Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1022: Identity found

   Since drunk and slept together, the relationship between Arthur and Gion has become a little more delicate!

   As for how subtle...

   is a little closer to ambiguity, a little further from hatred, a little more familiar than strange, a little stranger than familiar!

   Anyway, it's almost everything, but it's a bit of everything!

   However, Gion does not want to kill Arthur all the time!

   Of course, not wanting to kill doesn't mean not wanting to leave!

   These days, Tian Gion is still trying to get out of Arthur's control!

   but still no success!

  Under Arthur's tyrannical and unreasonable strength, Gion exhausted all his brain power and found that unless she wanted the navy's life, there was basically no good way to get out of Arthur's control!

   Because of this, Gion is a bit discouraged these past two days!

   But for this, Arthur was a little happy and in a good mood!

  Well, Arthur still took a bit of energy to deal with Gion’s various escapes all day long. Now Gion seems to have the intention to give up, he is naturally happy!

   "Gion, come to eat!"

   Looking at the hot pot "gululu" in front of him, while Arthur made the dipping sauce, he smiled and greeted Gion for dinner!

   While listening to his voice, Gion sat on the edge of the deck and looked at the sea. After looking back, he nodded, got up, walked to the table in front of him and sat down!

   I am discouraged, but I still want to eat!

   People are iron, and rice is steel, so you panic if you don’t eat a meal!

   There is no such sentence in this world, but Gion still understands the same reason!

   Besides, if you don’t even have enough to eat, what can you use to escape?


   After taking a slice of fat cow in the hot pot in front of him, Gion was not polite, and ate it while inhaling cold air!


   When Arthur saw this, he opened a bottle of ice-cola and handed it to her, calling out, "Come on for a Coke!"


   Gion nodded and took a sip of Coke!


   When I felt the sweet taste of cola and the cold taste as it entered the stomach down the throat, Gion’s original discouraged mood was inexplicably more comfortable!

   But at this comfortable moment, her mind suddenly flashed!

and many more!

   hot pot... and the thunder and lightning that killed those soldiers before... and this ship from the West Sea...

   This seems...very familiar! ?

  Thinking about it, Gion’s eating movement stopped suddenly!

  Because I have been trying to escape these days, and because some people from the Sunflower Kingdom have been involved some time ago, she has not noticed some details!

   Calm down now, carefully recalled what happened these days and the details, and carefully looked at the villain-like Arthur in front of him, Gion had a little discovery!

   Except for the villain-like face, she is familiar with the height and shape of the person in front of her!

   Well, she was fooled by someone of the same height and body, and the other party also asked her to have a hot pot!

Recalling, combining the hot pot in front of me with the same taste as in memory, the lightning that killed those soldiers before, and the details of the ship from which the ship came, the identity of the person in front of him was ready to come out in Gion's mind--- Pendragon Arthur!

  Pendragon Arthur, King of Saint Martin!

   Thinking of this, Gion was startled, and at the same time, he secretly contrasted the two in his heart.

   Although the faces of the two sides are very different, very different, there are some things that cannot be changed!

   Such as height, such as ability!

   In the battle ten years ago, Arthur showed not only his superb strength, but also his ability to sound like a **** and a devil!

   Coupled with the fact that the Navy and the world government have always had dedicated personnel through the battle data and personal experience in the past few years, after the scenes of the people who have studied Saint Martin, everything including ability!

   Therefore, Gion is quite familiar with Arthur!

   Therefore, after the comparison, she found that in addition to the face, whether it is ability, or height, the man in front of him and Arthur have a very high degree of overlap!

   The reason why I didn't think about it before, besides being fooled by Arthur's current face, was more because she was not in the mood to observe carefully these days!

   Whether it is trying to escape, or being afflicted by the people of Xiang Rigui Kingdom, she can't calm down!

   Now that she calmed down and observed this way, she passed all the details and discovered the identity of Arthur!

   Of course, discovery is the discovery!

   In fact, Gion is not so sure now, there is still a hint of doubt!

   After all, in addition to height, size, and ability, Arthur's current face is comparable to the original Arthur's face. The current face... well, it can be said to be indescribable!

   But it's just such a face that is difficult to describe, it doesn't look like it was made through makeup, it's the real one!

   That's why she still has a trace of doubt in her heart!

   Thinking, Gion narrowed his eyes, pretending to be nonchalant, and said casually, “You’re a good hot pot, and it’s a match for Xihai Saint Martin’s spicy chrysanthemum hot pot!

   "Of course, that spicy chrysanthemum hot pot..." Listening to her words, Arthur subconsciously wanted to answer, but halfway through the conversation, he noticed something was wrong!

   Why does Gion emphasize spicy chrysanthemum hot pot?

   And she also provoked the topic!

   There is a problem!

   You must know that Gion has been discouraged because of repeated failures to escape these days. She seldom talks even when she eats, let alone stirs up topics!

Thinking, Arthur's heart moved, but on the surface he was still calm. After a pause, the voice changed, and then he continued, "The cook on the boat has studied that spicy chrysanthemum hot pot, so now he makes the hot pot taste. Naturally it is not bad for them!"

   In fact, although the chef on the hot pot boat knows it, the taste is completely different. He has never studied in chili hot pot, and the reason for the current taste is entirely because Arthur was instructed by him!

   The soup base of the spicy chrysanthemum hot pot, Arthur knows it all!

"Yeah! I have eaten that spicy chrysanthemum hot pot, and the taste of this hot pot is indeed similar!" Gion still pretended to be nonchalant~www.wuxiaspot.com~, "But have you heard about Spicy chrysanthemum hot pot, love someone to treat her to spicy chrysanthemum hot pot, hate someone to take her to spicy chrysanthemum hot pot?"

   "No!" Arthur responded casually while eating.

   "Do you know why there is this sentence?" Gion asked again.

   "I don't know!" Arthur put down his chopsticks, looked at Gion with interest, and asked, "Why do you have this sentence?"

Gion also put down the chopsticks in his hand, looked at Arthur with a smile, and said quietly, "If you love someone, take her to eat spicy chrysanthemum hot pot because the spicy chrysanthemum hot pot is delicious. I hate someone to take her to eat too. Spicy chrysanthemum hot pot is because if someone eats spicy chrysanthemum hot pot for the first time without knowing it, they order the hottest hot pot, and the stomach will be upset.

   At the end of the talk, Gion seemed to recall something difficult to tell, some gnashing his teeth!

   "Oh! So there is such a saying!" Arthur said suddenly.

   At this time, Gion asked nonchalantly, "By the way, have you ever used this method to frame people, especially those in the Navy!"

   Arthur listened to this question, and after thinking about it for a moment, he was silent!

   After a while, Arthur grinned suddenly and asked, "When did you find out?"

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