Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1067: Bring capitalist

"Above the King of Pirates (

In the end, Luffy and his party escaped from Judicial Island and returned to the Water City!

But as soon as they returned to the City of Water, they faced a serious problem---some money!

Their Golden Meri must not be able to go on anymore, so they must also change ships here, but it takes money to change ships, and they happen to have none!

Well, there is no Aini Road in the sky island, and they have not found any gold town, naturally they have not got any gold, and there is no money to change the ship!

In this regard, Robin made the proposal that all the money should come from her.

However, Luffy and his party decisively refused!

In their words, it was already embarrassing to spend Robin's money on Sky Island before, and Robin can't pay any more this time.

And they are a team, it's not a problem to always let Robin pay!

As a result, their group and the newly joined Frankie were in a predicament!

Inquiry about the money needed for shipbuilding, the shipyard that is needed, and the shipmaker that is needed.

But, the money is short!

On the Golden Meri!

"What to do?" Nami counted the money on the boat, frowning!

The money they have on board now, from what they had originally, plus the bonus for participating in the wrestling competition on Solongkong Island and the remuneration given by Brokeback Mountain Gym, is about 30 million!

The money is outsiders, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is already a huge amount, enough to live a lifetime!

But there is still a big difference from shipbuilding!

The shipyard they found is the largest shipyard in the Water Capital, Carrera Shipyard!

For the ship they wanted to build, the helm of the Carrera Shipyard looked at Frankie's face and gave Luffy and his party a discount on the quote, which was basically the cost price!

But even with this quotation, they still have a gap of nearly 200 million Baileys!

"It's really impossible to count me as borrowing you?" Robin looked at Nami, who was frowning, and couldn't help suggesting again.

"No, we are a team, how can we keep using your money!" Lu Fei refused again!

Although the others didn't speak, they all nodded, showing approval.

Obviously I think Luffy refused!

"Oh~ let's think of a way together... It really doesn't work, let's make a low-level one!" Nami sighed and came up with a compromise.

"No! The ship is an indispensable member of our adventure team. We will experience many battles with us in the future. If the level is low, it will soon be damaged!" Sanji shook his head.

"We can also buy some materials ourselves, and I will ask my brothers to help and build a boat together, so that the boat is of a higher level and costs less!" Frankie also helped out an idea!

Although he has been a part-time bounty hunter in recent years, his craftsmanship in shipbuilding has not fallen. It is okay to build a ship himself!

Of course, the boats built in this way are definitely not as good as those built by Carrera's so many professional boaters!

"That's okay... it's a way when there is no other way!" Sanji thought for a while and nodded.

When the people on the boat were discussing, Luffy was sitting on the boat, looking up at the starry sky, his eyes lost, and he didn't know what he was thinking!

Usopp stood at the stern of the boat, stroking the railing of the boat, his eyes showing nostalgia!

To say who on the ship has the deepest feelings for the ship is undoubtedly Luffy and Usopp!

The Golden Meri was the first serious ship after Luffy hit the road, and accompanied him through many battles.

In addition to the above reasons, Usopp is more because the Golden Meri is a person he likes, and it is given by Keya, with Keya's blessings on it, which he is reluctant to bear.

Therefore, although the two did not say anything about the exchange of ships, they still faintly resisted!

Only now that the ship is really in a situation where it has to be happy, they reluctantly agreed to change it!

Just when the people on the boat fell into different emotions because of the boat...

"Da da da!"

Suddenly, a sound of footsteps came from far and near!

Subconsciously, the people on the boat followed the voice and looked over!

A middle-aged man in a suit boarded their ship and appeared on the deck!

"Are you... the uncle who sent Uncle Arthur news that day?" Luffy suddenly asked after seeing the middle-aged man hesitating.

"Exactly!" The middle-aged man nodded with a smile.

"Is Uncle Arthur coming?" Lu Fei suddenly became excited!


The middle-aged man shook his head!

Luffy suddenly showed disappointment!

"Your Majesty asked me to send this!" The middle-aged man said, took a few documents from his arms and handed them to Luffy!

Subconsciously, Luffy took the file!

The other crew members present also came over curiously!

"About the authorization contract for the image of the Straw Hat Adventure Group"


Looking at the title of the file, the Straw Hat Adventure Group was dumbfounded!

What the hell?


"Uncle, is this?" Luffy asked hesitantly, looking up at the middle-aged man.

"This is about the authorization contract for your surroundings!" the middle-aged man explained, "The so-called surroundings are dolls, posters, clothing, etc. made in the image of your characters!"


Luffy nodded without understanding.

Upon seeing this, the middle-aged man smiled, and took out a little Luffy doll from his arms, handed it to him, and said, "In short, this is the surrounding area!"

"Oh I see!"

Luffy took the doll, and after looking at it, he nodded heavily.

This time, he really understood!

The others in the straw hat group looked at this thing and basically understood it!

"Because of the Adventure King, your popularity has become very high, and therefore His Majesty Arthur is going to make a batch of such things to sell, and for this, His Majesty has prepared such a contract for you!"

"As long as you sign the contract, there will be a signing fee of 200 million Baileys! Then with the sale of toys, dolls, posters, clothing, etc., you can still receive about 10% of the share!"

"In other words, if you make money from selling these things in the future, you can get ten Baileys for every 100 Baileys!" The middle-aged man explained with a smile.

This seems to be a good thing for the Straw Hats and a group of people, and Arthur gave them money for nothing!

But the truth...

The wool appears on the sheep!

How could Arthur as a leading capitalist lose?

He was already selling these!

Having passed through the information age, he naturally knows that these surrounding things make more money!

Therefore, he started selling these things shortly after The Adventure King was released!

And with the official endorsement of Saint Martin and no one dared to pirate, he also made a lot of money from these peripherals --- nearly two billion Baileys in just a few months!

Well, this little money is incomparable with his wealth, but who would think it is too much?

Besides, two billion Baileys is not a small number anymore!

After Blackbeard becomes the Four Emperors in the future, the reward will only be more than two billion!

But originally he didn't need to distribute the money to the Straw Hats and his party!

They don’t know anyway!

But seeing that they were in trouble recently and had no money, Arthur decided to give some money to help them.

Let them continue to take risks and continue to "work" for Arthur without knowing it. While the dark world government, it also allows him to make a lot of money on the King of Adventure~www.wuxiaspot.com~Arthur : Working as a worker, working spirit, working as a master! ???)

Of course, these are things that the Straw Hats and the group do not know!

Right now they are looking at this contract with their eyes bright!

what is this?



It's a pie!

Pies that fall from the sky

As long as they sign this contract, not only will their problems be solved now, but there will be a surplus, and there will be a steady stream of income in the future!

It can be said to be a great surprise!

"This...Uncle Arthur won't lose?" Suddenly, Luffy frowned and worried.

"Relax! This is our careful calculation! As long as you sign the contract, we will not only not lose, but also make a fortune!" The middle-aged man said with a smile.

Maybe you will earn, but we will never lose!

"I sign!"

Hearing this, Lu Fei let go of his worries and happily signed his name!

There is no objection to the Straw Hat group!

They don't know much about the surrounding things, but if someone sends money, how can they refuse?


The Straw Hat and his party have signed their names!

"I should go!" The middle-aged man said with a smile after he received the contract.

"Goodbye, uncle!" Luffy grinned and waved his hand.

After the middle-aged man waved his hand, he turned and left!

But at this moment, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly stopped, turned around, looked at Robin who had not spoken, and said, "Princess Robin... Your Majesty asked me to warn you that you will not be allowed anymore. Take this risk, all you need to face a general like the green pheasant is to run away or call someone!"

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man left without looking back, leaving behind a group of people in straw hats who were confused!

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