Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 860 Shortest Distance

Half a day passed quickly, and the whole world was silent except for the rustling sound of the wind that came from nowhere.

Wang Lu stood up, his eyes gleaming with strange light. He had already made a calculation in his mind, but whether it was correct still needed to be verified.


With a light shout and a stamp of his feet, Wang Lu rose from the ground.

This world was not like the Red World, where there was no resistance in the space. He rose like a cannonball at a high speed, reaching a height of 5,000 feet. The strong airflow roared like a tsunami, but Wang Lu stood still like a mountain, stepping steadily into the void.

Looking around, there were green grass seas and red flowers everywhere, looking exactly the same, no difference.

This was not what he thought or wanted.


Time was urgent, and Wang Lu flew in the air. Since there was no place to land, although he could use magic power to fill the void with the same hardness as the solid ground, his speed was always a little slower than on the ground.

With all his strength, the speed reached 1,790 feet per breath.

At the same time, Xue Tong was running at the limit, and he was like a black lightning, shuttling under the blue sky in the same direction.

Unknowingly, two days had passed.

He had escaped two million miles away. There was no distinction between day and night in this world either, and it could only be measured by the time of the outside world.

He was lucky, and it was far less than the few days he expected.

It seems that good luck is not without origin. Only when you strive, work hard, execute and persist, will it approach you, approach you and descend on you. Otherwise, if you wait for it, even if the world is long gone, it will not look at you straight in the eye and favor you.

Wang Lu stopped, and what he thought and saw in his heart was finally found by him.

However, a question immediately emerged, and he could not care so much, and went down first.

Below was a plain with a radius of ten thousand miles, on which grew countless identical nameless flowers and plants.

The flowers were particularly red, and the grass was particularly green, far exceeding other territories in this world.

Wang Lu found the flower and the plant with the most colorful flowers and the greenest grass.

The green sun burns day and night, as if it has no end. Although its green light is as gentle as water and mellow as wine, over time, too much is as bad as too little. The red flowers and green grass will not be able to bear it, just like people will die of bloating if they eat too much. In the same way, the green light will also bloat them to death.

As the saying goes, things will turn to the opposite extreme. Once they exceed the limit, their end is to wither and die, thus releasing their own energy, just like the fallen petals are not ruthless, turning into spring mud to protect the flowers and feed back to the green sun.

And it is precisely because of this kind of repeated reincarnation and mutual complementation of life and death that the green sun in the sky is eternal and never changes color.

One flower and one grass are closely connected. If there is no snow pupil, it is impossible to pick them out from the trillions of flowers and plants. It is as difficult as ascending to heaven.

For example, who can tell if there is one centimeter more red or one millimeter more green?

If it is not for the thousand-fold magnification of the snow pupil, how can the mortal eyes and divine consciousness tell it?

Even if the cultivators strengthen the senses of the human body through practice, they are still far from achieving the goal.

The Snow Eye once again made a great contribution for him.

Moreover, the mystery of the Snow Eye is not only in magnification, it can also give feedback to the cultivators on some foresight, induction, avoiding danger, prohibition, runes, formations... and point out a smooth and bright path for him.

And it is precisely because of the guidance of the Snow Eye and its various magic that he can find the flowers and grasses that are tightly entangled like twins.

The Biyang nourishes the entire realm, but the light received by every inch of land and every space is not the same, so the growth of every flower and every grass is different. Although the difference is very small, it is really different.

If others can't tell the difference, it is still the Snow Eye that reflects all of this.

So, here is the answer.

As long as you find the best growing flower or grass, you can judge where it is closest to the Biyang, because they get the most light, which means that they are closest to the Biyang, that is, the shortest distance from the ground to the Biyang.

Now he has found it.

In fact, there is still an accident here. If the two of them happen to be in the period of withering, then he is really powerless, which can only mean that the treasure is not for him.

Wang Lu can only sigh that those who help themselves will be helped by God.

Then it involves the doubts he had in his trance when he saw this flower and this grass.

Generally speaking, the higher the place, the closer to the sky and the Biyang. This flower and this grass should grow on the top of the mountain. Why are they on the low plains? Is it against common sense?

Yes, it seems unreasonable, but don’t forget that this is the avenue of space, and it must not be measured by common sense.

Just like the straight line between two points is the shortest, it seems to be an irrefutable iron law, but when the space is folded, it can directly cross the endless distance in one step, from one side to the other side, the two are the same.

However, this is only the tip of the iceberg of the magical changes in space, and there are still many things he cannot understand.

Now that the shortest distance has been found, the next thing to do is to move forward and rush straight to Biyang.

In fact, the so-called space node does not exist at all. If it must exist, it is the shortest distance.

Just like the teleportation array, why can it instantly send people to a place millions of miles, tens of millions of miles, hundreds of millions of miles, or even far away that cannot be calculated by numbers?

Even though Wang Lu did not understand the spatial laws contained therein, in his opinion, the teleportation array forcibly opened up the shortest distance, so there was a moment of magic on the other side.

If it is different from his guess, it is not a big deal. It is just that he cannot compete for the emperor's treasure. At least he saved his life.

Taking advantage of the short time left, he can still study the only three completely identical green trees, red flowers and green grass in this world.

In his opinion, it is too strange. Why are there only three things and not others? He is puzzled.


There are also rivers and lakes like jade belts, and jade-like land.

In addition, are there terrible micro-creatures similar to those in the red world in the water? Are the green trees as indestructible as the red trees in the red world? If he takes some away, will it be a shocking treasure that he does not know?

Thinking of this, Wang Lu's heart was hot.

But soon, he denied his idea.

Even if he took it away, it would only become worthless waste after leaving, because their existence is all due to Bi Yang.

Once they leave Bi Guang, they will not only be beaten back to their original form, but even directly turn into nothingness and cease to exist.

On the other hand, it can also prove that his view is correct.

That is the life magic weapon Six-star Arched Moon Blade.

Through the telepathy, the seven blades are madly absorbing and devouring the endless mysterious green light. From this, it can be concluded that this light is only in this world and cannot be leaked. Therefore, it can be inferred that everything in this world will become useless if it leaves the green light.

All the questions in his mind were sorted out, and Wang Lu had no other thoughts and looked up at the sky.

"Woo oh!"

While roaring, he was full of power and his body skills were fully displayed, like a sharp arrow heading straight for the green sun.

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