Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1087: Speech before execution

"Above the King of Pirates (

Navy headquarters!

Three hours before the execution!

A quarrel broke out in the marshal's office!


"Is it necessary? The old man can't accept it!" Karp stood up with a sullen face, leaning close to the Warring States period while patted his desk, questioning a little excitedly.

The Warring States Period looked at Karp who was so excited, and said in a deep voice, "This execution is not just a simple execution of a pirate, but also has great significance for future world trends. For this, it must be broadcast live. This Not only the above requirements, but also the needs of our navy..."

Before he finished speaking the Warring States period, Karp turned around angrily, ready to leave!

"You stop me!"

Upon seeing this, the Warring States Period stopped him and said in a deep voice, "As one of the parties involved, you have a great responsibility for this kind of thing happening right now!"

"If Ace is not a pirate and an ordinary civilian, even if I find it, I can open one eye and close the other as if I haven't found it before, so that he can live his life in peace!"

"However, now that he has become a pirate and has become the captain of the Whitebeard Team III, then he has known that there will be such a day...and this, I think you should have understood it! Hai! The thief is a pirate after all!"

Speaking of the last, there is also a hint of intolerance between the words of the Warring States Period.

The execution of Ace, the white-haired man and the black-haired man, and the personal supervision of the execution, and even the public broadcast of Ace's death is a very painful and cruel thing for the old man Karp!

But as a good friend of Karp for many years, how can he not suffer from seeing his friend suffering?


He has no choice!

He is the Admiral of the Navy!

It must be considered from the perspective of the Navy!

Therefore, Ace must die too!

Karp listened to the words of the Warring States, still gloomy, but didn't say much, he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, and walked out of the office!

He understood the words of the Warring States!

But understanding belongs to understanding, does not mean he can accept it!

Although Ace is not his grandson, but after so many years, the relationship between the two is better than his grandson!

Facing the death of Ace, who was better than his grandson, he couldn't accept it calmly anyway!


As time goes by, the time for execution is approaching!

At this time, the atmosphere of the navy headquarters, which had gathered 100,000 navies, gradually became depressed.

Everyone is busy arranging fortifications!

Fifty naval ships are densely packed around the navy headquarters as the first line of defense!

Countless large-caliber heavy artillery divisions along the banks and city walls act as a second line of defense!

The navy soldiers, the navy headquarters officers, and five of the Qiwuhai are acting as the third line of defense in the headquarters' square!

And the Navy’s three strongest forces, six masked, aggressive CP members in suits, plus the Navy Marshal Sengoku, Navy hero Karp, and Navy Chief of Staff Crane act as the last line of defense!

Of course, because the war has not yet begun, the Sengoku, Karp, and Crane have not yet appeared!

But the Murloc Jinping and Blackbeard who should have appeared in the Qiwu Sea here did not know where they were going!

Inside the marshal's office!

Marshal Zeng Guo stood by the window, glanced at the Qiwuhai in the front, turned his head and softly asked the crane on the side, "Is the Qiwuhai here?"


He shook his head slightly and said, "Jinping, you know, after the previous meeting, he refused the compulsory recruitment on the grounds that he did not want Baibeard to be injured. He has been deprived of his position in Qiwuhai and sent to the Great Undersea Prison!"

"And the whereabouts of Blackbeard is still missing, I don't know where it went!"

Listening, the Warring States squinted his eyes involuntarily!

He knows where Jinping is!

After the previous meeting, Jinping clearly rejected the compulsory call of the navy because Baibeard had been protecting the fisherman island and did not want to hurt him, and was deprived of the title of Qiwuhai and sent to the Great Undersea Prison!

But the whereabouts of Blackbeard in the Warring States are not known!

However, the Warring States Period has always been vigilant towards Blackbeard, thinking that he must have something wrong, so the whereabouts of him at this time is unknown, although the Warring States period does not know where he went, he is not much surprised!

In his opinion, the person with the problem should have something other than the situation!

"However, the bear is here!" Crane added.

Warring States nodded silently, without saying anything!

Now that the war is about to begin, he is not in the mood, let alone time to care about other things.

The most important thing is to handle the immediate war!

So no matter where Blackbeard goes, he can't find it now!

"Let's go, it's about to start!"

At this time, after the Warring States took a deep look at the scene outside the window, he moved to the side and changed to the normal state. Some silent Kapu and Crane greeted!

The two did not say much, and after nodding silently, they followed the Warring States and walked downstairs!


"Ding Ling Dang Cang~"

Accompanied by the clash of chains, Ace was escorted out by two navies and appeared on the execution platform!

"He will die the man who may become the fuse of the war that will shake the world!" Under the execution platform, an onlooker of the Navy looked at Ace and couldn't help saying.

"At the same time, now it is also the culprit in control of the fate of the world!" said a navy next to him with emotion.

And just now!

Warring States and Karp also walked out of the office building and came to the scene!

"Are you okay? Karp!" Warring States said with a faint concern.

"The old man is down here!" Karp curled his lips, didn't say much, and left the Warring States side directly.

When the Warring States saw this, he was silent in his heart, but didn't stay much, slowly walked to Xingtai, and came to Ace's side!

After taking a deep breath, the Warring States period picked up an amplified phone worm and began to say, "Portcas D. Ace, about the significance of this man's death here today!"

With that, the Warring States Period asked Ace to the side, "Ace, report your father's name!"

Kneeling in form, Ace, who bowed his head silently, listened to these words, turned his head slightly, and said, "Father? My father is a white beard!"

"No!" The Warring States coldly denied.

"There is nothing wrong!" Ace shouted excitedly, "Only white beard, no one else!"

However, the Warring States period did not pay attention to his words. Instead, as if they were telling a story, he spoke for himself and said, "Back then, we opened our eyes and tried desperately to find that man might be left on a certain island. Child!"

"Relying on CP's only little intelligence and possibilities, we have conducted a thorough investigation of all the newborn babies and the babies that are about to be born, as well as their mothers! But we have never found anything!"

After speaking, the voice of the Warring States Period changed, and he explained in a light tone with a hint of emotion, "However, it is no wonder! Your birth can be said to be your mother's life in exchange for it, or it can be said that your mother has an ulterior conspiracy! "

"She deceived our eyes, and also deceived the eyes of the world!"

"In the South China Sea, an island named Baderila! Your mother Portgas D. Lujiu, with amazing will, for the sake of her child, she forced her child to stay in her belly far beyond our common sense. Ten months! Then... while giving birth to you, exhausted and killed on the spot!"


What a surprise!

Whether it was the live broadcast of the Chambord Islands or the navy at the scene, everyone was shocked!

Pregnancy in October is common sense!

In addition, whether it is a month or two of premature delivery, or a period of ten and a half days at night, everyone can accept it.

After all, although this kind of thing doesn't happen very often, there are a few occasionally, which is not so rare in this world!

But what is Sengoku talking about right now?

Twenty months!

Every woman who has been a mother and a man who has been a father knows what a strong will it takes to let an unborn baby stay in the belly for 20 months!

this moment!

Whether watching the live broadcast or at the scene, whether it is a man or a woman, from the bottom of my heart, there is a trace of sincere respect for this woman named Portcas D. Lujiu!

What a powerful mother this is?

The live broadcast continues!

The speech of the Warring States is still going on!

"So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a baby with the most evil blood in the world was born...that's you!"

As he said, the Warring States turned his head to look at Ace and said coldly, "You can't help but know, your father, One Piece King Gere D. Roger!"

Speaking of the last, the Warring States could not help but increase the voice of three points!

be quiet!

The audience and the audience who were watching the live broadcast were quiet!

After a long time!


With a swallowing sound, a sound full of incredible sound rang, and said, "Fire Fist Aceta... is Gore D. Roger's child?"

With the appearance of this voice, the scene before the live broadcast suddenly became noisy!

"Unexpectedly, Ace turned out to be Roger's child!"

"Yes! The news came out half a month ago, but I couldn't believe it at the time. After all, there was no evidence. The newspaper was famously entertaining to death, but now the Admiral of the Navy says so. It's absolutely true!"

"Although I have heard about this news half a month ago, I am still shocked to hear it now!"

"Before it was just news, it is now equivalent to official certification!"


Although there were news reports on this matter as early as half a month ago, the news belongs to the news, not everyone believes it!

After all, news newspapers often report flashy news to attract attention and deceive everyone.

This has also led to the general suspicion of the authenticity of news!

But now that the admiral is sure, naturally there is no more doubt!

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