Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 898 Seven Giant Cities

Wang Lu teleported 198 times without stopping. Even if he calculated it as 5 million miles each time, the distance from Miao Nian City to Qiju City was at least 10 billion miles away, which was far beyond imagination.

The Western Desert was the most barren land among the five regions that had been explored in this world, but it was wide, broad and large enough, and it also gave birth to countless top-notch figures with extraordinary talents, such as Nong Wan Tai Zun, who was a top ten super existence even in the entire cultivation world.

Qiju City was a magnificent city built by the seven sects in the southwest. The word "huge" alone could tell a thing or two.

This city was 70,000 miles in radius. The City Lord's Mansion was not like other cities where one family was in charge, but the seven sects took turns to manage it every 20 years. It had never changed since the Dream Sect became a large sect for more than 10,000 years.

The four sects of the righteous way and the three sects of the demon way were in constant dispute and fierce contradictions, but they were able to unite and face the monsters in the vast sea in the west.

As a rising star among the seven sects, the Fantasy Sect has become the leader of the three sects of the Demonic Path, and has the tyrannical strength to compete with the Orthodox Tianyao Sect. Especially in the past thousand years, there have been many geniuses, including Huang Yan, Chen Yaer, He Chan, and Xu Kui, who are famous in the Western Desert, and Tian Yidong, the peerless master of refining weapons who is famous in the five regions. The rest of the outstanding people are as numerous as stars, just like the sun hanging in the sky, and they are prosperous.

Wang Lu walked out of the City Lord's Mansion. It is understood that the rotating sect this time is the Orthodox Baiyun Temple, and the person in charge is the most outstanding Qingguang in this sect in the past 30,000 years, who has broken through the gate of the God Transformation and has the "Eyes of the Three Buddhas".

But he is extremely low-key, not showing off. Even if he has become a peerless master in the God Transformation Stage, he was lightly mentioned by Baiyun Temple, and even saying more is redundant.

But soon, news came out that this person had fought with Huang Yan of the Fantasy Sect and Ku Yao of the Heavenly Medicine Sect, both of whom were in the early stage of the Spiritualization Sect, but the result was a draw. Since then, he has become famous and well-known.

Qi Jucheng, to be honest, I have had two connections with this city.

Once, I heard that Senior Sister Zhu Ning and the Fu Tang where I was working had jointly opened the Spiritual Materials Pavilion in this city. Another time, I personally sent Ding Feng and Ding Yuting to the big ship in Xuanlang City in the Sand Region and came here to return to the sect.

Wang Lu smiled and came to the vast square of the City Lord's Mansion. He looked around. What was interesting was that on the roofs of the seven five-story giant buildings in front, behind, left and right, which were like fortresses of different shapes, there was a very conspicuous battle flag that was two hundred feet long, one hundred and twenty feet wide, and three thousand three hundred feet high, which was stretched in the wind.

In the south stands a sky-blue battle flag representing the Tianyao Sect, on which is engraved an unknown lifelike spiritual medicine. It is said that even the first generation ancestor who founded the Tianyao Sect did not know its name and origin.

In the north stands a pink battle flag representing the Fantasy Sect, with a cloud of mist inlaid on it, interpreting the word "fantasy" like a dream.

Hey, are the two families fighting in a ring? Even the seven giant cities built together are not giving in to each other and are tit-for-tat.

The seven sects spent a lot of money to set up several large formations of different natures in the inner city, including the air ban, but there is no restriction on the strong men in the late Nascent Soul stage and above.

Wang Lu casually called a young wind media in the middle stage of Qi Refining, got his reply, gave him a medium-grade spiritual stone that surprised him, and slowly walked towards the direction of the Spirit Material Pavilion.

As he expected, the Spirit Material Pavilion is in the most prosperous Fantasy Scenic Area of ​​the Dream Street in the north.

The Seven Giants City was crowded with people, and there were all kinds of shops of all sizes, people coming and going, and business was booming.

Many shop assistants stood directly at the gate with a smile to welcome customers and bowed to see them off.

Half an hour passed in a flash. He did not hide at all, and did not even suppress his cultivation. Many Jindan stage foundation building stage Qi refining stage cultivators could not help but take a breath of cold air when they felt his unfathomable cultivation. They stepped back one after another, and soon they squeezed together to leave a passage for him.

Of course, there were also Yuanying stage strongmen among them. They were like Liu Cheng before. Wang Lu seemed to be casual and relaxed, but the strong aura all over his body made them subconsciously dare not look at him, and hurriedly pretended to chat and laugh with the people around them to hide their inner tension.

At the same time, they were vaguely puzzled. This person looked familiar, as if they had seen him somewhere before. Even if they had not seen him, they should have heard of him, but they just couldn't remember.

Seeing everyone dodging and retreating unconsciously, Wang Lu finally realized that it seemed that having a high level of cultivation and strength was not necessarily a pleasant thing. No wonder those masters in the Spiritualization Stage would lower their cultivation levels for fear of causing unnecessary trouble and sensation.

He immediately quickened his pace and disappeared under the eyes of countless people.

"Are you dazzled? Where is that senior?"

A Yuanying Early Stage strongman in the crowd asked the Yuanying Early Stage male cultivator beside him who was also full of questions in surprise.

"Okay, okay, it seems that he left, but how did he leave? It was too fast!"

The two were stunned for several breaths. Today they saw a real master.

Wang Lu walked silently in the crowded crowd without getting a single leaf on him, without attracting anyone's attention. If he wanted to take the storage bags on their waists, it would be too easy.

He couldn't help but laugh evilly.

The Seven Giant Cities were indeed large, with wide streets, numerous markets, crisscrossing and well-organized.

The Dream Street is more than a hundred miles long. After dozens of breaths have passed, a large three-story attic covering an area of ​​dozens of acres stands in front of you. The three gilded ancient editions of the "Lingcai Pavilion" are shining brightly, and two doors are decorated with purple inscriptions. The door built by Lingmu is very noble. In front of the door, there are several beauties with good looks and graceful figures in light orange dresses, smiling and greeting the customers coming and going.

Seeing Wang Lu staring closely at his attic, a beautiful female cultivator in the early stage of foundation building came over. She bowed with a smile but said with a slight tremor: "Young lady, you Wan, the deacon of the Spiritual Material Pavilion, I have met my senior, I am here. Although it’s not big, there are quite a lot of treasures, so please come and enjoy them, seniors will definitely come back with a lot of fun.”

Wang Lu had lowered his cultivation to the early stage of Nascent Soul and completely restrained his strength. Only a faint aura of cultivation was released, but the pressure on You Wan was still considerable.

"Heh, I just need to buy something, so please lead the way."

Wang Lu said kindly with emotion.

Purple is Zhu Ning's favorite color. She always wears a fluttering purple skirt and is so beautiful.

"Ah, senior, please come in."

You Wan waved her hands happily.

Stepping into the very lively hall, hundreds of transparent display cabinets neatly list various treasures such as magic weapons, spiritual weapons, ancient treasures, talismans, puppets, elixirs, formation flags, formation plates, etc.

More than 20 clerks were very busy, with constant transactions.

You Wan took him directly to the top third floor.

The third floor is elegant and quiet, with only twenty-two private rooms. With a wave of his hand, the door of room 11 opened.

Wang Lu walked straight in.

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