comparison, it was unbelievable that he was already outside the range of Luantan and was located in Hanlin, fifty thousand miles away from Luantan.

No wonder this place is so cold. There are a large number of water and ice attribute monsters gathered in the cold forest. There is a wide and cold river in the forest. The one who rules the cold river is a half-transformed ice python, which is equivalent to the human race's half-step transformation into a god. realm.

According to Yinluanxuan's investigation, the ice python is powerful enough to defeat the monks in the early stage of transformation, and is quite terrifying. Once it survives the catastrophe of transformation, its strength can increase to the point where even the Red Ape clan is afraid.

He mustered up all his energy, took a picture of the invincible charm, and quietly and cautiously sneaked in.

If you release the sound blade, you are simply seeking death.

The monsters in the cold forest are extremely cold-blooded and cruel. Once a monk is found, there will be no end to the situation. Unless there is a compelling reason, few monks come here.

Fortunately, he was in the outer area of ​​the Cold Forest, and the monsters he encountered were relatively weak, but it still took him five full days to escape from the Cold Forest.

When they arrived at the beach, Wang Lu looked in the right direction, unfolded his body skills, and flew toward the Bloody Battle City at lightning speed.

After reaching the great perfection of foundation building, he sped up his body movement again. With one leap, he was already fifty feet away. His physical strength was greatly enhanced, and he could basically withstand the full force of a low-grade spiritual weapon.

Three days later, Wang Lu left the chaotic beach. In the middle, he once again went to the place where the tomb of the underworld appeared. What surprised him was that the place was overgrown with weeds, and the ancient tomb seemed to have disappeared without a trace. The stone tablet was also nowhere to be found, not to mention the cave deep underground.

After leaving the chaotic beach, his tense mind relaxed a little, and he released the sound blade, which broke through the air like a meteor.

Finally, six days later, he returned to the Blood Battle City.

In the inn, Wang Lu fell on the bed without caring about anything and fell into a deep sleep.

In his dream, he saw Sun Xue smiling at him and drifting away.

He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

Wang Lu woke up.

The dream just now was very light. He rubbed his eyes, washed his face with clean water, and walked out of the room.

He went to a three-story restaurant called "Fangshixie".

Wang Lu went straight up to the third floor.

There were six wine tables on the third floor, and there were no walls. He walked to a square table and sat down, calling the waiter to bring the best dishes and wine.

After a while, the wine and food were gathered. He drank while picking up dishes, looking at the boundless west. He felt that Sun Xue had left the Blood Battle City and went to a place he didn't know.

With a sigh, the wine went into his throat, like a burning fire, and lingering.

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