Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1050: iceberg

"Above the King of Pirates (

Water capital!

In a remote alley in the city!


Stepping on high heels, Kalifa swayed, and walked into a very old-looking shop deep in the alley!

"Boss, have a steak!"

As if he had been here many times, after Kalifa entered the store, he walked straight to a table in the corner and ordered a meal by the way!

"right away!"

The boss in the kitchen listened to Kalifa's voice, and he didn't even come out to say hello, and directly agreed.


The middle-aged boss, who was short and chubby, was sizzling, and he knew it was a plate of steak that had just been baked out of the kitchen!

"Your steak, please use it slowly!"

The chunky boss smiled and put the plate on the table in front of Kalifa!

"Last night I sneaked into the office again to investigate it, but after scouring the entire office, there is still no target item, so I suspect that the item should not be in the office!" Kalifa picked up the knife and fork. Ready to eat steak, said lightly.

"I know!"

The chunky boss listened to her but smiled and said, "I will report the truth later!"


Kalifa nodded, did not speak any more, just ate the freshly prepared steak methodically!

And the chunky boss saw it, and he was very funny and left!

ten minutes later!

Kalifa took out a handkerchief and wiped her mouth, leaving two Pele with a thousand face value, got up and left the shop!

After leaving the shop and passing through the alley, Kalifa came to the street of the Water City!


Just out of the alley, Kalifa, who was planning to return to the company, suddenly saw a figure she felt very familiar with from the corner of her eye!

Subconsciously turned his head and looked!

But only saw a figure disappearing around the corner!

"Who is it?" After such a thought flashed in Kalifa's mind, after thinking for a while, he followed the figure!

Turn left!

Turn right!

Go straight!

Enter the bookstore!


After chasing for almost a kilometer, Kalifa finally caught up!

And following the figure, she also walked into the bookstore!

After taking a book as a cover, Kalifa pretended to be nonchalant, and gradually approached the figure who was reading the book with his head down!

It's now!

When Kalifa came to this figure, she turned her head slightly, and with the help of the corner of her eye, she finally saw clearly who this figure was!


Nicole Robin!

Nicole Robin, son of the devil!

The pupil of Kalifa who recognized the person suddenly shrank!

If it was someone else, she might not be able to recognize it at a glance!

But Robin is an exception!

As the youngest person in history but with the most rewards, Robin's reward order made many people in the sea still remember!

It also includes Kalifa!

Because of this, even if Robin hasn't appeared for more than ten years, her appearance today is very different from that of the past, but Carlyfa still recognizes her at a glance!

"Go back and report it!"

After Kalifa peeked several times and confirmed Robin's identity, he immediately made a decision!

Compared to the illusory and illusory design of Pluto that has not yet been found, finding Robin, the son of the devil, is undoubtedly a great achievement in front of you!

Did not hesitate too much!

Kalifa turned around and left the bookstore!

During the period ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Robin who was fascinated seemed to raise his head and glanced at the back of Kalifa's departure, but she didn't understand what was going on, so she didn't care soon, and kept her head down Read the book!


the other side!

After Arthur and Gion returned everything to the ship, they returned to the city of water again!

"Where are we going to eat?" Arthur asked with a smile.

"Yeah..." Gion muttered for a moment, and said, "I once heard that there is a very famous restaurant in the Water City, the restaurant called Dream of Love, I will go there to eat!"

"Good!" Arthur nodded directly and agreed.

Later, after asking the passers-by in the Water City, the two got the exact location of the restaurant, and with this location, they came to a restaurant in the center of the Water City!

"Alice's Dream Restaurant!"

Looking at the sign, Arthur couldn't help reading it!

What the **** is this name?

After complaining in their hearts, Arthur and Gion walked into the restaurant under the warm welcome of the waiter!

After that, under the arrangement of the waiter, the two went to a table in the restaurant with floor-to-ceiling windows and leaning on the street!

"Guest, this is our menu. Can you see what you want to eat?" The waiter said, and handed a menu to the two!

"You order first!" Arthur handed the menu to Gion and said with a smile.

"I want this, this, and this!"

Gion was not polite with Arthur. After taking the menu and ordering a few dishes he liked, he handed the menu back to Arthur!

And Arthur’s ordering is much easier!

"This...this...and this...well, none of these, let's upload all the others in this book!" After Arthur chose a few dishes he didn't like, he went straight Returned the entire menu to the waiter!

Is this the real rich man?

Looking at Arthur's pie, both the waiter and Gion looked at Arthur with strange eyes, and the same thought appeared in their hearts!

This is the first time they have seen this order!

"What are you doing? Go and let someone do it!" Upon seeing this, Arthur said directly to the waiter.

"Yes, yes, I'm going now!" The waiter reacted and promised to retire quickly!

"You... do you usually eat out like this?" Gion asked hesitantly.

"Well, isn't this normal?" Arthur pretended to be innocent and looked at Gion!

As soon as his expression appeared, Gion immediately understood that Arthur was probably fooling himself!

Immediately, she rolled her eyes at Arthur!

"Just this time, I usually ask the store to make their own specialties!" Feeling Gion's white eyes, Arthur shrugged, and then smiled and told the truth!

While the two were waiting for food~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Arthur suddenly saw a familiar figure entering the restaurant!


Mayor of Water City!

Murloc Tom's apprentice!

At this time, he was accompanied by a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes who looked like an elite. The two walked into the restaurant while chatting, as if they were discussing business!

"Wait here for a while, I'll talk to the guy over there!" Arthur narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, got up and said to Gion.

"Yeah!" Gion didn't think much, after glancing at the iceberg that Arthur was referring to, he nodded.

Immediately, Arthur walked towards the iceberg!

"Mayor Bingshan!" After Arthur said hello, Bingshan just glanced at him, nodded as a response, ignored him, turned his head and continued to chat with the middle-aged man.

He thought Arthur was just an ordinary person who knew him!

As for this, Arthur smiled and didn't care too much!

His attitude towards Bingberg is actually understandable!

As a mayor, or the controller of a big company, I don’t know how many people know him. If he has to deal with him seriously when he greets him, how tired?

the other side!

After pulling out a letter from his pocket, Arthur handed it to Bingshan and said, "Mayor Bingshan, I have a letter for you. I hope you can read it when you go back. If you want to contact me later...the contact information is included in the envelope!"

After speaking, no matter what Bingberg's reaction was, Arthur stuffed the envelope into his hand and returned to his seat!

Bingshan looked at the envelope and frowned, but he slipped the envelope into his pocket.

After that, he continued to chat with the middle-aged man!

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