Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1076: Surprised Brook

"Above the King of Pirates (

Hearing this song, the group of people suddenly excited!

The mist of invisible fingers...

The faint singing...

The combination of the two makes them think of something unfavorable!

"Wait...should...should...should...no...no...have a ghost!?" Usopp shrank his neck and said tremblingly.

And listening to his words, Chopper on the side was also shocked, and threw directly on Usopp's body, hugged him, and said tremblingly, "No...no...no Right~"

"Ghost!? I haven't seen a ghost yet, let's go and take a look!" Lu Fei listened, his eyes lit up and said excitedly.

"To be honest...I'm also a little interested in ghosts!" Sanji took a breath and said lightly.

"Ghost... if you really catch it, you can sell it for a lot of money, right?" Nami offered a peculiar entry point!

"I don't know if my knife can kill the ghost?" Sauron wiped his beloved knife, his eyes flashed with excitement!

"Ghosts should be fun, right?" Frankie was also a little excited!

Robin, who knew the inside story, was still sitting in the corner reading the book, and ignored the few people!

In the end, the Straw Hat Adventure Group successfully passed the ghost chasing plan with a vote of two to five!

The group of them drove the boat to search the past while listening to the song!

I don’t know if it’s the reason for the good luck, the straw hats and the group chased the ship in less than five minutes, and they vaguely looked at the shadow of a ship in the mist!

But this discovery made Luffy's eyes brighten and greeted his crew quickly, saying, "That's it!"


Under the power of the new ship, they passed through the fog and came to a very old, old ship that seemed to have been abandoned for a long time!

"Yoohohoho~ Yohoho~ Yohohoho~ Yohohoho~"

Not yet approaching, accompanied by a song with a little excitement, an exploded skull in a suit fell from the sky and lightly landed in front of the group of people in straw hats!

Immediately, regardless of other people, the exploded skull quickly came to Nami and asked in an elegant and excited voice, "May I admire your underwear!?"


"There's a ghost!!!"


Usopp and Chopper jumped up almost at the same time, their expressions frightened!

"Wow, there is a ghost!" Lu Fei rushed up happily, touching the body, hair, clothes and eyes of the explosive skull!

It was the first time he saw such a strange thing!


The explosive skull slapped Luffy's hand with a slap, and shouted, "Don't move my hair, that's the only proof of my being a human!!!"

"This ghost can still talk!!!"

As Luffy listened, he became even more excited!

"Ghost? Who is a ghost? I am a human, human!!!" The explosive skull said excitedly.

people! ?

Are you self-aware?

Where is it like this?

It's totally unconvincing!

Sanji, Sauron, Nami, Chopper, Usopp, Frankie listened to him and looked at the explosive skull in front of him with strange eyes.

Feeling these gazes, the exploded skull seemed to be a little weak, and lowered his head slightly!

"Okay... used to be!" Finally, the afro skull waved his hands and said helplessly.

At this moment, Sanji on the side seemed to have noticed something. After looking at the exploding skull for a while, he hesitated and asked, "A devil fruit capable person?"


The explosive skull nodded.

"It turns out to be a devil fruit capable person, I thought it was a ghost! What is your name?" Luffy asked carelessly.

"My name is Bu..."

The explosive skull just wanted to say his name, but Robin, who was watching not far away, said suddenly, "Brook, his name is Brook!"


Immediately, everyone present, including Brooke, subconsciously focused on Robin!

"How did you know?" Brooke asked even more surprised.

He has been in this mist for decades, and there are people outside who know him?

"The corners of the string of gems on your neck are faintly engraved with a few signs of the royal family of Saint Martin, combined with the dilapidation of the ship right now, plus the general appearance, height, and hands of your skeleton. With that sword of death, your identity is easy to guess!"

Robin said, closing the book in his hand, got up and walked slowly in front of Brook, and said, "The former head of the guard of the Kingdom of Saint Martin, Brook!"


Unparalleled shock!

Brook, who didn't know the inside story or the identity of Robin, thought that Robin really guessed his identity by relying on these, and his shocked jaw was about to fall off!

Although Luffy and his party knew Robin's identity, it was a bit shocked to hear that the other party could guess the other party's identity based on these alone!

"Oh, yes! I forgot to introduce myself, I am Robin, Princess of Saint Martin, Nicole Robin!"

Robin added, "Your afro, clothing, and weapons are almost exactly the same as Bruce. I guessed your identity by relying on these!"

That's it!

Listening to this Brooke was a little surprised!

But after a sudden, he suddenly noticed the point of Robin's words!

Bruce! ?

Brooke's eyes lit up and he asked in surprise, "Bruce!? How is that kid Bruce now?"

What is more exciting than hearing the news that your family is still alive after decades of lonely life?

"He is very good now. Not only has he become the Secretary of the Army of the Kingdom of Saint Martin, but he has also become the world's most famous musician and one of the most famous stars. His songs are spread throughout the world!"

After Robin said lightly, he added, "Now we have his Yinbei on board!"


Brooke is surprised ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is something that can record music, just like a record! "Nami explained from the side.

At this time she basically understood it too!

The skeleton in front of me is not a ghost, but a demon fruit capable person, who was once Saint Martin!

"Can you let me listen?" Brooke asked in a pleading tone as he listened to the explanation.


Perhaps it was Saint Martin. Nami was so proud at this time and did not ask for the opinions of others, so she nodded and agreed!

Of course, this is also because Nami knows the other people present and knows that they are all kind people, so she did it!

If you are unfamiliar, Nami will definitely seek advice first, no matter what!

And soon!

One Yinbei was taken out!


(Bring you wine to Binks)


(Ride the wind and waves, let me swim)


(The waves are raging and the sunset is commotion)


(The song of birds cuts through the sky)


With a burst of familiar and unfamiliar voices from Brooke, Brooke began to sob softly for some unknown reason!

After all the people at the scene looked at each other, they tacitly chose not to disturb Brook!

It was not until long after the music ended that Brook stopped sobbing!

At this time, he also cared about other things!

With a hopeful gaze, Brook looked at Robin and asked hesitantly, "Then it's been so many years...how is Saint Martin?"

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