Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1004: Bring the wicked

   sat in Arthur's position. Normally, he shouldn't be rushing around!

   Pull the whole body because of a move!

   Once he has a little problem, the Kingdom of Saint Martin with him as the center will not collapse immediately, but it will also immediately become messy!

   But even so, Arthur decided to go out!

  On the one hand, it’s because he hasn’t been out for a long time. In the last few years, at most, he used the teleportation array to go to the place with the teleportation array to stroll around, and did not say to go to other places without the teleportation array!

   On the one hand, he felt that it would be a pity if he missed the battle on the top, the biggest scene in the Pirate World, so he wanted to see it in person and witness it with his own eyes!

   Of course, the most important thing is that he is sure that he will be fine!

  With the cross of rebirth as a guarantee, coupled with his own strength that has long stood at the pinnacle of the Pirate World, he has the ability to ensure that he is safe from accidents even if there are waves everywhere!

   Get back to the subject!

   After deciding to go out and have a wave, Arthur first faced a problem!

   Take someone out?

   The benefits of taking someone out are obvious. Someone is taking care of him. Arthur is absolutely comfortable along the way!

   But the disadvantages are also obvious. As the most wanted criminal of the world government, once Arthur is discovered, it will be a **** storm, and the people who served him at that time will also be implicated or even killed!

   Of course, Arthur can also bring powerful units such as Saint Seiya, so that there will be no problems due to being implicated!

   However, if this is the case, once he is in the waves, there will be a big problem on Saint Martin's side, it will be a little troublesome!

  The powerful combat power such as the Saint Seiya is too late to support, maybe the kingdom will suffer a lot of losses!

   Thinking about it, Arthur finally decided not to even bring the Xu Ye Palace, the Xu Ling Ting and the death gods, put it in the kingdom, and just go alone!

   is so free, it is easier to advance and retreat, and the kingdom is safer!

   "However, having said that, Heaven Breaking Machine and those little brats have not come back, it seems that they can only go out with ordinary boats this time!" Arthur murmured.

Although Arthur’s special car, the Skybreaker and Gilgamesh, have been driving to St. Martin, they are also taking the shortcut of windless belts, but after all, the New World is still a certain distance from St. Martin, so it is still there until now. did not return!


   Port of Saint Martin!

   "It's going to be a holiday soon. I brought my luggage and cats. I found that the itinerary was not specific and I wanted to go anywhere. I was a restless heart. I was about to go out and found out that I forgot to book a ticket!"

   "I want to go to Changsha, Wuhan, Chongqing and Beijing for a few days, even if I don't have money, I want to go to the Erhai Sea, Lijiang, Xinjiang, Yangtze River is my world, Hong Kong Disney, the ancient city of Xi'an to drink bowls of wine..."

A sturdy man with a height of more than two meters, wearing a strong suit, scars on his face and a fierce look, walking at the steps that his six relatives do not recognize, singing songs that people in this world do not understand, but feel very pleasing, toward the dock The direction went over!

   That's right!

  The one here is Arthur!

   After deciding to go out alone, Arthur used makeup, one of the four great magic arts, to disguise himself!

no way!

   He can now be said to be the most wanted criminal of the world government. There is no one who does not know him in the world. If he does not pretend to be a bit, it would be nice not to be troubled along the way.

   Of course, the biggest possibility in the end is to be besieged!

   Although he is not afraid, these are really troublesome!

   Therefore, he decisively chose to use one of the four magic arts of makeup and put on a wicked makeup for himself to avoid these troubles!

   For this, he also made himself a huge axe with a length of more than two meters, which looked like a huge axe with a stick hung on a door panel, adding a bit of evil temperament to himself!

   "This is it!"

   After walking around the pier for a while, Arthur found his boat!

   This is a small sailboat about the size of the Golden Meri but with a lion head in front!

   was specially bought by Arthur!

   At this time, there are six people on the side of the boat busy, loading meat, vegetables, fruits, canned food and other supplies on the boat!

   These are not Arthur's people, but Arthur hired people!

   Although I decided not to bring anyone, the boat must always be driven, right?

   So Arthur hired six people!

   includes four sailors in their thirties who are in their prime, a fifties and experienced captain and navigator, and a forty-year-old chef who has experience as a chef in many hotels!

   As for other ship doctors needed for sailing, Arthur didn't hire it!

   On the one hand, he thinks he will not get sick!

   On the one hand, he also thinks that even if he is sick, there is no problem rushing to the nearest city to find a doctor with his ability!

   In addition, the boat used this time is relatively small, so it is difficult to live with too many people!

   So he is not hired!

   "Who are you?" When he saw Arthur, a tall, wicked man on the ship, the sailors and captain on the ship were not calm!

   Now Arthur's appearance is very dangerous at first sight!

   "I am your employer!" Arthur said, grinning.

   And just such a smile, in line with Arthur's current wicked face, but it scared the captain and sailors who were hired on the ship.


   They were still sensible at this time, they understood Arthur's words, and knew that Arthur was their employer, so they shouldn't hurt them!

   "Boss!" After the captain and sailors stabilized their minds, they bowed in fear!

   Normally speaking, even employers do not need to be so respectful.

   After all, they just collect money to do things, not slaves or anything!

   But helplessly, Arthur is so deterrent now that they can't help showing such a respectful look!

   "Okay, no need to do this, I'm a good talker!" Arthur smiled and said in a self-confessed gentle tone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ trying to ease the captain and sailors' panic!

   After all, at least they have to live together for a period of time. If they keep being so fearful of themselves, then needless to say, Arthur himself feels uncomfortable!

   However, Arthur still underestimated his current power.

   Listening to his gentle voice, the captain and sailors were agitated again, their faces turned pale, and there was a look of fear and fear in their eyes, as if they were frightened!

   It looks like...

   It is estimated that it will not be able to reverse the influence of the captain and sailors on him for a while!

   Seeing this, Arthur muttered in his heart, but he could only helplessly shook his head and asked, "How are you preparing?"

   Since it can't be reversed for a while, don't reverse it, and do business first!

   "Everything is ready, ready! You can leave anytime!" the captain said in fear.

   "Well, let's go!" Arthur took a deep breath and gave the order in a deep voice!

   "Yes!" The captain and the sailors immediately agreed.

   Soon, the ship they were on started up, heading toward the depths of the sea!

   "Above the war, I am coming!!!" Arthur stood on the deck, facing the wind, thinking silently in his heart!

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