Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 993 Nine Changes Medicine Garden

Wang Lu glanced at the four people except the second, third and sixth domain lords without leaving any trace.

Although he didn't know how many realms the other people were masters of, one woman and three men were also great masters among the heavenly demons, and the weakest ones were all in the late stage of divine transformation, which was impressive.

The short-haired man he saw more than an hour ago, who was second to his side, was quickly putting white Taiguo, which was as big as an egg and filled with strong spiritual power, from the plate in front of him into his mouth, and he was enjoying it. , so unhappy.

Sitting in the first place was a white-haired old woman. Her eyes were turbid, as if there was something else in the world. Her fingernails were colorful and sharp. They looked like poisonous things at first sight. If they were contaminated, with his physical body that was invulnerable to all poisons, , it is very likely that they can’t bear it, and I can’t help but feel frightened.

The person sitting above him on his left hand could tell at a glance that he was not someone to be trifled with.

A pair of eyes that shoot out a ray of light from time to time are hidden in the small eye sockets. With a hawk-beak nose and thin lips, the cold nature is clearly revealed.

The last man is located directly opposite. This man lived a dignified life, handsome and graceful, giving people the nobility and calmness of a gentleman like jade.

Wang Lu should actually be grateful to Siniang. Her natural evil spirit could at least protect him for three hours, making it difficult to tell whether it was real or fake.

This demonic energy is so extraordinary that it can be mistaken for real.

But there are also shortcomings, which can only be controlled by those in the same realm.

If his mana and consciousness had not barely reached the level of a tenth-level heavenly demon, there would have been many loopholes and he would have been attacked.

I don't know if Siniang really wants to help him or harm him. I think it's mostly the latter.

There are still two and a half hours.

Seeing everyone unceremoniously eating a plate full of white Taiguo, he no longer had any doubts.

Picking one up casually, the aroma fills your nostrils, chew it slowly, and swallow it into your belly.


A volcano of spiritual power in his body suddenly exploded. Wang Lu's magic power was smoothed out with a slight movement, and his magic power actually increased by one percent.

Good things cannot be let go.

Three times and five times divided by two, twelve white Taiguos were eaten quickly, and the magic power took a big step to the middle to late stage of the early stage of transformation.

Wang Lu was secretly happy.

However, as her magic power increases, it is inevitable that Siniang's natural demonic energy will be lost over time.

It seems that Bai Taiguo is so rare that even the Four Holy Sons have eaten dozens of them.

He naturally pretended to be a little refined like the eight people, but in fact Xuetong had captured their true situation.

Three of them did not refine it like him, but directly absorbed and integrated Bai Taiguo's majestic spiritual power with demonic power.

The first person was naturally the Four Holy Sons, the second was the Second Domain Lord Ji Qing, and the third person, to his surprise, was the Sixth Domain Lord of the woman in blue next to Ji Qing.

No wonder, in the lair of the Four Saint Sons, with the blessing and protection of various powerful formations and treasures, he has such firm belief and ambition to replace the Four Saint Sons. It turns out that the Lord of the Six Domains is the hidden great master. Master.

Unsurprisingly, she will be the one to hit the Holy Son hard when the time comes.

A stick of incense passed by.

The atmosphere in the hall gradually became solemn. Seeing that everyone had refined the Bai Taiguo, the Four Holy Sons said: "You have worked tirelessly to guard the Nine Regions for more than a thousand years for our tribe. It can be said that your hard work is great. The Bai Taiguo is just a meeting gift for you. Wait. When everyone leaves, I still have some rare treasures to offer.”

Seeing no one responded, the Fourth Holy Son continued: "A month ago, Boss Tang, the Lord of the Nine Domains, unfortunately died in battle. The instigator, the Demon Butterfly, has been imprisoned by me. That human race has sneaked into our Chaoyang Palace and is now missing. As a floating figure The first level of defense against the human race in the northwest of Pingda Prairie and the defense line guarding the Holy Palace. The master of the Nine Domains is very important. Boss Tang has three fierce generals, namely Liu Chi Qiuzhen and Tang Shuang. Who do you think is suitable? "

As soon as the words fell, the old woman at the top of the list clasped her fists and said, "Your Highness, Qiu Zhen is a rare bloodline of the Chaocang Clan. The evil path is strange and difficult to understand. I think she is worthy of such a big job."

The Fourth Holy Son smiled and said: "What do you think of the Great Territory Lord's proposal?"

"Haha," Ji Qing stood up and talked eloquently, "Qiu Zhen's "evil" path is indeed extraordinary, but how can he become the Lord of the Nine Domains at the early stage of the tenth level? If word spreads, it will only bring disgrace to the world. People ridicule him. Besides, Qiu Zhen has an eccentric temperament, is violent and cruel, and will devour even the talented descendants of his clan. Once someone with such ulterior motives is controlled by him in the Nine Domains, the lives of all the people will be destroyed, and the human race will not attack him before he comes to kill him. break."

Although the Zerg race has always been bloody and cruel, they rarely attack their own race. They basically devour other races and refine their blood, causing their own blood to mutate, thereby purifying and evolving their blood.

People of the same race are not only naturally repelled but also despised by the Zerg race.

As we all know, Ji Qing, as the top master of the Tianxiang clan, never hesitates with his words, and what he says is the truth.

Qiu Zhen was sentenced to death in everyone's silence.

Ji Qing then revealed that Liu Chi was actually the spy sent by the Second Holy Son and that Tang Shuang was seriously injured in the fight for Boss Tang and could not go any further. This angered the Four Holy Sons, the Great Territory Lord and The short-haired man of the Eight Territory Lords showed an ugly expression.

The Fourth Holy Son was silent for a few breaths, and then said quietly: "The Lord of the Second Territory has said so much, in your opinion, who is suitable?"

Ji Qing shook his head, sat down slowly, and said calmly: "Only the domain master can enter and exit the "Nine Changes Medicine Garden" of the Nine Domains. There are all kinds of natural materials and treasures inside, which are countless. Boss Tang was killed, and who will be the domain master is not just a word from your Highness the Holy Son, but his death was too unexpected, and he did not leave a designated successor. Therefore, the Holy Son summoned us here and let us willingly agree to the status of the domain master of the person in your heart. Only in this way can we legitimately offer sacrifices to the ancestors of my hundreds of races and find the invisible key to open the "Nine Changes Medicine Garden" again. Your Highness the Holy Son, is my guess correct?"

"Boom, boom!"

Ji Qing's words exploded like a thunder in everyone's ears!

All this was caused by the "Nine Changes Medicine Garden".

Nine Changes Medicine Garden, even the domain master does not have the right to enter and exit at any time, and can only be entered once in a thousand years.

And the time is only three days.

Don't think that three days is long enough to pick tens of millions of peerless spiritual materials?

You know, the more precious the spiritual medicine is, the stronger its defense is, so strong that even if you bombard it with all your might, you can't do anything with it, and you can only go into the treasure mountain and return empty-handed.

And it is precisely because of the "Nine Changes Medicine Garden" that the Chaotian Palace was built next to the Nine Domains from the first generation of the Holy Son.

This is the most fundamental reason, which shows the importance of the Nine Changes Medicine Garden!

At the same time, the Lord of the Nine Domains is of great importance. For hundreds of thousands of years, only the most powerful confidant of the Holy Son can take the position, and it has been passed down from generation to generation without any mistakes.

Who would have thought that Boss Tang was suddenly killed, which caught the four Holy Sons off guard. In the absence of a designated successor, he could only summon eight domain masters and decide the candidates for the Lord of the Nine Domains according to his wishes.

A ray of killing light in the eyes of the four Holy Sons disappeared in an instant.

Only the Holy Son and his beloved General Boss Tang knew about this top secret. How did Ji Qing know it?

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