Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1078: 7 Wu Hai assembly

"Above the King of Pirates (

Murloc Island!

Inside a villa!


With a loud noise, Gion pushed the door violently and walked in!

In the yard, Arthur, who was lying on a recliner reading a newspaper, saw this, put down the newspaper in his hand, and asked curiously, "What's wrong!?"

"Oh, I met two pirate groups who don't have long eyes!"

After Gion put aside his full hand of shopping bags, he said without annoyance, "When I was shopping, I ran into two pirate groups together!"

"Originally I didn't care about them, and I didn't care about them. Anyway, now I am no longer a navy! But I didn't expect that the two pirates would have to make an inch of it, and the little brother under his hand would come up to tease me, and give me a bite of something inferior. Humble human!"

Arthur listened, with a dangerous edge in the depths of his eyes, and asked calmly, "What about then!?"

"Then? Of course there is no more! How can I bear this? The knife went up and killed most of them, leaving the two younger brothers inquiring about their pirate group's resident, and then rushed over to kill all of them. Up!"

After Gion said angrily, he changed his voice and asked, "Is it possible to keep it for the New Year?"

"Yes, you can't keep it for the New Year!"

Arthur put away the sharpness deep in his eyes, showed a gentle smile, and asked, "That pirate group was the one you killed?"

Gion shook his head and said, "I can't remember, this one seems to be the successor of the murloc pirate group, what is the new murloc pirate group, a pirate group named Xiang Xiang, anyway, they are all murlocs. Up!"

New Murloc Pirates! ?

What Xiang Pirates! ?

Listening to these two names, Arthur thought of it, frowning and asked, "Is it called the Flying Pirate Group?"

"Flying? It seems to be!" Gion curled his lips, said indifferently, and then said, "Why, do you know?"

Good guy, I'm just a good guy!

Gion, this is to directly serve the enemies in the future Murloc Island plot!

Arthur secretly marveled in his heart, but shook his head on the surface, and said, "I don't know! I just heard the notoriety of this pirate group. Their captain seems to have been harassing the princess of the Dragon Palace Kingdom!"

"It seems that I have done a good thing!" Gion was a little happy!


Arthur smiled and nodded.


Outside the Chambord Islands!

"Finally it's here!"

Looking at the island not far away, Luffy jumped up excitedly!

After walking in the magic triangle for almost two days, they broke through the fog and returned to the normal course!

However, I don't know if it was due to luck. This time they didn't encounter the horror three-masted sailboat or bear, and they walked out of the magic triangle directly!

"Something's wrong!"

At this moment, Nami looked at the surrounding scene and couldn't help frowning.

"What do you mean?" Sanji asked curiously.

"Don't you think it's a bit quiet around? It seems that there is no boat?" Nami asked.

Listening to what she said, everyone else in the room looked around subconsciously!

"It seems a little bit for you to say that!" Usopp looked at the surroundings in a puzzled way, and said, "But, what? It's normal to not meet a ship on the sea? We usually haven't met for several days What happened to the ship before!"

"That's different!"

Nami shook her head and said, "At that time, we were sailing, on the vast ocean. It was normal not to meet! But now?"

"I understand what you mean!"

Sanji suddenly said, "Over there are the Chambord Islands, and according to Robin, the Chambord Islands are the last island in the first half of the Great Channel!"

"Every day there are countless tourists, merchants, pirates, adventurers, bounty hunters, nobles, etc., coming from the great waterway and even the four seas. When the weather is good, it is impossible to say that there is no ship, even for a moment. !"

After listening to Sanji's words, everyone in the room probably understood it too!

In such an important place, the daily throughput of ships should be amazing. It is impossible to say that you will not encounter ships for a moment!

"Then... now are we going to the Chambord Islands?" Usopp hesitated.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Faced with this somewhat weird sight, Usopp habitually took care of it!

"Go, why not? No matter it is a conspiracy, the sword in my hand will cut everything!" Sauron said lightly while holding a heavy iron dumbbell.

"I've been here, where is there to give up? Of course I went!" Luffy said carelessly.

"Miss Nami, I will definitely protect you!" Sanji made a gentleman's appearance and said with a smile.


In this way, Usopp's objection was declared invalid, and the group decided to go over!


Navy Headquarters!

"Does the Warring States really want to do this?" Crane asked worriedly.

"It must be done!" Warring States nodded with a serious face, and said, "Not only the above requirements, but also the fact that the sea has not been peaceful recently, the revolutionary army, the order of killing the devil on the judicial island, and the Tianlong people. The death and other messy things come one after another!"

"Not to mention the prestige of our navy, it also affected the stability of the sea, adding a little restlessness in the sea, and many forces are beginning to feel a little uncontrollable!"

"In this case, we must do a major thing to suppress the restlessness, avoid greater losses, and prevent civilians from suffering!"

Crane nodded, but couldn't help saying, "That's right, but what about Cap? Although Ace is Roger's grandson, he has been raised by Cap for all these years. The relationship is deep, almost no different from Karp's grandson, how can we explain this?"

Warring States shook his head and sighed, "I can't refuse what I explained above!" He said, he turned his words, and said helplessly, "Besides, it is a sin for Karp to adopt Roger's son!"

"If this matter is not discovered, even if Ace is not a pirate, it's okay. In the face of Karp, even if I find out, I can treat it as if it has never happened, and let him live a life of peace!"

"The problem is that Ace is now not only a pirate, but also the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates. Finally, he was arrested and sent to us. UU reading www.uukanshu.com, what do I do? Is he a horse? I'm a navy marshal!"

Speaking of the last, the mood of the Warring States period became a little excited!

The execution of Ace made Karp feel uncomfortable.

But as a good friend of Karp, the Warring States period saw his friends uncomfortable, how could he feel it?

But the problem is that he is the admiral of the navy!

It is impossible for him to do something against the interests of the navy just because he is feeling well!

He has to think about the Navy!

He listened to the words of the Warring States Period, and fell silent!


At this time, the Warring States sighed deeply, and after relieving some excitement, a trace of deep fatigue appeared in his eyes, and he slowly said, "Ace this matter, I have to say, it must be executed, we must Use the death of the white beard to deter the restless sea!"

"But with regard to Luffy, I can think of a way to find a relationship, find an empty marshal, let the boss relax, and cancel the reward order!"


He listened, sighed deeply, stood up, and said, "That's all there is to... I'll go to Karp's side to see!"

"Well, be optimistic about him, don't let him do anything extreme!" Warring States agreed.

After Heming nodded, he turned and left the office!


The Warring States period looked at her leaving back, and couldn't help but sighed!

Ace's affairs made Karp heartbroken, and Gion's affairs never made Crane's heartbroken?

Thinking about it, after the Warring States period adjusted his mood, he picked up the phone worm on the side and dialed out!


After the phone rang for a while, the call was quickly connected.

The Warring States Period solemnly said, "Order to go down and order Qi Wuhai to gather!"

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