Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1102: Anger, Akino's means!

"Above the King of Pirates (

In the past, Arthur thought that the lower limit of the pig teammates was nothing more than hanging up the phone to send a few heads, leading to the collapse of the third line, and letting people four to six. This is enough for the pig teammates!

But right now Skuyard obviously refreshed his understanding of the lower limit of the pig teammates!

This is no longer a matter of hanging up the phone, sending a few heads, taking the third line, and letting people play four to six, but sending it while taking the third line, and at the same time simply unplug the teammate's network cable, killing it!

What is the core of the White Beard Pirates?

White beard!

He not only gathered the hearts of the entire Whitebeard Pirates, but also the strongest and most important combat power of the Whitebeard Pirates!

It can be said that the white beard is the most irreplaceable member of the white beard pirates group. Once the white beard is missing, or the white beard is abandoned, then the eight achievements of the white beard pirates group will not exist!

In this case, just because of the enemy's words, Skuyard rebelled, thinking that Whitebeard betrayed them, and backhanded Whitebeard, the strongest member of the Whitebeard Pirates, with a knife, making the original body already. The white beard who went downhill was seriously injured!

Putting the White Beard Pirates, which was already strong enough to compete with the navy, into a crisis of destruction, what is it not to die?

As for the IQ of Skuard, if Roger hadn’t killed his pirate group, he was taken in by the kind white beard, and had been blessed since then, then his best fate in the end of the fight on the sea was also Go to the undersea prison!

It is even more likely to die in a fight between pirates, and even the ashes of the people who were trapped were raised!

At this moment, White Beard also spoke!

"Ace is Roger's son, this is indeed the truth!" White Beard said sternly, "They used this to manipulate the man who is most likely to be shaken by this incident, and their tactics are better!"

As he said, the white beard's face suddenly became gloomy, and he said angrily, "But you know what you did? Skuyard! What a stupid son who would fight against his father!!!"

At the end, White Beard even roared, and suddenly stretched out a hand!

next moment!

This fierce hand didn't hit Skuyard, but took him over and hugged him in his arms.

"But even a silly son, I still love you!" In Skuad's incredulous eyes, the white beard's eyes showed a soft look, and said softly.


Skuyard felt the gentleness of the white beard, as if something had been touched in his heart, an inexplicable emotion surged, making his nose sore!

But in the end, the stiff mouth he endured this feeling and said, "Don't be kidding, you are going to take our lives..."

Speaking of the last time, Skuyard seemed to have his throat blocked by something, his lips moved, but he couldn't say anything cruel!

"Let's talk... Who is the man who led your loyal and honest heart to the darkness?" White Beard asked in a deep voice.

But without waiting for Skuyard to speak, Arthur on the side interjected in a humble mouth.

"Who else can there be? Of course it's the red dog!"

Arthur analyzed it carelessly, "Only a few of the Navy can do this kind of thing!"

"Among them, the Warring States period does not like to use those conspiracy and tricks. Karp doesn't care about it. Crane can't think of any despicable tricks. Huang Yuan pursues ambiguous justice and will not take the initiative to do such things. Although the green pheasant is cold on the surface , But he is still kind, and he will do this kind of thing!"

"Therefore, it can only be the red dog! The red dog pursues thorough justice, has an upright character, is cruel and does not leave any affection, and will never allow a trace of "evil" to exist!"

"In order to complete the task, he can even treat his colleagues and ordinary people as a target to annihilate him without caring. In order to annihilate you, the Four Emperors, it is normal for him to use these methods!"

As he said, Arthur looked at White Beard with a smile, as if he had seen everything, and then smiled, "I can even guess what he said to Skuyard at the time... nothing more than saying that you are a fake People, as a legendary man, you are not as great as they thought, you are a selfish person!"

"Then, Akainu would definitely say that the Sengoku and selfish you, for the sake of profit, conspired or made any exchange, exchanged the lives of the pirates under the white beard for the safety of Ace and the white beard pirates! And he himself It is to resolutely oppose this combat plan!"

"Finally, he must have made a promise with Skuyard... As long as Skuyard assisted him and successfully assassinated you, then the red dog will let the forty-three pirate groups leave safely. Go, you say... Am I right?"

In the end, Arthur turned his attention to Skuyard!

How does he know?

Skuyard looked at Arthur with an incredible face!

And Whitebeard looked at Skuyard's expression and understood.

Everything was right by Arthur!

"Just this kind of trick...I'm not polite, it's an idiot like you! If you have a bit of IQ, you won't think that the white beard will unite with the navy! Otherwise... we Qiwuhai What is the meaning of existence?" Arthur mocked from the side.

The purpose of Qiwuhai's existence is to strike and frighten the pirates in the sea. If White Beard can cooperate with the navy, then what does the world government want Qiwuhai to do?

Wouldn't it be good to work with Baibeard instead?

As the four emperors, the strongest man in the world, the white beard is better than the seven, and he is obviously better at completing the task of Qiwuhai!

"Flap! Pop! Pop!"

"I'm an idiot... I'm really an idiot!!!"

Listening to Arthur's words, after a moment of silence, Skuyard's tears flowed down like a river bursting, crying bitterly, and slapped his slap!

Upon seeing it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Whitebeard took Skuyard tighter!

He listened to Skuyard's bitter cry, and said solemnly, "It seems that it is indeed a red dog... He did tell you that too! I don't blame you, my son!"

As he spoke, White Beard's voice changed, and then he said earnestly, "But then again! Skuyard, listen to me, one thing you have to remember is that father debt is still a very ridiculous idea! Astha Did you do anything to you? Nothing!"

"On the contrary, you have also experienced a lot of battles together, and shared the joys and sorrows together! No matter what kind of sufferings have been in these years, didn't he and you overcome them together?

"So, it doesn't matter whose child Ace is!"

"You know, we met in this vast ocean, that's fate! Not only you two, everyone is the same, Skuyard, you have to get along well!"

"In addition, it is not only Ace that is special, you are all my family, you are all special in my heart!"


Skuad knelt down, tears streaming down!

Upon seeing this, White Beard patted Skuyard on the head and silently let go of him!

It's still a battlefield right now, and... he doesn't have much time!

Therefore, he must seize the time to join the war!

Thinking, Baibeard stood up and walked slowly toward the center of the battlefield!

But there weren't two steps away, he seemed to remember something, and suddenly turned his head to look at Arthur, and said, "Forget about you...Morlia Moonlight!"

Without waiting for Arthur to answer, White Beard said again, "What do you want to do? Beat me? Thank you for what you did just now, but sorry, I don't have time to play with you now!"

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