Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1095: The white-hot, retreating navy!

"Above the King of Pirates (

"Hehehehe, what a fierce battle! Inuran, we will rush in directly later, can you?"

Looking at the battlefield in front of him, a craziness flashed in the eyes of the cat Viper. After licking his tongue, he laughed wildly and asked Inu Lan next to him.

After Duke Inulan glanced at him, he ignored the lunatic, but focused his gaze on the battlefield in front of him!

Upon seeing this, Cat Viper shrugged, and didn't bother to care about Inu Lan!

If it's normal, the two of them will definitely fight each other with this attitude, but now they are here to save people, so naturally there can be no conflict!

Of course, the fact that conflicts cannot occur now does not mean that we cannot go back!

Anyway, his cat viper took this down!

He will definitely have a good fight with Inu Lan!


Their ship entered the frozen sea of ​​the navy headquarters!

"Everyone has it, let me charge!!!"

After Inu Lan's order, he, Cat Viper and the hundreds of fur warriors they brought, jumped off the boat and rushed towards the navy headquarters!


at the same time!

Inside the navy headquarters!

Where Shanks and others are located!

Luffy, who was rescued by Shanks, has been a little dumbfounded until now!

what happened?

Why are Uncle Shanks, Uncle Raleigh, and Bucky all here?

Looking at the three people he knew, he was a little unsure!

However, the three of them also ignored Luffy at this time.

Although they all know Luffy, Shanks and Raleigh are even more familiar with Luffy, but compared to their companions who haven't seen each other for decades, Luffy's importance is still a row behind!

So, the three of them chatted together!

"Bucky, we haven't seen each other for so many years. After this event, let's have a good drink!" Shanks said boldly.

"Drink!?" Bucky smiled and convinced himself, "Drink as long as you drink. Your uncle Bucky won't lose if you drink!"

"Drinking? How can it be done without me? Count me!" Lei Li patted the shoulders of the two of them, and laughed boldly!

The voice just fell!

Lei Li seemed to have discovered something, his face suddenly stiffened!

But the next moment!

A smile suddenly appeared on his face, and said, "Inu Lan and Cat Viper are here!"

After listening to these words, Shanks showed a smile on his face after carefully using his sights and hearings!

"Yeah! They are here too!" Shanks sighed.


Cat Viper and Inu Arashi are very strong!

As a member of the Roger Pirates group, when they followed Guangyue Mitian on the ship, their strength was no longer weak. Now after more than 20 years, their strength has naturally improved!

Because of this, the fur warriors they led, after cutting into the battlefield, like a nail, directly pierced through most of the battlefield, and soon rushed into the Crescent Bay of the Navy Headquarters!

However, the navy is a navy after all, and its defensive ability is still a bit!

Faced with a powerful raid facing the cat Viper and Inu Lan, someone was quickly arranged to stop it!

Therefore, after the cat and Inulan rushed into Crescent Bay, they were blocked by the navy in Crescent Bay!

of course!

It was only temporarily blocked!

Originally there were people from the White Beard Pirates and Konoha's ninjas in this battlefield. Now, together with the people brought by the cat viper and the Inuarashi, the three parties work together, and the navy has begun to lose ground!

It is foreseeable that as long as this continues!

Soon, the navy will be forced to retreat to the navy headquarters square around the execution platform!


the other side!

Seeing the three Shanks chatting about the sky on their own, Luffy didn't pay much attention to it, and turned his attention to the battlefield!

After taking a glance at the scene, he watched the people on the execution platform brighten up, waved his hand immediately, and greeted loudly, "Ace!!!"

And Ace, who was on the execution stage, listened to this voice, followed the voice quickly, and replied, "Luffy!!!"

"Ace, I'm here to save you!!!" Luffy shouted happily!

"Stupid!!! What are you doing? You leave me!" Ace listened, his heart jumped, and he yelled anxiously.

Luffy has always been a younger brother in Ace's eyes!

In the face of his younger brother, Ace did not want to, and did not want Luffy to participate in this battle!

You know, the extent of this battle is not as good as the battles Luffy encountered during his adventures in the past!

It can be said to be the highest-level battle in the world!

With Luffy's strength, in this level of battle, he can be regarded as a miscellaneous soldier at best!

If you are not careful, you may be killed!

Even the aftermath of the battle of the strongest people might kill him!

"Ace, I will definitely come to save you!!!" Luffy didn't care about Ace's hysterical remarks, but responded with a serious face.

With that said, Luffy was about to rush out!


At this time, Shanks reacted fairly quickly, and he grabbed Luffy!

"Shanks, let me go, I'm going to save Ace!" Luffy said strugglingly.

"Calm down!" Shanks grabbed Luffy's hand tightly, looked at him with a serious face, and said, "We are all here to save Ace! But it is absolutely not impulsive to save someone. You rushed out like this, it's useless except to die!"

"I..." Lu Fei opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. He just nodded silently and stopped struggling.

He wants to save Ace!

So this time he...not wayward!

And at this moment, the Shemale King and others who had just fallen down with Lu Fei also got up from the water and joined the fight!

These people are all prisoners Luffy brought from the Great Undersea Prison!

Needless to say in terms of strength!

If it is not strong, you will not be locked up like a large undersea prison, but just find an ordinary prison and throw it in!

Therefore, after they joined, the navy, which had already begun to retreat, was retreating even faster!


Looking at the gradual retreat of the navy in front of him, the brows of the Warring States Period were frowned!

Although the situation in front of you is no longer something that the little soldiers can control~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the end, it depends on the three navy generals, Shanks, Whitebeard, Raleigh, and the results of the battle between him and Karp. Come!

But it’s not good if the soldiers have too many casualties!

Soldiers who can now participate in the navy headquarters, how can it be simple?

All the elite of the navy!

Once the casualties are too large, the Warring States Period will also feel distressed!

Thinking, the Warring States period hesitated for a moment, and gave the crane under the execution stage a look!

Immediately, He Ming nodded his head!


After taking a deep breath, Tsuru yelled at the navy in front of the fighting navy, and said, "All navies follow orders and return to the main square!!!"


Hearing Crane's order, although the navy was a little unwilling, they had to obey the order. After agreeing, they slowly retreated!

Upon seeing this, the people of the White Beard Pirates, the Konoha people, the fur people, and the prisoners brought by Luffy would naturally not let the Navy go so easily, and directly chased them down!


With the two sides retreating on one side, they gradually divided into two parts.

Some members of the Navy guard the entire execution platform with the execution platform as the center point!

Part of it is to rescue Ace's coalition army!

Among them are the White Beard Pirates, Konoha's Ninja, and the furry warriors and prisoners brought by Luffy!

They gathered on the edge of the Navy Headquarters Square!

Focus on the white beard!

The two sides confronted each other like this, and an extremely suppressed atmosphere began to permeate between the two!

this moment!

Everyone knows that the worst moment of this battle is about to come!

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