Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1046: Go home

"Above the King of Pirates (

"At first I thought Stella was a simple stupid, pure pig teammate, but after I sobered up, I thought about it carefully and found something wrong!"

Gion said in a deep voice, "Although Stella usually doesn't communicate much with him, I don't have much contact, but I know that if he is really such an idiot, I am afraid I can't become a lieutenant admiral!"

"But here comes the question! Why did Stella act that way? I thought for a long time and finally came up with an answer! That is Stella is an undercover agent!"

"Only this is the only way to explain why Stella was so stupid that day!"

After that, Gion threw a look at Arthur for confirmation, as if asking her if she was right!

In this regard, Arthur was expressionless, did not answer, and did not say anything, but just made a look like a listener, and listened to Gion's explanation carefully!

Gion shrugged, not disappointed, and went on to say directly, "I'm done with Stella's question, let's talk about Sister Crane!"

After a pause, Gion continued, "Because of the influence of Stella, the undercover agent, and I was exhausted at the time, my brain was not working as fast as usual, so I made a misjudgment---thinking crane Sister is dead!"

"After the incident, I thought about it carefully and found out that what I pierced in the chest was not a fatal place. Although Sister He's physical skills are not strong, it is not a weakness, and it will not kill you with a single blow!"

"So from then on, I understood that Sister He should not have died! In the next few days, I did not see any news about the death of Sister He in the newspaper you bought, which confirmed my guess! "

"Not bad!"

At this point, Arthur couldn't help but utter a compliment!

However, after Gion glanced at him, he ignored him, but continued, "After these were confirmed, my mentality also calmed down, and I retreated from the previous crazy state!"

That's it!

Only then did Arthur understand the reason why Gion has not been blackened again!

"The reason why I will do those things later..." Gion said, his cheeks flushed, showing an unspeakable look!

But in the end, she gritted her teeth and resisted her shyness, and continued to say, "Because I feel that I can no longer be charged with the outside world!"

Well, until now Gion has not given up on the charges!

Of course, it’s one thing not to give up, it’s another thing to do after washing it out!

The current Gion just wants to get rid of his charge, and has no idea of ​​returning to the navy!

She knew that she had killed so many navies in a frantic state before, and even if the charges were cleared, the navy would basically not be able to tolerate her!

And after listening to her words and combining what he had done, Arthur thought about it carefully and understood Gion’s thoughts!

Why did she still not leave after she was sober?

Because only in Arthur's boat, Gion has the opportunity to prove his innocence!

If not on board...

The previous experience has been explained!

Without being on Arthur's boat, Gion hardly had a peaceful life, let alone prove innocence!

And why do you still do what you love to do with Arthur...


Arthur admitted that doing those things with Gion these days is somewhat compelling!

And why continue to attack him, but still run to cut off the children and grandchildren, this point is better understood...

At first it was because of blackening, but later it was probably because of being forced to be a little uncomfortable, so I made this murder!

Thinking of this, Arthur looked at Gion's gaze, suddenly a little unhappy!

Although it is somewhat compulsive, don't you feel comfortable in the back, or even anti-objective?

Besides, I don’t force it every time!

How many times have you not taken the initiative, or even pushed me directly?

In this case, you still act on my little brother, is it a bit too much?

As for Arthur's weird gaze, it seemed that he had guessed what Arthur had thought. Gion touched his nose, turned his gaze to the sky, and looked left and right, a little embarrassing!

The woman who unloads the mill to kill the donkey!

Thinking that his little brother almost left him several times these days, Arthur couldn't help but cast a bitter look at Gion!

But Gion pretended not to see it, and continued to look at the sky!

"Well, serious! What do you think of your future?"

After a while, Arthur put away his gaze and asked seriously.

Hearing these words, Gion finished looking at the sky, and turned his gaze to Arthur, showing a grimace in his eyes, saying, "Do you think... after you did those things, I couldn't be anymore." After the Navy, what do I think about the future?"


Arthur opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything!

It stands to reason that it is most appropriate for him to invite Gion to join again at this time!

Well, the previous joining was just like a joke, and Arthur couldn't tell whether Gion was joining or not!

But after thinking for a while, he himself didn't know why, and in the end he didn't speak out the invitation!

"Meeting you bastard, my old lady has been moldy for eight lifetimes!" At this time, looking at Arthur's appearance, Gion suddenly uttered two rare swear words, gritted her teeth, and said heavily, "You will It’s not good to me, I will cut you!!!"

As soon as he said this, Arthur was a little confused, his face first showed a look of astonishment, but then his face gradually changed, finally showing a look of great joy!

Gion said so ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Can he still not understand what it means?

"it is good!"

Without any hesitation, Arthur agreed loudly!

Then, regardless of whether it was daytime, Arthur directly took Gion's hand and ran into the cabin!

"What are you doing, it's broad daylight!"

Gion faced such a situation, he was caught off guard and still a little dazed, but soon understood what Arthur was going to do, his cheeks were red, and he was agitated, but did not refuse, let Arthur take her away!

that's it!

In a galloping horse, clouds and rain, amidst turbulent waves, about half a day passed...

Arthur reappeared on the deck refreshingly!

And the Gion behind him, wearing a kimono, no longer had the crazy look he had before, instead he lowered his head and showed a shy face!


Arthur exhaled deeply, showing a satisfied look!

Hearing this, Gion gave Arthur a blank look!

"Don't you want to prove your innocence? I will arrange it later!" At this moment, Arthur seemed to think of something and said to Gion with a smile.

To be honest, it is not difficult to prove Gion's innocence!

As long as the real Gion and the fake Gion appear in two places at the same time, it will be fine!

In this case, anyone with a discerning eye knows that Gion is innocent!

Of course, innocence is one thing, and offering a reward is another!

The reward is under the government of the world. If you want to cancel it, Arthur is not allowed. If Arthur intervenes, it may be counterproductive, causing the reward to increase sharply!


Gion nodded obediently!

"Speaking of which... Luffy and his party should be approaching the capital of water, right?"

And looking at her like this, Arthur smiled, but his thoughts floated eight miles away...

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