Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1065: Slaughter

"Above the King of Pirates (

Outside the Judicial Island!

Ten top warships carrying 1,000 navies, totaling 10,000 navies, slowly drove towards Judicial Island!

"Attention to all units, pay attention to all units, separate according to the original plan, report after walking to the designated location, and wait for the next order!" On one of the ships, a gloomy middle-aged man took the walkie-talkie and said in a deep voice.

And under his order, ten naval warships separated slowly and headed for various places outside the Judicial Island!


These warships are divided into half-moon shapes, vaguely surrounding the entire Judicial Island!

"Ship One is ready!"

"The second ship is ready!"

"The third ship is ready!"


"The fifth ship is ready!"


"The tenth ship is ready!"


Amidst the reports, the gloomy middle-aged man took a deep breath and issued another order, saying, "Load the shell, aim at Judicial Island!"





With a loud promise, these ten warships soon began to act!

All the warships faced the Judicial Island sideways, exposing all the muzzles on the side, adjusted the angle, and loaded it again!

About five minutes have passed!

The gloomy middle-aged man looked at the battlefield intertwined with ice and hands not far away, took a deep breath again, and shouted with a serious face, "All of them, target Judicial Island, indiscriminately devastating attacks...fire! !!!"






Countless black cannonballs are accompanied by a strong smell of gunpowder, rushing towards the Judicial Island!





Without encountering any obstacles, the shells directly bombarded the Judiciary Island. While the explosion destroyed everything around it, it also caused a violent shaking!


On the island of justice!

"What's the matter? Isn't this Judicial Island? Why would anyone shelling here?" Nami asked with embarrassment while avoiding the shells.

"I don't know, but it looks like we should be leaving. There are too many shells. If we don't leave, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave!" Sanji, who was still wounded on CP9, glanced at the sky and endured. Can't help but say.

At this moment, wherever he enters his eyes, there are black cannonballs roaring!

"No way, there are too many cannonballs, hurry up!" Sauron couldn't help saying after blasting a cannonball in the volley.

Facing this starry cannonball, even if it is him, it is inevitable to retreat!

As a swordsman, he can die by the sword or the enemy. That is the glory of a swordsman for him, but if he died under the blow of a cannonball, it would be too awkward!

"Go, go, go!" Luffy had no objections, and he greeted everyone to leave!

Anyway, now their purpose, Usopp and Frankie have been rescued, and there is nothing to miss!


The Straw Hat group began to evacuate from Judicial Island!


the other side!

Just as the Straw Hat group was preparing to evacuate the Judicial Island, the defeated CP9 and others were also preparing to evacuate!

Kaku supported Rob Lucy, who was seriously injured and unconscious, looked up outside the Judicial Island, and said in a deep voice, "It's the order of the killing!"

"Damn it! Is Spandham crazy?" Kalifa couldn't help but say.

There is only one person on this island who has the opportunity and the ability to activate the Demon Order, and that is Spandam!

So Kalifa doesn't have to think about it to know it is him!

Facing this person who obviously even wanted to obliterate himself, Kalifa naturally didn't have a good tone!

"Do you still know that Spandam? It's despicable, shameless, nasty, and he can do everything. To him, the Demon Slayer Order is probably just to wipe out our group of losers and wipe out the straw hat group. It's just a means of it!"

Perhaps it was because I felt that the next outcome of myself and others might not be good, and Gabra, who was covered with injuries, had no scruples about his words at this time!

"According to what I know about Spandam, he will probably shirk the responsibility on us afterwards!" Bruno couldn't help saying.

Upon hearing this, the faces of the CP9 people who were more or less injured at the scene looked even more ugly!

After a moment of silence, Bruno spoke again, "Well, now is not the time to think about this! Lu Qi needs a doctor, and if we stay here again, the Demon Slayer Order will not distinguish between the enemy and us, so... Let's go!"

With that said, Bruno subconsciously glanced at several people around him, and finally fixed his gaze on Kalifa!

Although Kalifa's strength is not the highest in CP9, as the only woman and the housekeeper in CP9, her status is almost only under Rob Lucy!

"Let's go!" Kalifa felt the gaze. After taking a deep breath, he nodded and said in a deep voice, "If you don't go now, Lu Qi's injury will be a problem, and the Demon Order is also a problem!"

The others listened, no problem, and nodded one after another!


Under the influence of Bruno's door-to-door fruit, several people from CP9 also left Judicial Island!


the other side!

On the battlefield where the green pheasant and Robin are fighting!

"General Green Pheasant, I didn't expect your navy to be so ruthless, even if you don't care about the tens of thousands of garrisons on the Judicial Island, you launched the Demon Slaying Order!" Robin fought against the Green Pheasant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ while lightly. Said.

Regarding this, the green pheasant did not answer, but sank his face!

He didn't know about Tu Moling!

If he knew it, he would definitely stop it!

After all, there are tens of thousands of garrisons on Judicial Island!

And most of those garrisons are navy!

"I'm here today!" After the green pheasant said with a cold face, he forced Robin back with one move, then turned and left the battlefield directly, and ran towards the garrison on the island!

Anyway, since something happened, we must quickly find a way to remedy it!

He didn't want tens of thousands of garrisons to die under his own nose, and die in his own hands!

So he is ready to save people!

And Robin looked at him in a hurry, and with a thought, he probably understood what the green pheasant was thinking!

Although it is an enemy, Robin also knows that the blue pheasant is still kind in heart, otherwise he would not let her go!

"Just treat it as the kindness of the year!" Robin murmured, looking at the back of the green pheasant, his eyes twinkling, and finally put down the hand he was preparing to attack, without blocking!

She wanted to stop the green pheasant now, and it was easy for the green pheasant to watch the garrison die, but in the end she still had no choice!

Among them are the thoughts of repaying the grace of the green pheasants back then, and the thoughts of not being able to bear to see those garrisons die for no reason!

Although she has changed a lot over the years, the kindness in her heart is still preserved and has not deteriorated!

"Go and help Luffy them now!" Robin sighed deeply, and after a glance, he fixed his gaze on Luffy and his group who were running desperately!


Without much thought, she flapped her wings behind her, and flew towards Luffy's group!

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