Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1093: Raleigh debut! ! !

"Above the King of Pirates (

With the emergence of the gap, the navies who are defending on the periphery of the navy headquarters cannot sit still!

"Not good, retreat one after another, strengthen the defense in the Bay!"

After a lieutenant general gave the order, the peripheral navies retreated while fighting, and soon returned to the crescent bay of the navy headquarters!

But their arrival did not make the situation better!

Little Oz has a huge size of 38 meters. On this battlefield, it is like a moving nuclear weapon. Gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kill the Buddha. All those who block him in front of him are relaxed. solved!

Even if a few giants stopped in front of him, he was hacked and chopped for a few times, then he made a flaw, then hacked to death with a single knife, and died on the spot!

"Oz, a fool, really can't help him!" The white beard in the center of the battlefield, feeling the arrival of Oz, couldn't help but reprimand!

He knows that the main reason why Oz is currently able to cause devastating damage to the navy and the defense of the navy is that the navy that is currently attacking him has not really restrained him!

All are ordinary navy, or relying on powerful strength, the physique becomes a giant of the upper level of the navy!

This kind of person looks very powerful to outsiders, and can be regarded as a strong person in the sea, but for Little Oz, it happens to be their nemesis!

No one can be more powerful than the demon's power and physique!

Because of this, little Oz has been so sharp so far!

But once Oz continues to move forward and land inside the navy headquarters, these people will not be the only ones who will attack him!

Qiwuhai, admiral of the admiral, etc. will also attack him!

At that time, Oz will not be so sharp anymore, and even have a great chance of dying here!

Thinking about it, White Beard turned his head and sullen face, and shouted at Little Oz, "It's not the same thing as a brave!!!"

Little Oz listened to the voice of the white beard, and the urn responded, "Don't stop me, daddy! I want to save him, save Ace as quickly as possible!"

Hearing this, the white beard's face showed a look of helplessness!

Little Oz knows him well!

Although the appearance is extremely fierce, but in fact the character is honest and honest, with a tendon. Anything he identifies, even Baibeard himself, can hardly change his mind!

"I know!"

After White Beard said helplessly, he immediately turned his head and shouted at the leaders of the White Beard Pirates who were fighting on the other side, "You guys, go help him with the aftermath and cover Oz!!!"


Several leaders listened to Baibeard's order, and after a loud promise, they immediately ran towards Little Oz with the men beside them!





And after this short conversation, little Oz continued to take heavy steps, playing and advancing, gradually approaching the execution platform!

It was at this time that the bear shot!

He stood on the path that Little Oz was advancing, raised his hand and compressed a large mass of air to the extreme with the fruit ability, and then released it directly toward Little Oz!

"Puff and puff!"

Suddenly, a bear's palm-shaped balloon that was only the size of an ordinary person's palm, beating like a heart, flew slowly towards Little Oz!

To be honest, the bear is not fast!

A normal pirate, even if it's just a little, is not difficult to hide!

But it's a bit difficult to put it here in Little Oz!

He is huge, he is extremely powerful in strength and physique, but he is a bit cumbersome in terms of speed!

So the bear facing such a small and slow move, he did not hide it!

"Bear's paw impact!" When the compressed air touched Little Oz, Xiong said lightly!

next moment!


Accompanied by the bear's words, a violent explosion sounded, and a powerful wave of air swept away from the belly of Oz!


On the spot, Little Oz was directly impacted by the air wave and retreated dozens of meters, pulling out two long ravines on the ground!

At the same time, the little Oz, who was still playing well intact, was also under the impact of this impact. There were many more bleeding wounds, his eyes were rolled white, and his consciousness was a little tranced!


This trance didn't last long!

In less than a second, in Oz's white eyes, pupils gradually emerged, and consciousness gradually returned!

Of course, people with a discerning eye can still see that the little Oz has entered a severely injured state at this time!


Faced with such an attack on Oz, Ace, who was kneeling on the execution stage, shouted in pain, "Okay, give up! You can't get here!!!"

Little Oz listened to Ace's words, did not answer, but continued to move forward!

But just a step away!


After a loud noise, Oz's legs softened, his body staggered, and he knelt down on one knee!

"Huh huh!"

In the violent panting, Oz obviously felt that his body had reached its limit!

However, he still doesn't want to give up!

Thinking back to the straw hat that Ace gave him, and thinking about everything he had with Ace in the past, Oz roared in his heart, "Get me up, Ace is still waiting for me!!!"

next moment!

Little Oz exhausted all his strength and stood up again!





Amidst the heavy steps, Little Oz resolutely walked in the direction of Ace!

Seeing this scene, the navy couldn't sit still, and then let little Oz come over, do they want their defense?

So, one of the naval officers immediately issued the order, "Aim at Oz!!!"


The surrounding heavy artillery was aimed at Oz.






One after another black cannonballs ejected from the muzzle!





A series of violent explosions appeared on Little Oz's body!

Little Oz, who can't even dodge a slow attack, naturally can't escape the shelling!

However, compared to the previous shelling but unscathed, Oz, who was severely injured by a bear hit, hurt him with every shell!

Even in the continuous cannonballs, Oz started to roll his eyes again, and his consciousness gradually became trance.

Fortunately, his consciousness quickly recovered this time!

"It won't work, I still can't reach it!" Little Oz looked at Ace who was close at hand, but felt his own powerlessness!

At this moment, he can clearly feel the emptiness in his body!

He is no longer good!

"At least kill a Qiwuhai!"

This was his last thought before he was about to fall!

Since Ace can't be saved, then at least he has to reduce his naval power to create opportunities for the father and brothers behind him!

Thinking about it, Little Oz exhausted his last bit of strength, stood firmly again, and then hit the Qiwuhai who were just in front of him!

next moment!


There was a gap in the wall where Doflamingo was located.

However, Doflamingo was fine, instead he suddenly appeared above Oz!

"Humhhhhh~what's wrong with you... the devil!" In a smirk, Doflamingo asked with a slight smile.

"Foot..." Little Oz said with difficulty after lowering his head and looking at it hard!

At the same time, his right foot seemed to have been cut by something sharp, and it was directly broken, and the stump smashed with blood not far behind him!


And at this time, Doflamingo's increasingly arrogant laughter rang behind Oz!


With a loud noise, Oz, who had lost one foot, fell straight down!

However, the little Oz at this time did not pay attention to Doflamingo behind him!

Feeling the rapid passing of his life, little Oz slowly stretched out his hand towards the execution table where Ace was, trying to touch Ace one last time before he died!


He couldn't even realize this last wish!

"Shadow horn gun!"

A huge shadow gun directly penetrated his head!


Little Oz completely fell down!

"You can't let you die in someone else's hands!" Arthur, who controlled Moonlight Moriah's body, looked at the little Oz in front of him, and couldn't help but think!

He has Xuye Palace!

And Xu Ye Palace is a person who needs him or his power to kill before the soul will be sucked in!

If little Oz was allowed to die in someone else's hands like this, then this soul would have nothing to do with him!

"I don't know if the soul of the demon is the same as that of the human?" Thinking like this in my heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~Morlia Moon (Arthur) said with a grin, "Jie Jie Jie... this head I accepted it!"


Ace cried out in pain!

In an instant, the tears in his eyes continued to flow down like a river bursting its bank!

the other side!

Watching Little Oz fall, the people of the White Beard Pirates, as well as White Beard's heart, showed endless anger!

Baibeard even caught a giant lieutenant who was approaching him on the spot, pressed it on the deck, slammed a fruit power, and killed it directly!

But after extreme anger, there is extreme calmness!

"Step on Oz's corpse!!!" The white beard gritted his teeth, enduring the grief in his heart and gave such an order!

"Come on!!!"

The members of the White Beard Pirates rushed towards Oz's body with grief and anger.


at the same time!

"Old man...Isn't it late?"

A leisurely and loud voice suddenly appeared, echoing throughout the navy headquarters!

But when the people present subconsciously followed the voice to look past, they found a figure falling from the sky!


But before they could see clearly, this figure smashed directly into the square of the navy headquarters, smashing the square into a deep pit, and also brought up billowing smoke and dust!

"Da da da!"

Until this figure walked out of the smoke and dust with his hands in his pockets with a smile on his face, everyone present recognized who the person was!

One Piece King Gere D. Roger’s deputy, nicknamed Pluto, is known as One Piece’s right arm...Sylbaz Raleigh! ! !

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