Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1007: I am more dangerous than a pirate


   Listening to the sound of the impact of the sea ahead, and looking at the soaring sea not far away, Arthur was a little bit emotional!

   "See you again!"

   Speaking of it, Arthur has lived in this world for so many years, and the number of times he has seen the 5A-level scenic spot of Pirate World, the Upside Down Mountain, can be counted with one hand!

   He remembers only twice!

   Except for the last time I went to the World Parliament, this time!

  Others, most of the time he walks the teleportation array!

   is not only fast but also safe!

   "Boss, let's go directly, or see the situation!?" At this time, the captain asked Arthur.

   After these days of getting along, the captain also gradually got to know Arthur while getting along. Now he is not like he first saw Arthur. He shivered with fright just listening to Arthur!

   "If you think you can get on it, just be careful not to mix with other people's ships!" Arthur replied casually.

   The most important thing to pay attention to in Upside Down Mountain is not the turbulent currents, but other ships!

   The width of the channel of the upside-down mountain is not too wide. One or two boats are not a problem, but if more than two boats are together, 80% of them will have a problem!

   "Don't worry, leave it to me!" The captain replied confidently.

  He was on the boat when he was a teenager. There are not a few times to go to the Upside Down Mountain. He knows exactly what to pay attention to.

   And very quickly, under the operation of the captain, the ship where Arthur was on was heading towards Upside Down Mountain!

"Boss, you can advance to the cabin. When you go down and uphill, remember to grab the pillars or fixed beds in the boat. It's really impossible to close the door!" As he walked to the front of Upside Down Hill, the experienced captain was Reminded.

   He is very familiar with Upside Down Mountain, and he clearly knows what to do and what to do at every time period and every place when passing Upside Down Mountain!


   Arthur nodded, but did not refuse. Go straight into the cabin!

   In a while!

   With a sense of weightlessness, while the ship was spinning around, Arthur felt his body fall down!


   Arthur was prepared for this. He turned over and stood directly on the wall of the original ship, now on the floor of the ship!

   About a minute later!

   There is another sense of weightlessness!

   This time, after a while, the original ceiling became the floor, and the original floor became the ceiling!

   The only constant is the fast-reacting Arthur!

   Before the ceiling became the floor, he stood on the floor, and before the ceiling became the floor, he was still standing on the floor!

   "Boss, you can come out!"

   After a short while, the captain's voice came into the cabin!

   At this time, the ship has returned to normal!

   When Arthur came out, the endless sea came into his eyes again!

   "It always feels like something is missing?"

   Arthur touched his chin and suddenly had such an idea!

   But he never thought about what was missing!



   A big fish jumped from the side of the boat, and then crashed into the water!

   At this moment, Arthur slapped his head and suddenly understood what was missing!

   Rab is missing!

  As one of the famous scenes in this world, I didn't see Rab in the Dian Dao Mountain, which really made Arthur a little sad!

"By the way, after Luffy and Rab have made an agreement, Rab should not hit the red earth continent again, and if this happens... I am afraid Rab will not appear in front of others, right?" Arthur Touching his chin, he muttered!

   Judging from the current situation, since Lu Fei and Rabu came into contact, one of the unique scenery of Rabu hitting the red earth continent, an upside-down mountain scenic spot, is probably about to disappear!

   Of course, this actually doesn’t care about Arthur!

   disappear and disappear!

   Arthur does not matter!

   But, thinking of Rab, Arthur thinks of the people related to Rab, his cheap relative---Brook!

  Sometimes you have to admit that something like fate is really wonderful!

   After Moonlight Moriah was killed by Arthur, Arthur naturally accepted all his inheritance!

   Including the horror barque!

   But the strange thing is that Brook, who was supposed to be on the Horror Barque, never got on the ship after Arthur took over the Horror Barque!

   And after Arthur saw that everyone was relatives, he deliberately ordered people to search repeatedly in the mist of the Devil Sea, but the result was the same---I didn't find it!

   This gave Arthur the idea of ​​Brooke leaving or disappearing!

   In the end, it was reported by the people below, and occasionally heard singing from the mist, and Arthur confirmed that this cheap relative was still in the mist!

   "The destiny thing is really a bit fucking!"

   After Arthur sighed, he got rid of these messy thoughts!

   Well, now he is on vacation, he doesn't want that much!

  Thinking about it, just when Arthur was about to lie on the recliner and give priority to rest, a boat suddenly appeared in front of him!

   Upon seeing this, Arthur couldn't help showing an expression of interest!

  The ship is nothing else, it is a specialty of this world, Pirate!

   "Boss, there are pirates!" At this time, the captain became nervous as if he was facing an enemy, and said, "Judging from the opponent's current speed, our ship's speed is a bit superior and should be able to run away!"

   "Run? No need!" Arthur shook his head, and said slightly excitedly, "In this boring journey, it is hard to meet a pirate, so it's natural to have fun!"

   Well, with his current strength, let alone an ordinary pirate, even the top figure among the pirates, that is, the four emperors, are here to play!

   It’s not so easy to play the most!

"Boss~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No! The pirates of the Great Channel are not the same as the pirates of the whole world. They all have their own abilities and are very dangerous!" The experienced captain heard Arthur's words. , Thought he relied on his strength and was not afraid of pirates, so he persuaded him anxiously.

   Arthur has a strong body and looks even more scary in appearance. Perhaps he has a little strength, but the captain has been in the Four Seas and the Great Channel for countless years. He also knows the difference between the Great Channel and the Pirates of the Sea!

   The body is strong, the appearance looks even more scary, there is such a little strength, these are useless here!

   Even the top pirates from all over the world are at the level of trash fish here!

"Tell you a secret... I'm more dangerous than the pirate!" Arthur looked at the anxious captain, said something mysteriously in his ear, then smiled and said softly, "Okay, stop. Come on, I have fun with them!"

   The captain listened to Arthur's words, and after some hesitation, he stopped the boat!

   Although he could not listen to Arthur's orders and sail away, away from danger, his professional ethics over the years made him choose to listen to Arthur's words!

   Of course, the most important thing that made him obey was that he knew that most pirates were more disciplined. Generally speaking, once they got the money, they would let them make a living!

   It is rarely said that there are pirates who are absolutely extinct!

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