Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 82: Making Talismans (Part 2)

Everything is ready.

The spell was cast, and various spiritual materials flew out of the storage bag as high as a hill, almost filling up the entire room.

He sorted out the materials one by one, and then carefully studied the characteristics, growth environment and five elements of each spiritual material.

These spiritual materials include not only spiritual medicines, spiritual flowers, spiritual herbs, spiritual leaves, spiritual fruits, spiritual roots and spiritual liquids, but also the bones, skins, blood, feathers of monsters, as well as rare minerals and rare jade.

Wang Lu found that as the cultivation level improved, the higher the cultivation level, the higher the quality of the spiritual materials used.

In the past, it was not considered in the Qi Refining Stage, and the age of the medicine for several decades was fine. Even the spiritual talismans drawn in the Foundation Establishment Stage did not require high requirements, and about a hundred years would be enough. But once you reach the Golden Core Stage, it is very different. At least three hundred years of spiritual materials are needed to barely meet the requirements.

One hundred years is a watershed. Take an ordinary spiritual medicine for example. The value of a fifty-year-old medicine is 20 low-grade spiritual stones, and a hundred years is 50. The value of a three-hundred-year-old medicine is 200 low-grade spiritual stones, and a five-hundred-year-old medicine is 500. A thousand years is 1,500 low-grade spiritual stones.

Once a spiritual material is over a thousand years old, its value will increase exponentially.

When it exceeds a thousand years and becomes a ten-thousand-year-old spiritual material, its value will soar by dozens of times. An ordinary ten-thousand-year-old spiritual material is more than six hundred high-grade spiritual stones, and it is still an extremely ordinary one.

So when Wang Lu and the other four heard that Sun Xue took out the ten-thousand-year-old spiritual material, they were all excited and vowed to serve him to the death.

Now it seems like a joke. Poison Wolf was not excited at all, it was all pretending.

Three months later, small pieces of spiritual materials were neatly stacked in the room.

For three months, he repeatedly analyzed the dozens of Jindan-stage talismans he was going to draw, from the very beginning of the talisman paper, talisman guide, talisman point, talisman line, the process of drawing, brushstrokes, and the end of the brushstrokes... a series of processes, all of which were clear in his mind.

He couldn't afford to waste. Two thousand high-quality spiritual stones alone cost him 1,300 yuan to buy spiritual materials. For each Jindan-stage talisman, he prepared a thousand copies of raw materials. Moreover, it was his first time drawing, so he really couldn't afford it.

After resting for two days, he started drawing from the Thunder Talisman. He had to find the feeling first, and wait until everything was done naturally before challenging the Jindan-stage talisman.

"The way to make a talisman is to concentrate the spirit, start writing in the vastness, move the pen in the subtle places, and end writing in the breeze..."

Wang Lu spread out the talisman paper, held the ink between his fingers, dipped it in the talisman, and a snake-shaped golden line jumped out. He drew another stroke, and a straight golden line as thick as a hair crossed the snake-shaped golden line. He drew a few more strokes from different directions and positions, straight or curved, light or heavy, long or short, big or small, line, dot, hook or trace, and used more or less mana...

Half a year later, all the spiritual materials were used up, and the talismans on the ground were shining with various colors. He shook his sleeves lightly, and the waste talismans and the finished talismans were separated.

He released two low-level ape-shaped puppets, and after instructions, the puppets picked up the talismans in different categories and sorted them out.

Wang Lu was exhausted at the moment, and he didn't care about the puppets. He just fell on the bed, and sleepiness came like a demon in his heart.

He slept for two days and two nights before waking up.

Seeing the two puppets guarding the bed motionlessly, he smiled slightly, cast a spell, and the two puppets were collected by him.

Looking at the various talismans neatly stacked on the table, Wang Lu was full of joy and satisfaction, and collected them all.

The Jindan stage talisman he drew this time made him a master of talisman making. If Senior Sister Xie Lingyun knew about it, she would be very happy.

The Jindan stage talisman is also called the intermediate talisman, which is divided into three levels like the primary one. Even the intermediate low-level talisman is much more powerful than the primary high-level talisman.

At the beginning, Wang Lu's chance of failure was quite high. Every time he failed, he would stop to find the relevant reasons. More than 800 materials became waste talismans in succession, but he was not discouraged.

If you give up your perseverance, you will definitely fail.

He felt that he was very close to success. He finally drew a light green body-destroying talisman with the 926th material.

Then, he did not relax, but continued to work hard. He successfully drew seven low-level and intermediate body-destroying talismans with the next 74 materials.

The success rate of one thousand materials was less than one percent, but he was satisfied. This was an intermediate talisman, which was much more powerful than the low-level talismans.

As long as it was an intermediate talisman, it was settled with high-quality spirit stones.

Later, he worked hard and forgot to eat and sleep. As he continued to correct and deepen his understanding of the intermediate talismans, although the success rate was still not high, it reached 40 to 1.

If Bai Yifan knew that Wang Lu felt that his success rate was low, he would definitely take Wang Lu back to the talisman hall and protect him well.

Even though he has been immersed in the art of talismans for so many years, the success rate of intermediate talismans is less than 50 to 1.

However, when he drew the intermediate blood escape talisman, he only succeeded once with 300 materials, and it was only on the 300th time that he barely drew it with a little luck.

The 300-year-old earth wind apricot is too rare, which is why Pang Long spent twice as much time.

After half a year of continuous and sleepless drawing, although it delayed his cultivation for half a year, it once again tempered the accuracy and precision of his spiritual sense.

According to the common sense of the immortal cultivation world, his spiritual sense has exceeded the range of the average middle-stage Jindan cultivator.

It can be regarded as a compensation for him.

Others spend half a year in seclusion, either practicing or refining pills, but he devotes himself to making talismans. It is hard for people to believe it.

Even a master of talisman making cannot draw madly for half a year without stopping.

It is not only because of boredom, but also because of his own mana, consciousness, soul, physique and other factors. This once again reflects the heaven-defying nature of the "Six Talismans".

He is very fortunate to have met his master and practice the "Six Talismans". Even though the "Six Talismans" is not complete, he does not regret it.

To be fair, the way of talismans is a side door in the eyes of outsiders, and it is far less famous than other exercises.

However, there are three thousand great ways, and in the end they all end in the same place. He believes that he will be able to find a way to the sky that belongs only to him.

Wang Lu took out the golden thunder bead that he bought at a huge price.

This bead is a one-time magic weapon and needs to be refined. After two days, the refining is completed.

Everything is ready, he removed the formation, walked out of the inn, and looked in the direction of the Blood Battle Hall.

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